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To people who rush dungeons.


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Seriously stop. I cannot count the amount of times I get in and it's already done. Or I'm running with someone and they start the boss, kill us with the fire, take all the loot and don't even bother to res us so we don't even get anything. This is the ultimate dick thing to do to someone.


I get it, you wanna get all your daily's done right this nanosecond and move on with a life you don't really have, but at the very least give a few seconds to let people get in the damned dungeon and to the boss with you before you pull a dick move.


Stop rushing the damned thing and take the time to atleast let all your party members get in the room before pulling the boss and killing them, making them wait for you to kill it and taking longer.


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I think you are just to slow. 

Dungeon in this game are actually rly boring (no contents 50) so just run this *cricket*ing dungueon. 

Stop complain about your slowness. For example when you are 45 and you want Tomb Of Exil just for daily... STOP CLEANING ALL MOBS and just rush boss.

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wont happend.

ppl are to obsessed whit showing off their leet nolife skills.


i cant even get a full 6 man group for green dungeons as some1 is allways complaining that waiting for full party takes longer then doing it 2 man......

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2 minutes ago, Somisan said:

I agree ! every idiot want to run trought and in the end we are fighting the minibosses and hard mobs in the boss arena ? why why is that better ?

Because you're suck.


22 minutes ago, Rokatsu said:



Seriously stop. I cannot count the amount of times I get in and it's already done. Or I'm running with someone and they start the boss, kill us with the fire, take all the loot and don't even bother to res us so we don't even get anything. This is the ultimate dick thing to do to someone.


I get it, you wanna get all your daily's done right this nanosecond and move on with a life you don't really have, but at the very least give a few seconds to let people get in the damned dungeon and to the boss with you before you pull a dick move.


Stop rushing the damned thing and take the time to atleast let all your party members get in the room before pulling the boss and killing them, making them wait for you to kill it and taking longer.


 BEcause you're suck too.


Reason: I'm playing KFM. I'm very pleasure to make full run and seldom make boss rush. I often clear all mob before going to next scene. It's more fun.

However, sometimes there are someone who're too bad. While fighting boss, I'm trying to stun/daze for searing palm combo and looking for des/BladeCancer grab, but some guy, mostly Blade Master and Sin, make the air launch.. It's really take time for a weak damage, and it makes me lose all focus(chi) to hit nothing. So I decide to make boss rush. 

And sometimes, I wait so long, but guys still didn't get inside the room. They are afk and waiting for bidding trash items. I double check on gears and see... lvl 45 and PoH 6 mans with awaken infernal - 250 atk - 25k hp. I don't think I need to wait.

I don't have time, if you want to enjoy, please run follow, and build your gears stronger, and increase your pve skills, DO NOT AIRLAUNCH!!! That would make me see you are worthy in party when fighting boss.

It's not me, it's you.

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why would you ever complain about doing a dungeon faster?

if your under 45 your basically being carried through the dungeon anyways. As for the loot issue most 45's don't even care about most of the loot that drops.

And if it is something nice and your not 45 you most likely wont win it anyways because you wont have enough money.

Just enjoy the faster run and loot

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33 minutes ago, Rokatsu said:



Seriously stop. I cannot count the amount of times I get in and it's already done. Or I'm running with someone and they start the boss, kill us with the fire, take all the loot and don't even bother to res us so we don't even get anything. This is the ultimate dick thing to do to someone.


I get it, you wanna get all your daily's done right this nanosecond and move on with a life you don't really have, but at the very least give a few seconds to let people get in the damned dungeon and to the boss with you before you pull a dick move.


Stop rushing the damned thing and take the time to atleast let all your party members get in the room before pulling the boss and killing them, making them wait for you to kill it and taking longer.



stop being afk and then complaining

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1 minute ago, Natose said:

why would you ever complain about doing a dungeon faster?

if your under 45 your basically being carried through the dungeon anyways. As for the loot issue most 45's don't even care about most of the loot that drops.

And if it is something nice and your not 45 you most likely wont win it anyways because you wont have enough money.

Just enjoy the faster run and loot

Agree !!


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So you're part of those players rushing dungeons and you're trying to justify your rudeness lol
I get it, ppl are always in hurry but actually you won't die if you wait 5 seconds for everyone to come.
If you're in a low lvl dungeon, remember that leaving your teammates stuck at mobs they still can't 1-shot and starting the boss w/o them having the chance to fight, isn't nice at all.
If you need something just go solo the dungeon.

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Agreed.  It's really frustrating to constantly get set on fire on the way to a boss room because your loading screen took a few seconds longer than everyone/someone else's.  Or, like a run I had two nights ago, an assassin does an invisible run to all the bosses as you're stuck slowly in-combat running after them through the mobs getting pelted by everything.  Ugh.

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Eeehm.. if you guys are able to rush dungeons so fast, try doing it solo :P

You will have all the loot and other people dont get anoyed. To be honest, I also got people flaming me, because I rushed through dungeons, and gettin people killed in the flames. Now doing those dungeons solo. The blue dungeons like skittering a halt is something I cant solo yet. Got stuck at dokumo (with a destroyer). Still need teammates for help.


Have a nice day :D

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so lets see.


when i run a dungeon ... i have about 30 sec loading screen before im inside ... so most times my grp will be close to the first boss, run there kill the boss ... see them biding on useless drops ...go ahead , clear the trash to the next boss alone .... frist 1-2 ppl start walking again ... kill 2nd boss last ppl from the first boss bidding get to the 2nd boss shortly before he diees ... and reped for the next boss ... how ami nowthe bad guy for notwaitingfor the boss ? you guys could alsojust stop biding on damn uselessBlue Bopae ...



i rly dont see any reason why i should wait for ppl ... most times i would have been faster just running the dungeon solo ...


for exaple ... the average random group i ge t has a true infernal weapon and if they have some kind of Bopae set they have the areana set. with nothing fused.

so .... bad weapon ... bad Bopae ... not expecting any dmg from them ... with the average group a run throu brightstone tages about 15 minutes .... + 2 minuets waiting till they finished theyr bids at the end


When i run solo Brightstone it takes me about 11-13minutes on my summoner alt ( True Profane weapeon, Bopae 5p mushin 3p BSH ) ....


when you see it like taht...if imgoing to fast for you when going sow... pls just stop complaining and enjoy gettingcarryed



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I agree, almost everytime I join a dungeon its the same problem, people rushing to either finish it faster or show their "video game skills" clearing everything on their own.


It bothers me because most the time it only makes the run slower, people wipe behind, cant get through or just go AFK because they were left behind. But I cant only blame the players, the game mechanics play a major role on this, allowing high/low levels, geared/undergeared people running together, and of course, the dungeon layout itself.


If the entire team was the same level and same gear, they would stick together. But there is no filter in the cross server match system... dailies, costume drops and craft materials also make some low level dungeons still attractive to high levels, when it shouldnt be attractive run low lvl dungeons if you are already past it.

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Rushing is fine. It makes the boring dungeon grind shorter, especially for those hunting for a costume.


Idiots who harm other players while rushing are not fine. If slower people bother you so much, go *cricket*ing do it alone.

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1 hour ago, Rokatsu said:



Seriously stop. I cannot count the amount of times I get in and it's already done. Or I'm running with someone and they start the boss, kill us with the fire, take all the loot and don't even bother to res us so we don't even get anything. This is the ultimate dick thing to do to someone.


I get it, you wanna get all your daily's done right this nanosecond and move on with a life you don't really have, but at the very least give a few seconds to let people get in the damned dungeon and to the boss with you before you pull a dick move.


Stop rushing the damned thing and take the time to atleast let all your party members get in the room before pulling the boss and killing them, making them wait for you to kill it and taking longer.


Sadly this is just the new breed of players, those who always want to skip everything possible just to save 5 minutes of time (and usually end up being killed in the process but blame you), those that harass you if you pull the wrong group of mobs while crying because "now the dungeon will last 1 hour" even if it's not really true, those who doesn't even bother to communicate with others, those who doesn't really understand and appreciate the game. This dungeon system, even if it's useful, just encourages this behavior. My advice: once you realize what kind of people you are playing with don't even bother to discuss/ask.

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Yikes.  A lot of y'all don't seem very well suited for cooperative games, based on the replies to this thread.  Your teammates can't help it if their loading screen takes 15 seconds longer than yours, and it's unreasonable to get annoyed at a level 20 player in a level 20 dungeon trying to get a purple level 20 pizza or fodder to upgrade their stuff.


Please do everyone a favor and just solo if you aren't willing to work with other people.  

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"Seriously stop. I cannot count the amount of times I get in and it's already done. Or I'm running with someone and they start the boss, kill us with the fire, take all the loot and don't even bother to res us so we don't even get anything. This is the ultimate dick thing to do to someone."


So: you die in fire, sure it sux but how should some1 ress you and why?

You were too lazy to respawn and to walk to the same place (every dungeon worth doing, has actually respawn checkpoints, so you dont even have to walk far and for those parts that have a long walking sction: it takes quite a time to kill the boss)


That leads to :

I wount ress you bec you were too slow for me ( even if it was my mistake ) AND you were too lazy to respawn, well cricket you too!



You were too slow sucka and I should ress YOU? HAHAHAHA




Look scrub, i show you how to do that quickly. Bec you know you want that, dont tell me that killing trash and bidding for crap you dont know yet that its crap interests you.

You can come along and learn or just burn i can do it without you anyway. 


And the drop thing:

If your complains are about the chance to get that dumpling and potion and sometimes a pouch, then i dont know what to say! Bec all other drops (important drops) are shared even if you literelly did nothing


All in all about that seems like a dick move by you or partially dickmove by you and the guy who burned you ( you learn form your deaths dont you? fool me once... ect. you know...).



"I get it, you wanna get all your daily's done right this nanosecond and move on with a life you don't really have, but at the very least give a few seconds to let people get in the damned dungeon and to the boss with you before you pull a dick move."


Nice way to sympathise with someone in a completely non passive agressive way!  <----- (a dick move)

All i can say to that is:

Sooo you dont care about your real life, because you dont want your quests to be finished quickly... the only conclusion i can pull from that is that you dont have a real life and not the rushers, right? 


"Stop rushing the damned thing and take the time to atleast let all your party members get in the room before pulling the boss and killing them, making them wait for you to kill it and taking longer."


That is only your opinion. And most likely a generalization. Here, an example:

Yday i was diong a poh 6 and and while a random dude and i skipped all the trash after tae the rest decided to kill it. Meanwhile the random guy suggested we start, since we both had over 375 ap and over 50% crit and we did it. As it turns out we were done right at the time when the rest came to sobo...


But here is my opinion:


Who are you to deserve my time?

Why should i wait for you?

Do you think i wait for some strangers if i get a choice (here even strangers on the internet in a GAME)?

Yes i wait for friends and clannies or (if that ever happens) family, but not for randoms. And dont tell me i should care about randoms, first i want you to sell your comuter to help out some homeless guy to get his life back on track because you care so much (since a computer that is able to play B&S is 100% a luxury item)...

And that is only the local problems i wount stop about the randoms who get bombed right now "XD".


I`d gladly write and oponionated conclusion but it would get offensive and i`d get punished, because ppl cant handle words from some stranger-guy-on-the-internet....



But hey that`s  only my opinion!

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One stupid showoff 45 assassin rush the ruin of exile boss alone and burnt other players. He took super long azz time killing the boss. I think the boss did like 5-6red aoe before it died. If that stupid jerk let us in there we would have killed the boss before it even start the first red aoe.


Now now if these jerks were at least being fast at whatever they are doing I wouldn't be complaining as much.

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You want to slow the high levels down? Ok, here's what you should do.


Don't complain on the forums, it's a waste of time, most here are the high levels you're complaining about and they don't care. They just want whatever sent them to that dungeon in the first place, dailies, drops, whatever. You're just in their way to whatever they came to the dungeon for. All you'll get is stop being a scrub and enjoy your carry.


What you should do is...

Send in a ticket to NCSoft.


Yep, seems extreme but, that's the best thing to do.


When NCSoft gets enough complaints about it they'll put level caps on dungeons, forcing the high levels to windstride to a village then run the rest of the way to the dungeon in question. They'll lose the convenience of being able to CRLFG for the low level dungeons and get a quick convenient port right to the entrance. Unfortunately, the high levels won't see this as a possible outcome until it's to late and the ability to take advantage of this convenience has been lost. At which time you can sit back and smile as the high levels are then the ones complaining on the forums about how something that used to take seconds, now takes minutes, slowing them down even more.

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I may add that one can use the cross-dungeon settings to create pre-made parties; personally I prefer a full daily run with the same guys. Six high-levels, all one goal: 20x flash dungeon run without lowbies. Quick-n-dirty, no hate.


But lots of single-player hibee tards think the dungeons belong to them alone. Sorry guys, but if you decide to run through Narrow with a team of early 20s as a single 45.hm2 the "noobs" are not the lowbies but your own sorry self. A lowbie simply can not brush the mobs aside as easily as you can, so charging through and leaving the lows to cope with the aggro splash is not "elite-raider-like", it's showing the whole wide world that you were obviously born and bred as retard. If you chose to enter with that group instead of growing up and running with the big boys, you forfeit the right to complain.


Shots fired in one direction, now let me take aim at the others:


Lowbies come in two flavours. The lowbie runner is willing and trying to keep up with you. He knows he is been carried and makes the best of it, even if he requires a longer load and has to come rushing up behind you. He probably visited the dungeon previously, perhaps even alone. Just to get the hang of things or to check the map layout. Loot? Does not care for copper small fry. Skips auctions as he knows that most stuff comes as run reward anyway. He's actually a great partner - he knows what he's doing, he's only too weak to be of really good use. He still may bite off a little too much and die (splash damage he tried to avoid, perhaps), but as true teamplayer you saw that coming (you cover team mates, right?) and will of course help him res. Hey, he TRIED after all.


The other type is the collector slowpoke. He does not want to simply clear the dungeon, he wants to leave it freshly aired and vaccumed. He jumps into each and every damn corner and checks each and every nook and crannie. He strongly believes that - even if its his 20th run - he might unlock an achievement or find an extra five copper if he sticks around long enough or takes a few screenshots here and there. Worse to come: he's also a whiny *cricket*. He "demands" the "right" to participate in boss fights, wants to win every darned loot auction *and* wants to be ressed at least twice per run because he hunts down those mobs normally hiding far off from the main road (extra five copper, yay!). Res? What? Oh look! A Butterfly!


[TL;DR:] There are four main types of players: Good/Bad Hibees and Good/Bad Lowbies. So the level of a character does not show if you're actually playing with a d*ckhead or not. It's up to each and every player which stance he wants to take, but don't chose one of the baddies and start crying for attention.


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I don't mind when a higher level player shows up in a dungeon, although it is annoying when they run to boss and leave the lowbies with the trash or pull a boss causing fire to spawn and kill the rest of us while we are dealing with the 50 or so mobs that have aggroed while trying to catch up to the guy who sprinted to boss while others were still zoning in. My pet peeve is when they show up and decide to bid on items they blatantly don't need and run the price up so high that the average low level could never afford in a million years (2 gold for a weapon in Blackram Narrows for example). To the people who say "why should I wait for lowbies when I am awesome..." don't queue if you plan to solo it, just go to the entrance like the rest of us!

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