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Everything posted by Sayahell

  1. https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/dark-passage-arrives-july-22/ y see here y need this event for new weapon upgrade .no chance for low ppl . 24/ 7 farming like corean
  2. ty Ncoft for new mafia event who high clans govern the server! pve and pvp like hunters refuge gg nice N soft ! https://www.bladeandsoul.com/de/news/blade-soul-dark-passage-arrives-july-22/ this patch is only for big whales -more ppl left now it like CN
  3. can y pls more cry `?! gunner altimes aircombo and kill ppl where is this fair play ?!
  4. seid letzten patch gehen die tränke nicht sowie alle raidcharms ! für TT und ET muss man nun ,charms und food beim Npc kaufen und das zu überteuerten preisen! IA geht auch nix !! Alle Raiditems nutzlos
  5. i can say 100% if gold nerv comes f8 is dead , noboday want farm more instanzes ! why should ppl farm less gold for nothing
  6. i dont understand sense about this nerv ! we remember past gold nerv comes - ppl quit game why did they again again .... alltimes EU / na gold nerv why any explain me this pls ! hm hot gold box chance drop haha - tell me ppl or newcomer want run hm for low chance of drop we got it long time in ssm norm ppl run ! they nerv it again they nerv weeky rewards - cost reduction was answer and prices are raise , be nice too much gold on server funny - most ppl can t upgrade gear 500 oils + like 750 g each and petpots 300 g + item upgrade like 4000g+ with mats
  7. if y see RU patchnotes here -- where is unity 180 for Eu / na ! and in year preview they call from slate system in june `! what happen here [moderated due to language violation - please make sure information shared here is in line with our Code of Conduct - Thank you!]
  8. ANY can me explain why Ru vs NA / eu so diffrent patch notes ?! if they nerv gold again , we can say bb alot games wo dont cash here for nothing or want spent more time for grinding ! y have no chance to farm gold for upgrade gear , Nc soft give y an example uograde new items without mat like 2000 g ? tell me pls how long i need for upgrade with 75% less gold andfor which reason i should grinde new instances for nothing ?! EU is not Corean - like more cash or Rmg ! we dont need this ! newcomer say goodbye , noway for me play this game ! nc soft say too much gold on server . hm why they make whales event like HUnters refuge for mafia guilds- which controll markprizes ?! each day prices for oils and petspots raise - can say happy day .we can buy nothing
  9. @Hime explain newcomer and lowies how get gold for upgrade or why only get in HM ppl are leave game ! ymake commity toxic ! stop raise maketprizes we haven t china or korean system here ! if y want thats ppl quit do this more and more -game die item prices raise hard
  10. hey if y see new Patch notes - https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/game/divine-break/ Gold was nerv ! now they answer of This ppl wanna quit this game ! no casher has less gold or y need a lot of alts ! Market prices are overprices ! oils -petpots -soul binding stones are so expensinv and each day increase prices ! ppl have less gold now cant equip any more ! f 10 is dead or y cant trade any money in game ! Most ppl overprices with sell membership or cash items - now y has no chance too farm gold. Pet Psyche and other new psyche prices so high . new comer has no chance to upgrade gear . this game more and more pay too win ! stop this !
  11. hey unser Raid verkauft , Sa ET raid items !! @[WTS] next ID Boss 1: / badge Boss 2: / neck Boss 3: / waffe keine SS oder Blutrosen ! bei interesse meldet euch - infos werden euch schnellsten wege zugeteilt lg
  12. hey now is time to nerv or remove 3 spec from pvp ! more and more 3 spec comes out ! Classes without are disadvantaged ! fps and ping drops - black sreen! 3 spec cant cc and over power . 3 des 2 bm 1 sin in bg can t do nothing about cc ! cc was ignore ! Time for balancing . warden / Kfm and archer got more resist as any other and one ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ with 1 skill !
  13. hey Der Clan YoloQue sucht akive ; motivierte Range Klassen für ET / IA Raid ! zz benötigen / suchen neue Spieler mit Clanbindung ! bevorzugt werden ! aktivie Leute mit TT-gear +2000 ap + ( keine Raidsöldner ) - FM -Sum für weitere Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung
  14. Der Clan YoloQue sucht aktive , motiverte Member ! Wir suchen aktive Leute für ET / IA Raid 1800 ap +TT gear auf wärts ! bevorzugt Bladedancer / Des / Sum und SF. Wir bieten Discord und Cbg Für weitere infos und Fragen stehe ich dir gehe zu Verfügung
  15. true words- y see alot of Dps checks in IA - MIni boss same!
  16. IA is nothing for ppl with low gear or trash gear ! and is is nerved ! nerved raids are boring, ppl clean it in 2 weeks , where is the fun and challenge ?! ppl must gear up
  17. hey we need other option for exchange gold -hmc possibe warehouse or npc ! F9 is dead and ncoins for most ppl too exchange too expensiv !
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