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Nerf the destroyer


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I don't know that they need nerfed but maybe a target cap on the spin to win aoe and what not and as for being quick with there attacks what ur seeing is probly the animation cancel for there left right mouse buttons which makes one hit equal 2 hits

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Destroyer has one jump, one very avoidable charge and some have drag (the pull), for the rest they have the spin for mobility, if they didn't have the spin they'd be kited 24/7, also, let's see what the cooldowns are: Blitz 18 seconds, Ram 30 seconds, Drag: 30 seconds.


Do we see a pattern? Yes we do, his cooldowns are REALLY high compared to the mobility of other classes and even then he's still lacking.

Destroyer may seem OP, but he's very punishing. If you get caught by the couple mobility abilities, you take a lot of damage, but if you avoid them the destroyer is basically screwed for a while.


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a KFM? Dude a KFM is probably one of the hardest counters to Des. you just have to stack your Q and E and time it correctly. once you get ur agility stakcs they will miss all their attacks and they are very vunerable to knockdown so keep spam that ss charge attack. you have a iceguard for their grab and once they burn their tab u can all in them pretty easily

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1 hour ago, TakunDes said:

a KFM? Dude a KFM is probably one of the hardest counters to Des. you just have to stack your Q and E and time it correctly. once you get ur agility stakcs they will miss all their attacks and they are very vunerable to knockdown so keep spam that ss charge attack. you have a iceguard for their grab and once they burn their tab u can all in them pretty easily

I dont know about this. I think that Des have a slight advantage against KFM at the moment. Sure, as a KFM you can just stack ur evade but if the Des is playing smart they will see this coming and hold onto a few important cooldowns for that reason. I myself may not be super high in the rankings (only 1752 as of yesterday) but I do have a 27:6 win ratio and most of those matches are against either KFM, BM, or Assassins.
Side Note: A good Assassin will beat a good Des every time. No exceptions.

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