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Remove the ranking requirement to receive faction qeusts


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It's no wonder people camp low level areas, the best way to make money in this game requires you to either farm npcs by your self for years or kill other players who are rarely out alone if they have their outfit on unless they are low levels. If I'm level 45 I should have access to this stuff regardless if I killed a couple level 1 players or not.

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28 minutes ago, animekitty said:

It's no wonder people camp low level areas, the best way to make money in this game requires you to either farm npcs by your self for years or kill other players who are rarely out alone if they have their outfit on unless they are low levels. If I'm level 45 I should have access to this stuff regardless if I killed a couple level 1 players or not.

It would be way cooler if we didn't have to wear the faction costumes to gank people indeed :D jk

On a serious note I agree with this suggestion .

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30 minutes ago, animekitty said:

If I'm level 45 I should have access to this stuff regardless if I killed a couple level 1 players or not.


What is so hard about getting access to Misty Woods?


At L45, put on your PvP outfit, TP to 1st PvP quest area, do quest, do PvP daily. repeat for the NEXT 2 PvP zones (Desert/Hogshead). Now you can do Misty Woods once you are in the area. 

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If you start the pvp quests right when you get the faction uniform in Bamboo Village there should be no problem channel hopping to avoid conflict.

Oh wait that's what pvp is all about. This game gives you the option to jump right into it or keep the costume off and stay out of it.

Maybe one day, yeah sure, there will be a pvp only server but I wouldn't start holding your breath just yet.

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You literally do like 6 low level quests - none of which require killing other players - and you're able to pick up the high level ones. I did them only after I hit 45, and didn't kill anyone in the process except for one low level who tried to fight me while I was picking off a boss and ended up getting killed almost instantly by aoes.


If people are camping low levels, it's just because they're jerks. Not because the game requires them to.

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