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Bought outfits tradeable between characters


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So guys I lvld my first account to level 45 and now i wanted to level a different character to 45 as well.

Its cool that the premium is account bound so it goes for alt characters too but then i noticed something which is in my opinion really weird.


First of all, the wardrobe isnt account related but its character related, even tho i already dislike this tbh i can somehow understand it. But on the informative streams earlier before the launch was a specific question about outfits and the answer was that you could mail them between your characters..

Well all the outfits i either farmed or bought with nCoins can NOT be mailed (i bought them with the thought they could be mailed since it was answered like that)...


In the end this basically means i will not be making and leveling a second character because in my opinion it is rediciulous that you have to buy the same outfit twice via ncoins to use it on the same account. Even the farming ones, if you spend 60 times doing a dungeon because it drops an item i dont think anyone is motivated to do it another 60 times for your alt character.


If you ask like 10-15eu for an outfit its fine but at least make them account bound and not character bound, because like this you will discourage everyone that would want to make another character and not buy the same outfits again..


If im missing something here im apologizing for it because i have been searching and looking but couldnt really find a direct answer.

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I agree that I'm disappointed we can't trade bought outfits between characters. I bought one on my main character thinking I could use it on my second character, as if it worked like Guild Wars 2. Granted, it's my fault for not researching first, but it's still very disappointing.

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Yeah, because in my opinion it your account, if you decide it to use it on another character it should work, right?

You either spend alot of time farming it or spend some money buying it... It just sounds really greedy to me that appearantly it doesnt work like that.

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Guild Wars 2 has an account shared wardrobe system. Every single gear or skin that you use or even if you destroy it and don't use it the skin will be saved forever on your account and you can at anytime equip it on any character you make. I'm sure many other games has this as well but GW2 is where I first discovered it and I'm surprised every single other game out there isn't doing this as well, there's absolutely no reason not to use this system. 

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Well in my opinion an account shared wardrobe would fix all the troubles, but since its for premium users only free players will have to farm their outfits again so that might be a bit troublesome.


Anyways, I really hope something changes about this because i want to be able to level my forcemaster while looking cool in those overpriced outfits XD

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15 minutes ago, HurbY said:

So guys I lvld my first account to level 45 and now i wanted to level a different character to 45 as well.

Its cool that the premium is account bound so it goes for alt characters too but then i noticed something which is in my opinion really weird.


First of all, the wardrobe isnt account related but its character related, even tho i already dislike this tbh i can somehow understand it. But on the informative streams earlier before the launch was a specific question about outfits and the answer was that you could mail them between your characters..

Well all the outfits i either farmed or bought with nCoins can NOT be mailed (i bought them with the thought they could be mailed since it was answered like that)...


In the end this basically means i will not be making and leveling a second character because in my opinion it is rediciulous that you have to buy the same outfit twice via ncoins to use it on the same account. Even the farming ones, if you spend 60 times doing a dungeon because it drops an item i dont think anyone is motivated to do it another 60 times for your alt character.


If you ask like 10-15eu for an outfit its fine but at least make them account bound and not character bound, because like this you will discourage everyone that would want to make another character and not buy the same outfits again..


If im missing something here im apologizing for it because i have been searching and looking but couldnt really find a direct answer.


It has been discussed in closed beta phases, have to agree that doboks (costumes) should be account bound like master pack ones.

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2 minutes ago, HurbY said:

Well in my opinion an account shared wardrobe would fix all the troubles, but since its for premium users only free players will have to farm their outfits again so that might be a bit troublesome.


Anyways, I really hope something changes about this because i want to be able to level my forcemaster while looking cool in those overpriced outfits XD


This sounds fair enough also.

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By the way, I just noticed i can not start daily dash again on my other character so that basically means that you cannot wear the White luna dress (idk what its called but the reward at the end) on any alt characters?...



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43 minutes ago, Offended said:

They said they are working on adding an item to store that will allow us to make them account wide. Hopefully, it won't add another $5 to the ridiculously overpriced outfits and hopefully it will be soon and not months. 

I'd still just prefer they be account bound, or just trade able without an extra purchase....

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