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1v1 arena stressful


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As you can see from what people wrote, this is perfectly normal and reminiscent of a lot of stress responses you also experience when acting on stage, giving talks / presentations, do competitive sports, even things like speed chess or car driving. As long as it does not give you panic or heart pain, it's probably even beneficial for your performance, and especially for your learning.

Also perfectly normal are feelings of anger and frustration. When you are 15 minutes into arenas, are having that super close arena match that you just think you can win right now - and little baby wakes up crying. You just stand up and leave the screen and lose the score and think of happy things while you sooth him back to sleep. ^.^<3

Makes you grow and better for life, such experiences! (^_^)V

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4 minutes ago, TheKoR said:

 ...did we really need to make a stupid thread for obvious reasons and answers that almost every player in pvp experiences? ...


Do you feel better now that you've tried to put someone down?


@sohaisthebest  The first time I did my first PvP in WoW, which was perhaps the first time I PvP'd ever, my hands were almost shaky.  It was strangely thrilling, and that feeling comes back in some minor fashion the first time I PvP in any new game.


Nothing at all is wrong with you.  If you want to do something about it, I personally like to go with a humor route to diffuse the intensity.  If you win, pop open a John Cena youtube video and do a little dance.  If you lose, start laughing, or use my personal favorite video to really help drive home the madness:  youtube.com/watch?v=JNCnqz-tXBc.  Get into the match and make noises that you think are funny, like if you are CC chained, whip out a Darth Vader "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", or if you pull off a combo, mimic a rap airhorn or use the instant rap airhorn app to drive home your success.


It's not unlike the scene in Tin Cup where Kevin Costner has the shanks, and Cheech Marin tells him to do a bunch of silly stuff.  You're getting your mind off of worrying about the results and just having fun with it.  Once you get to the point where you aren't worried so much, you'll know what to do if you ever feel stressed out about the game (Ren's maniacal laugh really does the trick for me, even when things are being silly at my job), you'll have a clear head to focus on improving without worrying about the fact that you have to improve.


That's my take, anyway.  When I die in OWPvP, I'll type "LMAO", "LOL", or "ROFL" out in /say chat, and just seeing that pop up diffuses any irritation that might have built because of being attacked while finishing up a mob, or getting swarmed because my faction's representation is way lower than the other's, etc.  Bonus if the person who killed me reacts angrily to it, because they were just the one to kill *me*, so it amuses me even further that it could even happen (but it has).


Time also helps moderate your brain, so just keep at it, especially if you enjoy it.  You'll find something that works for you eventually.

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I'm rather impressed with the support this thread gets.


It could be easy to dismissed this as it's just a game, but that competitive nature of some people gets amplified as soon as you can keep track of your losses.


 I get shaky hands, might not be the first match or even the third, sometimes I can go ten befor it hits or as soon as ai hit the lobby.


Like a lot of people said gaining experience and working through it should help. It's the advice my seasoned PvP friends have given me, and I expect Ill see 100 losses before I see 100 wins. 

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Another idea is that you might be shaky due to a simple fear of losing, like it says something about you as a person.  First, it doesn't say anything about you as a person, no matter what anyone says who tries to put you down.


Second, if you want to get over your fear of losing, go out and lose.  Lose repeatedly.  It's like in Fight Club where everyone is told to go pick a fight and lose.  Keep losing until you can keep telling a joke through a loss and hit the punchline in stride.  Then the act of losing has no power over you.  If my ping is abominable I still go into the arena, and I go on a losing streak.  I don't care about my W/L, nor do I ever care about my K/D ratio in OWPvP.  You might see people around here say they are 50-8, or 80-15, or whatever, then you feel like if you aren't that, you might be dismissed as bad.  The truth is you could go 70-140 though and destroy them, depending on your mentality and what you've practiced during that time.


Your W/L means absolutely nothing, and the easiest way to learn that is to sabotage it completely.  I went 4-1, then was 4-6, then 8-6.  With any luck I'll be 8-12 after my next sesh.  The main thing that matters is that you're having fun in your matches.

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Hey bud! No idea if you're still checking up on this but this is totally  normal, especially when you start out. If I could I would compare it to actual martial arts, when you're just learn how to spar. At first you're too scared of getting hit and can't focus on anything because you're too worried about it. Just get used to the idea that you're going to get hit. Don't focus on it, just brush it off. Focus on what your opponent is doing so that you can learn from them. Also, ALWAYS go in with a basic plan of attack.  Nothing too extravagant, otherwise your plan of attack will fall through. Something simple like baiting their tab and doing a quick combo. Don't dedicate too much to an attack, don't worry about being fast that'll come with time. 

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6 hours ago, Riepah said:

I've the same problem - and not just in BnS arena, but in any game I play 1v1 again people. I love RTS games for example - but playing them 1v1 makes me nervous, gives me chills, shivers, all sorts of things. I rather wish it didn't, because it obviously makes the whole thing a lot more difficult - the more nervous you get, the more likely you are to mess up, and the more you mess up, the more nervous you get.


Even when I go into arena with the goal of just finishing my dailies, and even when I don't care about my rating - as soon as the fight starts, I get nervous as if it were some terribly important thing. If I win it's a great feeling, but I'll stay on edge and nervous if I have another fight ahead of me - only when I decide that I've had enough for the time being and leave the arena can I calm down.



In tag, though, it's a lot more relaxing for me. RTS with teams don't bother me either, it's odd.

Haha, I'm the opposite type:)


1v1? Sure, I can 1v1 Michael Jordan, I got only myself and himself, what goes, goes. There's no burden, so to speak.


But team? Oh noez, I'll do something stupid!:)


I can go now, play sc2 ranked and lose (because I won't win, because I lose against like medium bots) and that's it. But 2v2 or something? No way I'll queue for that:)


bns arena 1v1? All day. tag match? reluctantly hover the button for ages:)


But a jointed effort against something scripted/streamlined is the worst for me. Queuing for dungeons I've not been in before and stuff like that. Only something like a small team pvp where you are stuck in the "instance" can top that for me - mobas, for example. My main "stage fright" comes from that format, I believe.


I had to talk to people, read and google A LOT to even begin to comprehend the notion of being nervous when going in solo/1v1:) I just can't get that. There's no "danger" of "being stupid on tv" if you are doing 1v1 format:)

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