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Sooo phantom grip


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Sooo from what i know phantom grip is on BD Sum and FM, what ive noticed is that u cant grab bosses like a destroyer but ive found out recently that u can only when their stunned/downed or whatever? I know a BD can under those circumstances and i know they differ in their trees but what im asking is can u phatom grip a boss as a summ/FM? cause i havent had the opportunity/ tried it to see if it actually works


Replies appreciated 

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Phantom Grip is only a LBM/FM skill. As LBM, it got same requirements as Destroyer, boss must be CC-ed so they will be able to grab it.

Difference between LBM and FM:

LBM is a melee class, to say it causes its Grip to be stronger than a FM's, but the range is limited to 8m + the fact that they can't drag to them near death/meditating players as FM does...maybe because it might strangle them? Who knows~ They also can't quite attack other mobs during it, besides the Z that causes knock back.

FM is a range class, so its Grip is weaker, reason they can't grab bosses, but they have a max range of 16m and they can drag near death/meditating players to them + can lower the meditating time with ..6 secs? During the grab of a mob, they can still attack other mobs using some of their skills, not all will be available during grab and some might change.

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I'd be happier if nobody could grip/knock up/phantom grip and or any other forms of crowd control that even remotely allowed the boss to be moved other than knock downs / stuns.


Nothing is more irritating than having a player grab an NPC and run around like an *cricket* so nobody else can hit it. Same goes for knockups. It's insanely frustrating.

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10 hours ago, Shirou said:

Phantom Grip is only a LBM/FM skill. As LBM, it got same requirements as Destroyer, boss must be CC-ed so they will be able to grab it.

Difference between LBM and FM:

LBM is a melee class, to say it causes its Grip to be stronger than a FM's, but the range is limited to 8m + the fact that they can't drag to them near death/meditating players as FM does...maybe because it might strangle them? Who knows~ They also can't quite attack other mobs during it, besides the Z that causes knock back.

FM is a range class, so its Grip is weaker, reason they can't grab bosses, but they have a max range of 16m and they can drag near death/meditating players to them + can lower the meditating time with ..6 secs? During the grab of a mob, they can still attack other mobs using some of their skills, not all will be available during grab and some might change.

Well actually FM has a base range of 8m it can be speced to 18m but at base its 8m and that gripping chi recovering players isnt really that great, also the grip time is pretty short the only real thing that they get is blackout which is only really good for dealing with a randomly spawned mob at boss. Yea i see why it would be stronger but at the same time why name them they same and have them almost be the exact same thing?


6 hours ago, eXtorn said:

I'd be happier if nobody could grip/knock up/phantom grip and or any other forms of crowd control that even remotely allowed the boss to be moved other than knock downs / stuns.


Nothing is more irritating than having a player grab an NPC and run around like an *cricket* so nobody else can hit it. Same goes for knockups. It's insanely frustrating.

Well actually if u grab da boss and sit still with it it actually helps quite a bit. e.x. slashimi gives u a lot more time to dps em before he goes under and keeps em still so aoes and stuff can hit em at the same time others are hitting em


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Blade Dancer (LBM) actually has a bunch of skills it can use to Phantom Gripped targets, not just the "Flock of Blades" (I really hate that name). They have LMB, RMB, F, 2, 4, and Z that they can use to deal damage, and then 1 or 3 to end phantom grip with.


Usually a BD will use (depending on your ping) 2, F, RMB, LMB, LMB, Z, and then 3. Sometimes, if the timing is bad or slow, you might not get that last 3 in.

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1 minute ago, Shinsetsu said:

Blade Dancer (LBM) actually has a bunch of skills it can use to Phantom Gripped targets, not just the "Flock of Blades" (I really hate that name). They have LMB, RMB, F, 2, 4, and Z that they can use to deal damage, and then 1 or 3 to end phantom grip with.


Usually a BD will use (depending on your ping) 2, F, RMB, LMB, LMB, Z, and then 3. Sometimes, if the timing is bad or slow, you might not get that last 3 in.

Yea i know about their skills for it (been comboed a lot by em) but i find it strange where they give the same skill to 2 classes yet make them slightly different i get why they do it but it can be a little confusing at times  

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Just now, dmoe33 said:

Yea i know about their skills for it (been comboed a lot by em) but i find it strange where they give the same skill to 2 classes yet make them slightly different i get why they do it but it can be a little confusing at times  

I hear you, but the skill itself is essentially the same. I think it's OK that they are named the same but based on the lore, it has different properties.


On the other hand, Blade Master and Blade Dancer have a skill named the same, with the same icon, "Flock of Blades", but the skills are completely different. Blade Master summons swords to their back and can use different skills with them, while Blade Dancer is basically just a 'one and done' blade explosion that knocks back enemies. Those should probably be named differently.

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On 2/9/2016 at 9:59 AM, dmoe33 said:

Well actually if u grab da boss and sit still with it it actually helps quite a bit. e.x. slashimi gives u a lot more time to dps em before he goes under and keeps em still so aoes and stuff can hit em at the same time others are hitting em

Except when a lbm picks a mob up, it radically shifts the hitbox on said mob, to the point of having to back up and turn to even be able to attack again. Not so bad on a very large mob, but it can easily move things completely out of attackable position on a smaller mob. Plus it wastes cat taunt 99% of the time because they always seem to pick things up right after the taunt starts, then sit the mob down after it ends, and it has switched targets.

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22 minutes ago, Pinwheel said:

Except when a lbm picks a mob up, it radically shifts the hitbox on said mob, to the point of having to back up and turn to even be able to attack again. Not so bad on a very large mob, but it can easily move things completely out of attackable position on a smaller mob. Plus it wastes cat taunt 99% of the time because they always seem to pick things up right after the taunt starts, then sit the mob down after it ends, and it has switched targets.

If the LBM is specced right (and they shouldn't EVER pick things up unless they are) you'll have infinite chi during the entire 6 seconds of the grip, so you really shouldn't be complaining.

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1 minute ago, Pinwheel said:

Chi has never been the issue, it's the lost time from having the hitbox moved out of range and the resulting aggro/atk pattern switch after it hits the ground again.

Honestly, if you're in a party, there is almost never a situation you should be taunting with cat anyway.  There is almost always a better tank (BM/KFM) in the party.

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Yeah except when you just run cross server to get the dailies out of the way quickly, there very rarely actually is someone that can and does know how to tank anything. 99% of the time they all just yolo and run around like a chicken with their heads cut off trying to not die. So yes, I am going to hit q and have everything actually stay put where people can actually dps it without everyone trying to make a break for open floor whenever things start jumping around since there isn't anyone in melee range with aggro. On the rare occasion that someone knows how to and is willing to tank things, then by all means they can say "hey, i got this" and the cat won't be taunting, but that has yet to happen. Not a single time. Even running poh4, only once has a fm even said they could handle the freeze so I don't have to dandelion 2/3 boil ticks.


If people want to step up and take care of things, then they can and will, but until they actually do, I'm going to cover their butts.

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6 hours ago, Pinwheel said:

Yeah except when you just run cross server to get the dailies out of the way quickly, there very rarely actually is someone that can and does know how to tank anything. 99% of the time they all just yolo and run around like a chicken with their heads cut off trying to not die. So yes, I am going to hit q and have everything actually stay put where people can actually dps it without everyone trying to make a break for open floor whenever things start jumping around since there isn't anyone in melee range with aggro. On the rare occasion that someone knows how to and is willing to tank things, then by all means they can say "hey, i got this" and the cat won't be taunting, but that has yet to happen. Not a single time. Even running poh4, only once has a fm even said they could handle the freeze so I don't have to dandelion 2/3 boil ticks.


If people want to step up and take care of things, then they can and will, but until they actually do, I'm going to cover their butts.

Never really experienced the hit box issue cause im a ranged class but thats in a random pug situation and in that situation u dont expect anyone to know how to tank but also would u not expect them to know that they are causing the anoying hitbox thingy?

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Just now, Pinwheel said:

Never said I expected them to do anything, just that it's an issue and they are negatively impacting the group with what they are doing.

Erm u kinda did. I see what your saying but remember its a pug run its like me as a FM using burn, other FMs using auto detonate is SEVERELY hurting my dps perhaps even more then getting out of range of ur skills (assuming that the issue)  but i think nothing of it although i do ask them to unspec, but again pug run its kinda just there to get dailies outta da way. If it were organized with say some friends perhaps then it would be much much more refined in the way u have everything working with each other rather then against each other 

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