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Someone having  Unstable FPS or FPS spikes on High pc Spec? i have stable 120FPS and in crowded areas and towns down to 25-30 lol   processor at 30% and gpu at 35%, not even at full load, i can easily ryn Farcry 3, witcher 3, starwars BF on ultra without problem, this game also need poor requeriments. lol


AMDFX 8350

Corsair Vengance 16Gb RAM 2133

Nvidia GTX 970

Windows 10

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Just now, DrRob said:

Have you tried turning your max FPS down to like 60 fps and see that helps? sometimes if you're pc is running higher fps than it can handle all the time the spikes get crazy.

Nah, the game itself is just really bad optimized and tons of people are getting lag issues / fps spikes, including me, with the same specs like OP, but different CPU (i7 4770k)

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Try maxing frame limit slider to 120, and turn vsync off. Worked for me All tho I'm using a 780.

Think it might be a issue with the 9xx series of drivers tho, my friend has a 980 and was seeing around 15fps in town kinda crazy. He said playing in windows mode fixed it some.

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19 minutes ago, Menester said:

Nah, the game itself is just really bad optimized and tons of people are getting lag issues / fps spikes, including me, with the same specs like OP, but different CPU (i7 4770k)

Running i7 4790k + GTX 970 and my FPS is always above 60 :s

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I haven't had any issues with frame drops or low framerate, though my PC is a bit higher end. The only time my FPS really dips is when there's TONS of players around an area with heavy light and shadows. Foshe Pyres (sp?) was kinda rough at times last night.



Windows 7 64-bit (on a Samsung Evo 850 SSD)

MSI Gaming Z97 Gaming 5 MOBO

i5-4690k (stock)

Gigabyte GTX 970 Windforce (stock)

8 gigs Corsair 1333 mhz RAM

ancient Hitachi 5400 RPM 1 TB drive


I'd likely pin the performance issues to your FX-series processor. They're somewhat infamous for issues with eastern MMO performance

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1 minute ago, MoonDust said:

@Eninya game is bad optimized i think...

If it is, I'm not seeing it since I'm running the game at max settings pretty much the entire time (along with very high Nvidia Control Panel settings). I think I turned down Bloom and 1 tick of shadows (visually almost no difference) in hopes of reigning in some of the overwhelming glow effects attached to NPCs and a few surfaces/objects.

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