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*cricket* assassins.


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holy actual *cricket*. how *cricket*ing retarded can you be to let assassins get away with all the bullshit they have in arena?


first of all, i'm gonna let you know now that i'm not some random rat. i stay around ~2050, but i constantly lose to assassins NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. i can play at the TOP of my game, completely outplay them every possible way, but it's the same out come. i understand you may think other classes have similar issues with classes of their own, but no. every class has an equal opportunity to win vs classes they have a downside with, aside from us. its almost IMPOSSIBLE to beat an assassin as a kfm. this shit is *cricket*ing ridiculous. especially since half of our shit bugs out? are you kidding me? i've had my max agility reset the moment i even got it. i went from 4 seconds to 0 with 1 buffering stack. my ice guard tab CONSTANTLY goes on cooldown and nothing happens, no focus, no freeze. you need to fix your garbage ass pvp system. seriously.

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LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.. just now, i was about to win my first match vs a *cricket*.



he's on the floor no tab F, i tremor him getting ready for a combo, he gets stunned. MY FIRST HIT HE MAGICALLY COUNTERS IT, DONT FORGET THAT HE'S STUNNED FOLKS.. THEN HE GETS OUT OF EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF THE *cricket* COUNTER AND WINS THE MATCH.



second round, i use tab to stop his opener right before he comes but GUESS WHAT? IT GOES ON COOLDOWN BUT DOESN'T WORK AT ALL. SO I JUST SIT THERE UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))


fun game, 1/10 ign




edit: honestly and truthfully just played vs the NINTH assassin in a row, dropped from 2061 to 1960 :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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You need fries with that salt bro?


As a fellow KFM, I feel your pain. None the less keep up the good work.

Regarding the mindset, this topic is great.

 You can do this. You've already climbed the ranks up until Plat. You just have to figure out the right window of opportunity.


You rock man, keep climbing!

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This match-up is so annoying its ridiculous.  I sit right about the same rating as Bobo (we play occasionally, I'm Rowdy) and it seems like 60%+ of the 2000-2100 bracket is assassins.  I'm pretty sure I'm something like 1-24 against plat assassins, it's just so heavily favored for them if they actually know their class.


I also regularly experience the bug that lets the sin counter while stunned.  I'm not sure if ice guard going on cooldown without coming out is actually a bug since it seems to happen when you get hit right as you're using it, but it is also extremely frustrating.  


I'm really hoping getting some hongmoon skills helps at least a little bit in this match up because its so heavily sin favored right now.  The pull in on z will help at least.

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 the kebabs who have no idea how a assassin work...




 the kebabs who think assassin is this devil in the shadows without any weakness...




 the kebabs who doesnt have any idea about assassins weakness and its strenghts...




 the salty tears match up with kebab meat is perfectly awesome...








cry more kebabs >,..,< 



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5 hours ago, Zakaru said:

This match-up is so annoying its ridiculous.  I sit right about the same rating as Bobo (we play occasionally, I'm Rowdy) and it seems like 60%+ of the 2000-2100 bracket is assassins.  I'm pretty sure I'm something like 1-24 against plat assassins, it's just so heavily favored for them if they actually know their class.


I also regularly experience the bug that lets the sin counter while stunned.  I'm not sure if ice guard going on cooldown without coming out is actually a bug since it seems to happen when you get hit right as you're using it, but it is also extremely frustrating.  


I'm really hoping getting some hongmoon skills helps at least a little bit in this match up because its so heavily sin favored right now.  The pull in on z will help at least.

Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one whose experiencing the bugs. It seemed like it for a while. Have you noticed any problems with agility?

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Problem with assassins is that they hard counter both Blade Master and KFM . Seriously, i never had that much trouble aganist any other class, summoner or destroyer they are not THAT hard. But assassins? They just roflstomp you somehow. Stun over Stun over Stun over Blind over Web over NoDefensiveSkills over Evada. Like WTF? Even when i manage to get combo on them , which brings them down to %35 hp, they still just win. 


Only time i win aganist an assassin is when they dont know how to play

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4 minutes ago, Navhkrin said:

Problem with assassins is that they hard counter both Blade Master and KFM . Seriously, i never had that much trouble aganist any other class, summoner or destroyer they are not THAT hard. But assassins? They just roflstomp you somehow. Stun over Stun over Stun over Blind over Web over NoDefensiveSkills over Evada. Like WTF? Even when i manage to get combo on them , which brings them down to %35 hp, they still just win. 


Only time i win aganist an assassin is when they dont know how to play

There's literally nothing we can do if they have ANY knowledge of their class.

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11 minutes ago, Navhkrin said:

Problem with assassins is that they hard counter both Blade Master and KFM . Seriously, i never had that much trouble aganist any other class, summoner or destroyer they are not THAT hard. But assassins? They just roflstomp you somehow. Stun over Stun over Stun over Blind over Web over NoDefensiveSkills over Evada. Like WTF? Even when i manage to get combo on them , which brings them down to %35 hp, they still just win. 


Only time i win aganist an assassin is when they dont know how to play


I actually feel relatively confident against assassins as a BM main (~1600-1800ish). I guess it's mostly because I face assassins more than any other class, and I've just become more skilled against that matchup than others which might be more advantageous to me. To me it feels like the whole match revolves around controlling their combos by preventing stealth opportunities (both going into stealth and openers from stealth). Getting a good feel for when assassins will use their swap, shuriken, counter, and lotus dance and the appropriate responses are the biggest factors. Just iframing 1 swap can change the outcome of a fight. That's not to say I don't lose to them, but I do win against Sin more often than I do against Summoner for example. 

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Well assassins are really easy to play class. And have retarted mechanic = they can hit you when they are still invisible (lmao what developers think when they create this class).

When you try to detect they from aoe you see EVADE EVADE. In all good mmos invisiblity is balanced but in this game is one big joke.

Im playing bm and i ALWAYS lose to this class. For example on my fm i dont have any problem with sins, on my kfm too. But BM vs Sin = ALWAYS SIN. Sin mechanic is the biggest counter for bm.

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Can we all agree that we should nerf assassins and just make it so that they just walk all the time and deal 100 damage per skill instead of constantly going in and out of stealth? I mean, assassins? Stealthy? pfft.

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Just now, Kostoprav said:

Think every class have favorable match-ups and vice versa,  Try asking some friends how to deal with them , crying about how OP they are will not help you improve. 

exactly... i love to read "theres nothing i can do" HA if you believe that you already lost.

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Well assassins are really easy to play class.


I do not agree with you since they are one of the classes with the highest learning curve in the game.

it's how you utilize your skill tree per opponent every bit of detail in the assassin play style is predictable.

learn your opponents skills tree, anticipate your opponents movements, spar with clan members or assassin friends.

it's all about practice :)

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If you aren't anywhere near my rating, please get off the thread. Your opinion does not matter.

28 minutes ago, Kostoprav said:

Think every class have favorable match-ups and vice versa,  Try asking some friends how to deal with them , crying about how OP they are will not help you improve. 


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Bobonuke maybe just l2p ? Assasins arent op they just got hard to understand skills so you dont understand a sh*t, stop being noob. Assasins are also being rekt by destroyers and BD's who are op becouse dev's think that making deflecting spins isn't enought they also need to stun on every attack attempt. If you would not attack sin's when they counterattack you would l2p and win.


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