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Premium Queue after Launch


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Hmm I've experienced 2 client crash and 2nd one got 3 hour wait.

I've seen many ppl go afk when they go sleep and i think this will cause a lot of inactive player remain in server.

Each server has their capacity and it won't let people in until people actually log out or their client crash.

And of course things are only going to get worse after the Launch.


This is neither NC's fault nor subscribers. It's the fate of F2P at launch. But this can be better.


Suggestion 1:

[Auto afk kick after 30min-60min inactive]

Benefit: This will at least clear out people who is not doing actively involve in game. This will make room in server in terms of its capacity and it will decrease the queue significantly.


Suggestion 2:

[Grace Period for Disconnected Player]

Internet is best effort service and people can get diconnected. Or sometime client crashes. These people who waited 3 horus on the queue to go mad as there will be another 3 hours waiting. NC should put like 5min grace period so if they got booted from game, they could skip the queue.


Again, this issue will auto resolved over time let's say 1 month max. But NC should do something for their paying customer or they ain't gonna get new subscription after their subscription ends.



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8 minutes ago, Machder said:

My macro mouse would like to discuss suggestion 1 with you.


2 minutes ago, Mystearica said:




Then hopefully you'd both, eventually, be banned. At that point you're just ruining it for other folks for absolutely no reason at all.


Good on you?

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4 minutes ago, Mystearica said:



It's thanks to you not being able to think for once in your life that we have this issue.

If there wasn't ten thousand people afk'ing, they wouldn't have to worry about hours of queues because there wouldn't BE hour's worth of queue's.

But hurr durrr

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As per suggestion 2:  If the queue time is 3 hours, I'd be inclined to argue there should be an auto-kick after 1 or 2 hours, just so everybody has a chance to play.  People getting dropped from DC is probably the only hope those people in the queue have of actually playing during prime time.

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