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Ioseppo TiLt3bUg

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  1. These days I've been reworking the account a bit, and I've realized how difficult it is to equip a character with the perfect outfit, partly because the items obtainable in game often require long farming times (this weekend 5 hours and over 150 kills to get the Carnivore Mask from Huren in Misty Woods 🙄), but also because there is a very slow turnover of cosmetic products in the cash shop. There are almost 1800 items in the showroom including clothes, pets and weapons, to which two or three more are added every month. Is it possible for an average player to think about completing it before becoming a grandfather? I very much doubt it. So here's my proposal: make the clothes purchasable in F3 (perhaps limiting the purchase to one or two pieces per month, so as not to allow someone to take too much advantage on the statistics given by the collections).
  2. PvP during Valentin's event was not mandatory. There were quests that gave some additional rewards if you killed a pre-established number of opponents, but they were not decisive for obtaining the main rewards. Sure, you might occasionally end up in a brawl in the two different rows over the wheels, but what is life without a little risk? Deadly boring. I would rather reflect on the fact that by favoring the PvE side and suppressing the PvP side, the game is dead.
  3. If I understand correctly, there will be a Neo Classic server in each region, and they will all launch at the same time, in spring 2024
  4. Hello to the whole community. It's been a while since I've logged in, maybe more than a year, but a few days ago on a random social network I found an advertisement for this "Neo Classic" server, so I decided to investigate. I am happy to know that the developers/distributors have finally decided to embark on a path that differs greatly from the choices made in the past 🙂 they are certainly not the first to think of this strategy (Gameforge has long created servers for Aion and 4Story that return to origins of those titles), but I imagine that the constant hemorrhaging of players didn't leave many alternatives. I only hope that it is not a "trawling" for the nostalgic, but rather that it is the beginning of a new life for this masterwork that we all love, and which too often has betrayed our expectations. Now, I know that the experts are preparing a Discord server (which I will not fail to visit, bringing my contribution, as far as possible), but I also want to draw up a list here that perhaps will help them better direct their decisions on what to include in the new version: WHAT IS WRONG FOR ME IN B&S (better: what made me leave the game): I) The total abandonment of the development of the PvP side of the game. A few hours ago I logged back into the game to see the state of things with my own eyes, and I was incredulous to see Soulstone Plain cancelled, as well as the dueling training room and the Tower of Infinity. It seems that any activity aimed at developing a player's ability or desire for PvP is erased. II) The 3rd spec: playing as kfm, I always wondered what lycanthropy had to do with this martial art. Apart from this, it is clear that the introduction of this feature has unbalanced the properties of all classes, displeasing the majority of players. III) The excessive quantity of item to upgrade and related activities. Guys, we're talking about TWELVE accessories, a weapon (2 if you count the pvp one), SIXTEEN SS pieces (pvp+pve) and SIXTEEN gems (weapon+pet), the SPLENDOR STONE system, the COMPOUND system, the RELIC system, the INSIGNIA system, the f3 collection and now the PORTRAIT collection. ARE WE JOKING THE F**K? If I have a maximum of one/two hours a day to play, how can I have fun if I have to spend all my time farming materials between dungeons, open worlds and events? I said it in an old post and I'll repeat it here: "I feel like I'm a hamster running on a wheel without ever getting anywhere", because in the meantime the bar for the stats needed to face increasingly stronger enemies is rising, and the game starts all over again. Simply put: there are more interesting things to do in other games than repeating the same dungeon train every day, don't be surprised if people leave. SO HERE IS MY IDEAL "Neo Classic" SERVER: I) Restore all faction and individual PvP features (including the eSports championship) and encourage players to frequent them, removing the 3rd spec, returning to the original skilltrees and reintroducing the rewards in NCcoin or other types if necessary. Also propose nice events like Valentin's wheel in February... 2017? 2018? Well, who remembers it, it was very funny and was never repeated... why? II) Simplified equipment: fewer accessories and extra systems. III) Possible transfer of characters, adjusting level cap, equipment and skills. I imagine that not everyone likes leaving tons of outfits and skins in the original server... Hoping to have been of help, I greet you and confirm from now on that I will give this project a chance. I MIGHT EVEN DECIDE TO SPEND MY MONEY ON IT, WHAT DO YOU THINK? GOOD LUCK! Best regards
  5. Well, after a month of vacation on other "ludic shores" I come back and I see that the serious situation I left has even worsened ... I don't want to say nonsense, but I can't help but wonder if the distributor's goal is to reduce to zero the player base, for market reasons unknown to us.
  6. Hello everyone 😐 For me farming gold for two hours a day with the aim of earning marginal stats is very little fun, I feel like I'm a hamster running on the wheel never getting anywhere, there were at least populated arena and battlegrounds would be cool and it would make sense. In recent weeks I have tried to revive pvp by spamming open world events, the response has been almost non-existent, and I am not surprised, since players are led to focus only on pve. I hope that NCSoft, in addition to proposing new classes and raising the gear cap, will find the time to resolve this situation as soon as possible giving more space and attractiveness to the pvp. I can't believe this management is done on purpose. NB: as I had already expressed in another topic, I am aware that the game is changing radically, I hope just this change does not lead to the total abandonment of pvp side of the game. Regards
  7. https://imgur.com/a/HH85AyV As you can see in the pic, the kills counter remains inactive, so the achivement and the relate bonus cannot be obtained
  8. What better occasion than this extraordinary maintenance to invite you all to the FREE PvP BRAWL which will take place at the Mushin Tower Sunday evening at 21:00 CEST on the EU server? 🙂 The factions involved will be Cerulean Order and Crimson Legion. Everyone should be equipped with the necessary outfits, so participating will be easier 😉 Do not miss!
  9. Well here's how it went .... thanks to Sheriti and DontCallMeEve for not making me feel like the last Japanese on the island... Next time we meet at Mushin Tower, don't miss it 🙂
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