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Emotes menu missing?


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I was with a friend and we wanted to try out the different emotes. I could only guess a few so I've been hearing people say that F12 brings up the emotes menu, but pressing F12 doesn't do anything. I also don't see it in the keybinding menu. Is there no emotes menu anymore? Typing /help in the chat says that it's there, but it's not.


Can I at least get a list of the emote commands. I prefer typing them out anyway.



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Unfortunately I haven't found an actual menu, but you should be able to access the emotes by hotkeys. F12 is the default shortcut. Your hotkey bar will turn in to a emote menu. From there you can choose the emote "type" you want to display. And use TAB to move through the emote keys.

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I've been compiling a list since I'd like to know the text commands, myself, and I haven't been able to find one anywhere. Some of the commands don't seem to match their descriptions, though, so I haven't been able to figure some out (or maybe they just don't exist).


Emote Chat Command and Trigger List

All listed in the order then appear on the emote hotbar. Emotes can be enabled by a text command (/bow) or by using plain text triggers in chat messages ("hello").


Shows their respect: /bow "hello"
Applauds: /applause "congratulations" "congrats"
Jokes Around: /tease
Confesses their love: /love "I love you"
Waves happily: /wave "bye"
Blows a kiss: /kiss "kiss"
Apologizes: /sorry "sorry"
Tries to cheer everyone up:
Eyes fill with tears: /cry /sad
Rejoices: "haha" "yay"
Is bored: /bored "boring"
Makes a scary noise: /scare "boo!"
Cheers excitedly: /cheer "yeah!"
Is furious: "mad" "angry"
Is terrified: /scary /afraid "scary"
Is exasperated:
Tells everyone to charge forward: /charge "go!"
Wants everyone to stop: /stop "stop" "wait"
Looks around: /look
Pays their respects: /respect "respect"
Dances happily: /dance
Is dancing up a storm: /dance2


(Other Emotes/Actions)
Sit Down: /sit
Walk/Skip: Pressing / will enable walking/skipping (not in the chat window).

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17 minutes ago, SilentCaay said:

I've been compiling a list since I'd like to know the text commands, myself, and I haven't been able to find one anywhere. Some of the commands don't seem to match their descriptions, though, so I haven't been able to figure some out (or maybe they just don't exist). Here's the current list, in order as they appear on the emote hotbar:



"Respect" /bow

"Applaud" /applause

"Jokes Around"

"Love" /love

"Wave" /wave

"Blow Kiss" /kiss


"Cheers Up"



"Tears" /cry


"Bored" /bored

"Scary Noise"

"Cheer Excitedly" /cheer


"Terrified" /scary




"Charge" /charge

"Stop" /stop



"Looks Around" /look

"Pay Respects" /pressf (ok, j/k, it's /respect)

"Dance Happily" /dance

"Dance Up a Storm" /dance2


And there are a couple things not available from the emotes list:

"Sit Down" /sit

"Walk/Skip" - Not really an emote but pressing / (not in the chatbox, just pressing it normally) will activate walking/skipping.

Youa re a life saver. I hate this F12 thing, it takes forever and if its open you can't talk to NPCs and going into combat doesn't automatically turn it off. This is much easier.

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Massive update to my list since I found out you can trigger emotes with normal chat messages. Like if you tell someone "Hello, how are you?" the word "hello" will trigger the /bow emote or "Kiss my butt" will trigger the /kiss emote, etc. I also added /tease and /sad. I'm still missing quite a few commands and triggers, though. (Damn you, "cheers up" and "exasperated"! Tell me the secret of your commands!) Anyway, have fun!

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  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, Pandiya said:

I know I'm like a year late to this dead topic, but this is some pretty valuable information! "Exasperated" most certainly is "/frustrated", but I'm still having a time figuring out what "cheers up" could possibly be. :O

This topic, being as old as it is, has outdated info.

You can no longer get the emote hotkeys to appear with the F12 key, because there's a new method and menu/window for emotes with a somewhat recent update, some weeks ago.


NOW, you just hold both the CTRL and ALT keys to get the emote menu and "wheel" to show up. You can drag the emotes you'd prefer to "quick slot" into the wheel from the emotes menu. To use the emotes, you have to hold CTRL + ALT, and with those two keys held, hit the number key that corresponds to the emote in that number's slot on the wheel.


Example: CTRL + ALT + 1 = emote activation for slot #1 on the emote wheel


I usually set my dance emotes on #1 and #2. #5, which always shows as "special", is reserved for emotes that are only usable while certain outfits or combinations of cosmetics in a "set" are equipped. Also, I believe it can be used for "/charm", which is an emote learned from eating a "Charm Pellet", which is a drop from the Ebondrake Lair on Hard Mode.


Anyway, I hope this helps.

F12 no longer works for emotes. You have to hold CTRL + ALT, then hit the number for the emote you want on the emote wheel.


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  • 11 months later...
37 minutes ago, nhapham001 said:

my quest ask for /mourn but when i type "/mourn" it doesn't work. i hold alt +ctrl and click all the icons but still not work at all!

You have to wear the Requiem outfit (black Hongmoon outfit) in order to make the /mourn command work. 

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