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Server Lag/Skill Delay Impossible to play!


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Alright this really annoying. I been playing this game and try my hardest to deal with the lag. Hell, most of my death is caused by lag spike and skills delay, it just makes my character a standing dummy for all the mobs to bash on. 


I don't know what heck is going on. I check both my download and upload speed. They both are fun. I check my connection, it should be perfect. However, in the Gunma server I'm dealing with heavy lags that always almost kill me or kill me during battles. I don't know if it's me or the game. But can anyone help me out on this issues? Because I know, I'm not alone in this. Other people have been complaining about this problem.

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i second this i played fine up until yesterday i am a few states from texas whr ei think yall said the servers were is there something wrong or troubles you are having please tell us as customers so we will know if the problem is us please let us know the lag i am getting makes it pointless to be prem i log in quick to not beable to move or when i move i cant fight touch or even talk

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Here I thought my lags couldn't get even worse, now today I can't even talk to any NPCs, nor get my stuff. Pretty much the only thing I can do is walk around and being nothing more but a useless target dummy to any enemy. I can't even chat too because it's bad on Server Gunma.  I'm receiving nothing on the event too. No keys, nothing. Here I thought things can't get any worse than today but no. It's just keeps getting worse. -.-


It make me wonder if this game worth playing.>.>"

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Having major lag issues as well now, Initially when i started playing the game last week there were no problems at all, then suddenly 3 days ago there has beem huge lag spikes and log in issues, i cant do any sort of cobat, interact with any NPCs or now chat even. This is definitely not my computer or my internet as nothing has changed in the last week from my side, I have a Acer Predator 17 and a really good internet connection. But this lag is really putting me off the game which i had really started to like when i played it and got my char up to level 32. Wish there was a solution or at least some acknowledgement of the problem and some communication about it.


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It happens to me as well. I have a 500 Mbps Internet Bandwidth, wired connection and it lags so much, also the FPS drops and freezes are horribly frequent.

I am from Romania, Bucharest, playing on the Europe Servers.

I have Windows 10, on a GTX 860M 4GB, I should be able to play without any FPS drops, lag or skill delay. 


I have friends who experience the same exact problems as I am, and some are playing on better PCs/Laptops.


Any ideeas ? NCSOFT ?

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On 1/29/2016 at 9:22 AM, epokz said:

1 : Go to ctrl:alt:sup or service.

2 : Find AsusGamerFirst or Msi equivalent (can be AsusGamerRog3 on nev Mob)

3 : disable this service and Never ever use it again.



Doesn't work, however... They did fix server now so I'm running at full speed.

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On 1/26/2016 at 7:52 AM, HikaruIsabeau said:

Alright this really annoying. I been playing this game and try my hardest to deal with the lag. Hell, most of my death is caused by lag spike and skills delay, it just makes my character a standing dummy for all the mobs to bash on. 


I don't know what heck is going on. I check both my download and upload speed. They both are fun. I check my connection, it should be perfect. However, in the Gunma server I'm dealing with heavy lags that always almost kill me or kill me during battles. I don't know if it's me or the game. But can anyone help me out on this issues? Because I know, I'm not alone in this. Other people have been complaining about this problem.

 Check one of the Sticky threads they talked about the Skill Delay Bug

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