Make a feedback for QOL so they implemet it, the cheats are ruining the game nothing else, i basically didnt saw any party recrutements when tc came out for months besides selling offers.
If i would be a normal player who is interetsed in getting runs done and work on my gear as a free to play u have no reason to play, the game looks dead, no partys. Thats what cheats do, they turn this game to a maket place instead of a Team game and also kills the content the devs created for everyone to enjoy.
This game is based on a mix of geared and non geared as many games, and a lot of geared run with random ppl who dont have much gear just out of friendlyness, now geared either solo it with cheats or they cant even get their gear in the firstplace if they play legit since there arnt partys.
If anything with the dungeon changes the whole loot destribution system kinda changes and the implementation of easy mode etc at least makes all content more avalible so u can manage also without big whales in ur party but the issue is still the same