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Doom N Bloom Offically Nerfed (KR Patch Notes)


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not sure but the Doom N Bloom healing now is calculated on the MAIN targe damage, not on the entire damages done by the aoe.


Regarding the taunt, if there is not a specific bug, the skill duration has been reduced (it lasts less than the cooldown) and, above all, it doesnt work if your pet attacks, he must stay curled (so dont spam cat skills when he is taunting, he will loose taunt)

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I wanna hear your opinion about Doom 'n' Bloom. Shouldn't it work like before patch?
There are two big problems here about the skill that I see. First, it looks like we are not healing 100% of damage from the attacks. Second, summoners that like to solo sometimes gain no profit at all from monsters. For example, if you pull 6 monsters but you only heal from one now, you'll most likely not get 100% of the damage dealed as HP, having no profit at all from Doom 'n' Bloom, and after the one monster you casted the skill on dies the other five will still come after you.

And btw there is nothing written on my skill reffering to only one target. It says only that it causes "earth damage on enemies within area" and one of the effects is "absorbs 100% of damage as HP".

I tried to contact the support by sending a ticket about it but unfortunatelly I've received the same copy and pasted message from the team.

I really wanted the skill like it was before but who can hear us? I've got no help or explanation from the ticket I've sent.

What do you guys think?

Thank you.

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I've been reading quite a lot about the overpopulation of Summoners in BnS, brought on I'm sure in part by the fact that the game itself ranks this class as "very easy" compared to others, which kind of makes me laugh, having played a few other classes. Based on reliable sources it is my informed opinion that the repeated and severe nerfs and "errors" are


1. Part of the usual MMO bait and switch, in which a game starts out fun and easy and gets progressively harder as time passes. 

2. A response to a bunch of whiners who got PWNED by little girls in pigtails and complained on the surveys or by contacting the developers.

3. A weeding out process.* 


*Number 3 may even be necessary for balance in the game, though I think changing the difficulty rating to a more reasonable level would accomplish the same thing without the pain and angst. It's really not as easy as it was now with all the nerfs and "errors" in place, and who knows what new nerfs are incoming March 2?


Those who truly enjoy the class will stay. Those who were playing Smn because it was allegedly OP will quit in a rage (as the Smn haters are threatening to do if it's not nerfed into oblivion) and those who truly enjoy the class will step up to the many challenges and obstacles being thrown in their way and continue to play the class they love.


I've been playing MMORPGs since FFXI first started, and the hate and frustration directed at Summoners is truly ugly and unprecedented. I believe it exists in part because of the race restriction to play. Immature players (and let's face it, many players just ...are) prefer brawny men they can pretend to be or sexy (if truly disturbingly dysmorphic) females they can ..."look at". Too many go so far as to equate a completely innocent race of Taru-esque beings as somehow relating to pedophilia. It's in chat all day every day. 


What I'm trying to say, in short, is this:  Expect More Summoner Nerfs until the population drops to what the developers consider an acceptable level. 


Deniers flame/troll me and ridicule me at will. I really do not care, and I will not respond. I recommend this response to fellow players when they see nasty, unhelpful posts from people with hundreds of posts to their "credit". Chances are few of them are helpful or explanatory.


As for me, I'm sticking around through the growing pains because I think the game concept, story line and rendering is amazing, and I've been through the process enough times in the past and seen it all work out for the best to have high hopes for the future of this game.


Happy gaming!

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Honestly speaking. It's useless to talk about balance changes at this point.


BnS US only copies patches from the KR version and it's already way more updated. Any balance changes at lvl 45 has already been discussed and implemented by them. They will not change anything from the US game population complaining about things in an outdated lvl 45 cap. All the discussion in this forum about balancing will not be taken seriously into development.


If you want to see if summoners are further nerfed, just search for the KR updates. As I know, all summoner nerfs are already in-game. US balances skills based on the lvl 50 KR cap updates even if BnS US is only at lvl 45.

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10 minutes ago, Dray0s said:

 I thought u had to be level 30 to enter pvp? :L


Basically every single post Nebuchadnezzar has made, is a rant about summoners. Feel free to click his name and check.


I am quite curious how he´ll react to warlock who has a pet too. I believe

1) He is already gearing up for a warlock, reading all guides he can find on them. Making a warlock on the first day of patch and sprint-leveling it to cap.

2) offchance: he´s gonna forget and summoners and start calling all warlocks - "murlocs" and threathen to quit the game, leave the toilet seat up, hold his breath and whatnot, if the warlock race isn´t removed and deleted.

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