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red unblockable boss aoe attacks not showing


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Hello, I am making this topic because honestly, I don't know where else to find info about this. I have tried googling and only one relevant thing ever showed up...sadly they did not tell of a fix so. When a boss makes an attack that cant be blocked and must need i frames to dodge or to move out of it, I have been told that they makes a red circle to show the area you should get out of. But as of a few days ago, I had no idea that even existed because from the moment i've started playing i've never seen it happen. Now I do see the red circle for say, assassins mine bomb, but no bosses ever do it for me. I hate that I die to an "easily dodgable" boss mechanic because I can't see it. So does anyone else have this problem or a solution? And before you ask, no I did not touch the "disable boss aoe indicator" option, so thats not the problem.

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9 minutes ago, deadmesa said:

It's disabled in Bloodshade 4-man/hardmode.

If it's not in there, try hiding other players and their effects by pressing ctrl+F

You also might have effects turned off in graphics settings

my effects are on the highest level and I still do not see it, also turning control + f doesn't affect boss only players so turning that on/off does nothing. with lowest and highest settings nothing changes I still cant see it. The problem is I do not see it ANYWHERE, I am aware it doesn't happen in 4 man dungeons. But I do not see it even in 6 man, or open field bosses.

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In some areas it is so light I cannot see it until the boss has killed me. It doesn't appear until just as the boss is about to do the attack as-well. You can also be outside of the range and it may still kill you. Maybe take a screenshot of what you see so this will provide people with information so they can try to help you? 


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59 minutes ago, Sake said:

same problem as aerriasilver mabye it's on purpose so the game is not so easy 4 us still annoying  any solution yet???


can someone from B&S team check this problem thx in advance

it's not on purpose, its an actual problem that rarely occurs, for some reason not many people have this issue that's why I couldn't find any info or solution to it. :/ it would be REALLY nice if someone from official B&S team could give some insight :(

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I also have the same problem as aerriasilver , i can not see some of the boss indicators that are red. For example i cannot see the red indicator for slashimi, blackwyrm roar. However i can see some indicators, such as Hae Mujin lightning attack and Blackwyrms brown  knockdown attack. I do have what most people would call a potateo computer since it uses integrated graphics (intel 4400) but i can get 34-40 fps at high texture and shading. So i am wondering if it is a specific graphics setting on my computer that i need to change or a bug etc. its not the option , as for combat i have boss indicator circles turned on. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated

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It can be caused by internet lag spikes or server lags cos I can nvr see bw howl since I'm always dead as the red circle show up but if I ss as right before the red circle I still die lol


But I think it's cos of the lags during bw fights haha

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aerriasilver do you play on a laptop because I also have this problem and I have done some research and what I've found is that this has been occurring to people playing the game on laptops. This is also a problem situating in the bns cn version on laptops too. (also in Taiwan server)

I'm playing the game on a laptop and having this problem. I tried the game on my desktop computer and there was no problem I can see the indicators easily but the reason as to why I would like to play the game on my laptop instead of my desktop is because it's faster on my laptop.

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On 2/26/2016 at 6:39 PM, Anamey2000 said:

aerriasilver do you play on a laptop because I also have this problem and I have done some research and what I've found is that this has been occurring to people playing the game on laptops. This is also a problem situating in the bns cn version on laptops too. (also in Taiwan server)

I'm playing the game on a laptop and having this problem. I tried the game on my desktop computer and there was no problem I can see the indicators easily but the reason as to why I would like to play the game on my laptop instead of my desktop is because it's faster on my laptop.

yep, seems it is a laptop problems. I play on laptop and knowing that it persist on laptops is the only help ive gotten so far. kinda sucks but eh, what can you do lol. Still, wish they would fix that...

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Ya, its doing the same thing to me as all of you are saying. :P  everyone kept teling me I was just really bad at the game.. beginning to believe them until I realized that all of them can see Blackwyrm and Terror aoe red indicator.  
same thing. play on high or low settings, low ping time, box checked or unchecked.  they have never shown up. 
Also I'm on a laptop as well. so I guess I'm one of the few who gets to play with 2x dificulty mode and get called a noob whenever I die haha.


Here's another post talking about the same issue. 


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