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Everything posted by Shunaia

  1. Yeah, when RNG isn't on your side, you could either keep pushing forward, hoping that the next run will give you what you want, OR just give up and try again at another time. I prefer to take a break and try again later, because your first try on another day could still get it for you. The troves and RNG boxes feel like they have a decaying RNG rate after so many rolls in a day or even a week. Even if it isn't so, it's still my choice to either play now or later, and that same choice is yours. With the "free" outfits in this game that depend on RNG, you can at least take comfort in the idea that they aren't going anywhere. With these cosmetic items, they won't "rotate" out for some other cosmetic items like the HM Store does every two weeks, so you could always try again later, making it a "long game,", or more precisely, making it only a matter of time before you'll finally get it. That said, I can at least remember that I don't have to push myself too hard to get RNG items when they'll be around to roll for at a later time. There's no rush for those items, except for how badly you want them.
  2. They reproduce by cellular mitosis, induced through consuming large quantities of bologna and corn chips, while listening to Tailor Swift music over the P.A. speakers in a local supermarket. Conception occurs when you hear the supermarket's radio ad interrupt the music to inform you on the great sales you can get there, every day, as long as you have your silly little bonus card on your silly little keyring, alongside all of the other silly bonus and membership cards that you never actually use, nor remember actually ever signing up for. This is when a new Yun buds into existence. -And yes, they smell like Tailor Swift - the smell of bologna and corn chips... and probably a little hint of butt.
  3. I hope I don't get banned for saying this, but... "scissor me timbers!". XD
  4. Liinxy probably doesn't have an answer for us just yet, but after the update, she might have the time to either get the ball rolling, or at the very least, get talks starting. I have plenty issues with this game, foreign and not, and I'm not straying from the issue, I'm circling back. lol (Good save! *Looks around to see if anyone sees through my bluff.*) I DO want the same things a lot of other people here want, though. I was considering trying to solo Zaiwei Ruins myself, but wasn't sure if I could just yet. I think I'll try it anyway, just as a personal challenge for myself, either way. However, I think it would be a good move to put those two items on the achievement vendor. I don't like the hairstyle on my Gon female, but on a Jin female and on some Yun, I think it looks neat. Regarding the items I "strayed" TO, though, I'm hoping and kind of expecting such changes to make it into the game at some point. I mean, if you just think about their reasoning for their current planned changes, it just makes sense. --At least to me, anyway.^^ On a semi-related note, the outfit itself already has a palette swap version of it, with a lot of black and purple in its color scheme. I'm wondering if the hair/head adornment has a similarly colored palette swap at all just yet...
  5. When the new content update hits, they ARE taking out the older dungeons from DC, and even from the matchmaking lobby. I DO also wish that they'd put Zaiwei Ruins into the DC or at least make it part of the weekly challenge, to make WEEKLY challenges more doable. Not all of us even care about PVP, and it feels like such an arduous chore to trudge through three wins of either battleground, when one win feels like a matter of "RNG", as it is. Sure, ti CAN be done in about a week's time, but I have better things to do than to PVP in battlegrounds "UNTIL" I get those wins for the week. The ONLY reasons I do them are for the weekly challenge rewards including things like event tokens, etc., and currently, for the battle points, so I can buy the 30K outfit at some point. I think ALL 24-man raid areas should be part of either DC or WC, and in my opinion, I think it would add to the variety of PVE-related activities if it was part of the WC instead of DC. That way, people can co-op to PVE a 24-man raid or two instead of dealing with PVP, if they really, REALLY, really don't want to pvp. lol For me, it would be a lot more fun of an option. They're fixing DCs so you only need to do THREE out of a choice of SIX different activities, and partly to make it faster and easier to do on a daily basis. So why not make the WC easier/faster too? It doesn't have to be a quick-as-a-wink kind of fast, but to have the choices between PVE and PVP activities would make it more appealing for some of us, I'm sure. If I want to "PVP", I'll play a fighting game. I play BNS for the PVE and because the game has some neat customization with its cosmetics variety, so I can make my character look cool too. In a fighting game, I can know that I'm losing because my skill isn't as good as my opponent's, and not a numbers game behind who has the higher stats or who has a class that has more CC skills than I have ways to get OUT of CC situations. Where they can spam and repeat CC so many more times, exponentially, than I can escape CC, I do not enjoy PVP in BNS at all, and that's just MY opinion. If you don't like my opinions, that's okay, but at least respect my opinions for being mine. If you like the pvp in BNS, more power to you, but I don't find it fair, nor balanced at all. Again - just my opinions, so don't hate.^^;
  6. Actually, I had more than one copy of WoW, ergo two different accounts. I can "compare" as much as a wish, any time I want, every time I want, and as much as I want. Don't presume to make baseless interjections.
  7. Back when I played Everquest, they did this for me. Even on WoW, a long time ago, they used to do this sort of thing. It WAS something you had to talk with a game master and/or customer service rep for, though, and was only done in special cases. Oh, and FFXI Online did this too. A lot of Western mmorpgs allowed for character swaps between accounts, and in my case, also a Japanese mmorpg, but I don't often see this in Korean mmorpgs, and if it was to be done, they'd charge for it, for sure. I want to be able to do this just so I can have the Alice costume from my alternate account transferred to my alt character on my main account. I mainly want the hair item transferred, because my alt looks so great in it. lol
  8. I was kind of going with the hot teacher look, so it worked out. Hehe
  9. Oh, no, I won't take it as an insult, because I totally agree with you with the chara creator client's options. It LOOKS like it's a robust engine because of how much you SEEM to be able to manipulate, reposition, and rearrange, but you only have so few parts to start off with. The templates to base your designs off of are quite few and limited. However, with the sorceress, I loved her default face just the way it was, but wanted to make SOME changes to it for my entry. The way you change eye color is silly. I wanted to make a pretty brown-eyed girl, but the color selection doesn't allow for some of the simplest color choices, unless you do some resizing trickery with eye parts to give an illusion of what you're really trying to do. I only mentioned this stuff as a "related" thing, just in the sense of showing off a character or two I recently made. Yeah, it's a different game altogether, but I added these screenshots, which were among my entry choices for the contest, to my newlyad Imgur account and just thought it'd be nice to share them. If it were me, and it was my first time hearing about Black Desert, I'd probably use that as my spark of interest, and would want to learn more.^^;
  10. This is my character, "Zelda Amnell" on NA-Master Hongmoon. Usually, in most mmorpgs, I actually get the name "Zelda", when I can beat the rest of the server at reserving the name, when the game's new, but when I can have a space and add a surname, my character is usually named after "Zelda" from the "Zeruda no Densetsu" series, and "Kahlan Amnell" from "The Legend of The Seeker" series. I originally started BNS with a "Yun", I think it's called - the race that's female only. -But even though she turned out really pretty, she looked too much like a JPop idol who's dolled up to look more American or European caucasian. I thought she looked good, but when I saw how the female Gon looked in the same costumes in the wardrobe, after making a Destroyer alt, I just preferred the way they looked in most outfits, compared to the Yun. I also wanted to make her ridiculously tall - MAX height, but gave up on that idea and just have a slightly above average height. She still turned out tall!^^; As with her top-heaviness... I have the chest slider at ZERO, because any larger looks too big, but I kinda wished I went smaller than this. I'm happy with her current look now, though.^^ Here's my super tiny summoner in BNS. i wanted the tallest, coolest looking cat to give a sort of "Calvin and Hobbes" or "My Neighbor Totoro" kind of thing. w I love the Stinger costume with the tail. I can live without the hat for this costume, along with the hat for the Golden Deva costume.^^; Whenever I wear this or "Pure White" and /dance (or /dance2) between world monster spawns, a lot of people seem to like dancing beside me. w
  11. Thanks for your reply. Gonna give it another go.^^
  12. Ah, I think I'll give that a try in a sec. Thanks so much for your response and your help. I just got the costume your character is wearing, and while my Gon isn't AS "top heavy", I think that costume might make her look even moreso than normal, now that I see it in your screenshot.^^;
  13. I'm having trouble figuring out how to embed an image on this site, from "Imgur". I'm not very experienced with using Imgur, as I just started an account with them for the purpose of giving any images I upload, and online URL to link to. I see that several options look like what i want, but whenever I used the "hyperlink" button here, then paste the "embed" string of text, I still just end up with a LINK to my image on here instead of an image that you can see without having to click anything. Anyone have any advice on how to post an image here from Imgur, without it just ending up being a clickable link?
  14. These are a couple of my toons on NA-Master Hongmoon server; Zelda Amnell and Nekokoro and Tama. Zelda Amnell - BNS: NA-Master Hongmoon
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