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Can all the dungeon bosses be soloed?


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All of the currently available content has been solod previously, even poh4. That is the only thing I personally haven't tried soloing yet, but everything else is fairly faceroll, albeit there are a couple interesting mechanics that pop up solo that you will never see in a group.

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You can solo alot of it, but are some fights become impossible to do, such as blackram narrows, least not at the appropriate level. This is do to his grab mechanic, which basically requires 2 people to break it. But outside of him... i was able to solo most everything until i hit my 40's the 45 dungeons are pretty difficult to duo let alone solo least initially. I think it requires some gear before you can do it, but yes its possible and i love that its possible. 

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I'm not saying it's impossible, but some bosses include mechanics were big ammounts of adds come after you. That sounds like a though thing to overcome at the proper level.

Now, if you are overleveled by 5 or more levels...then you'll have an easier time.

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I'm a lvl 21 Blade Master and I soloed every dungeon of the first zone (I don't remember the name... Viridian Coast?). I hope I can solo all the dungeons because I don't like PUGs.


Obviously the hardest dungeon was Blackram Narrows, the boss killed me once but as a Blade Master all I had to do was to be at 100% HP at his grab attack and retreat immediately, that way he didn't stun me and I could block all of his attacks while healing. The final fight lasted like 30 min, though.


IMO, if you learn the boss pattern, everything is easy.

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You should be able to solo most dungeons with the proper skill sets.  I tried soloing Tomb of Exiles and nearly killed the boss, that is until it rolled into twice and knocked off a heart and then roared right after which insta killed me.  But it's doable, same with Blackram Narrows.  You can use iframes right before he uses his grapple to avoid it.

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