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How to get rid of bots


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I've seen multiple posts about how to deal with bots. Use the afk auto kick or have a moderator kick the bots from the game. I have a different approach. What about preventing or at least limiting many of them from bring able to join the server/the queue?


NCsoft already uses the 6 digit pin to be able to go into the login screen. What about the use of captcha or answering a randomized question to verify you are human before joining a server? Is that possible to do in game? I'm just brainstorming here I'm not a professional by any means in these sort of things so if anybody has any knowledge as to if that would work or not I'd love to hear it.

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You want to know how to 100% remove bots?


Never buy anything from them. Ever.


They only care about profit. Remove that, and they will leave.


Sadly, we will always have THAT minority of players that will buy from them without thought.

Such is why the fight against bots across all MMOs are so difficult.

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Well yea that is the obvious answer but seeing as how that isn't a realistic option because of certain players I  was more interested in the how and if my idea could be implemented or if there are other solutions :P

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Just stop loot drops when the character becomes to high. This way you wont get high level Bots farming low level dungeons.


Remove the auction house system it propagates bots in mmo's. The AH is one of the worst ideas ever to come from WoW and with it came the gold farmer revolution which now plagues all new MMO's. Pre CU SWG, Ultima Online, Eve Online, Everquest 1 never really had a problem with bots due to the lack of a centralised auction house, give players their own vendors and stalls or regional auction houses like Eve Online (space station markets.) and half the gold farmers will quit due to the game being far to difficult to make a profit.

You could also put into the character generator a name check in which if the name of the character is not pronounceable then you can't make the character up. This would stop characters with names such as "hgirig", "hifwodk", "wajfngo". etc. Which most gold farmers seem to have. 


But I still think a centralised auction house in any mmo will give fertile ground for gold farmers. Remove this feature and remove the gold farmers.

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Just stop loot drops when the character becomes to high. This way you wont get high level Bots farming low level dungeons.


Sorry, but no.

A lot of players return to lower zones to farm particular items.

If you remove that, youa re taking away a major component of the game for them.



Remove the auction house system it propagates bots in mmo's. The AH is one of the worst ideas ever to come from WoW and with it came the gold farmer revolution which now plagues all new MMO's. Pre CU SWG, Ultima Online, Eve Online, Everquest 1 never really had a problem with bots due to the lack of a centralised auction house, give players their own vendors and stalls or regional auction houses like Eve Online (space station markets.) and half the gold farmers will quit due to the game being far to difficult to make a profit.


So you rather go for a chat channel being spammed with trade/buy offers?

No thank you, the current default channels are spammy enough already.



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