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Kong Fu Master Vs Blade Dancers


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I am not sure if this has been posted before , scrolled like 6-8 pages on the pvp forum and found nothing so I thought I make a post myself.

So I main a KFM and I love it ,learned to play vs summoners ,force masters , destroyers I do decent vs them but when it comes to blade dancer I just can't do shit with the occasional win here and there I have maybe less then 20% win rate vs them, so I am reaching out for help from other blade dancer/KFM out there if you have any tips for me on how to approach this match up.

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7 minutes ago, JadeEyes said:

Learn to play, thats all i can say.

I can beat any class with my kfm.

If you can't say anything then don't say anything retarded... You look like you made that comment just to show off, people want to learn.


3 hours ago, Amid said:

I am not sure if this has been posted before , scrolled like 6-8 pages on the pvp forum and found nothing so I thought I make a post myself.

So I main a KFM and I love it ,learned to play vs summoners ,force masters , destroyers I do decent vs them but when it comes to blade dancer I just can't do shit with the occasional win here and there I have maybe less then 20% win rate vs them, so I am reaching out for help from other blade dancer/KFM out there if you have any tips for me on how to approach this match up.

With blade dancers you don't want to use your block on them at close distance, use it ONLY when you're far way, else they counter your block, also you have to use triple-kick whenever possible, I use 3RF combo after that but you can go straight into aerial combo->grapple, works either way.

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2 hours ago, WreckingLord said:

With blade dancers you don't want to use your block on them at close distance, use it ONLY when you're far way, else they counter your block, also you have to use triple-kick whenever possible, I use 3RF combo after that but you can go straight into aerial combo->grapple, works either way.

Is Elbow Smash good to speck vs them then ?

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Learn to Q->E when they spin.


You can knock them out of spin with SS -> LMB (the flying kick).


You can also spec tab (flying smash or w/e) for airborne and knock them out of spin that way too.


Afterwards just 3rf. Easier said than done of course.

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Key tips against BD as KFM:
1)  Spin cause 2 focus, they spin, you get back
2) Do not ever counter in melee range, you're gonna get deflected, tank it like a man (800 dmg), instead, use Q/E and enjoy the unlimited focus/6 sec 100% evade.
3) Your stuns are not your initiator against BD, your knockdowns/up are your best friend.
(Hint: SS > F (shoryuken, 18s cd), SS > LB (flying kick, 6 sec cd), 3 (leg sweep 12 sec cd if spec)
(Hint2: they have 0.5sec deflect at start of every spin, time it well, and on a knock down, they're gonna use TAB to escape immediately (accidentally too) because spin and TAB escape are the same key)
4A) if you manage to pull off (3), if you knock them up, aerial combo it
4B) if you manage to pull off (3), if you know them down, grab em and punch the focus out of them (hint: if you spec grapple, to 1>1>2, you get to damage 1 focus per hit, which is 6 focus if you pull it off and they did not reversal, 2 spin (4 focus) + 1 perfect grapple blows (6 punch, 6 focus) = 0 focus, they have 0 focus now, catch them once with a stun (if they used tab escape in (3)), then unleash your stun chain combo terror.

Hint: only counter when your distance from the BD is 6m and more (you can't avoid an aoe stun but other skill wise you can avoid)

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only small advice, will post more with more personal experience: whenever they hook their flying sword into your back, buy time by any means possible. CC them by any means possible, use iframes, keep them in a knock up combo - for 6 seconds so that thing expires. You don't want them to bring the killer skills in that depend on that stupid sword mark. :D

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