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Santa Anna

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Posts posted by Santa Anna

  1. Just trying to be funny (sarcasm) new event after 22 January,  the event currency you get more IF YOU HAVE PREMIUM  which shouldn't be ever possible this ,since events should be equal to everyone.  But hey they add new items in shop for everyone + same item for premium only . Now we have events for premium, what is next ? Gear items/ stats items for only premium ^^ . Guess the reason for this is because many many players cancel/stop their subscription premium . ( including me ,3months +without , had over 3 years premium,not anymore ) 


    bye bye going to fish ,opsie afk fishing ?

  2. The biggest mistake in pvp 1vs1 ,3vs3 is allowing multiple characters same class per account.
    Every class ladder have players that have 10 characters same class and many of these with multiple are win trading with other player that have multiple characters .
    This is the main reason why pvp is DEAD and many of players do not  bother with it.
    Even an old player he play ,it does his points 1650-1700p but always is top 20-30 when it can be top 5 or better and ofc he get unmotivated to play and the chain start ....

    One player with 12 char in ladder he get around 30-40k hm coins each season , nice balance for rewards .

    Since beginning of the pvp ,the rules should be 1 class per account in ladder.

    This topic was discussed so many times, NCsoft don't give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about it .Instead to revamp the system and make it more active, they rather kill it .Is all NCnever know to do in this game ,destroying it . 

    Now waiting for cry baby telling " learn how to play to be in ladder " . This game become so disgusting.

  3. 2 hours ago, CrazyDude90 said:

    pls tell me.. why should someone be that "stupid" to buy tradeable materials to change them into account bound materials? xD


    You CANT compare tradeable materials with account bound materials. The tradeable ones will always be much more worth than the account bound mats.

    Before fishing i bought a lot of materials to upgrade my gear , from F10 as well sometimes when is worthing.

    WHY ? Because i don't have alts , i have my FM main max gear and my Des as 2nd main full ET .

    BNS is not my 2nd job to play 12 alts to gear 1 character.  

    So my materials income is very low , while gold is just a number with 0 impact on life , materials are time investment which affects you life. 


  4. 3 months in game and you know so much about game ? :D:

    Or this is a topic only to remind rhe game became a failure now ? Because yes the game is falling down constantly now. 

    Every day ,every patch,every announcement keep failing .

    And back to your topic , since you know so much about game system items etc , I'm more curious about what gear you have ? 

    In 3 months with premium membership ,knowing so much ,if  you are lower than Aransu 9  then nothing to say ........... 


    In my opinion a player can get Aransu 9 in less than 3 months after he get level 60. Faction is full of BT,VT and pretty soon TT faction will start as well since is more or less pew pew pew content.


    FISHING - it worth so much to do it , don't thing about gold ,150 pure gold in return you get materials that worth 900-1400g if you have to buy all from F5.


    Play the market , buy materials on faction with 30s-80s than F5 and craft Transformation stone , after you can sell on faction for 1g cheaper than market and still make profit ,for 24 TS you have like 40-60g profit. 


    The thing with the game now is that these greedy ncsoft try to make the game full p2w ,but players are leaving slowly but for sure ,now ncsoft try  to make play to win to get back the players ,in some way it works but still is not enough,the damage was made already. UE4 news are not good so the balance again got damaged.  


    Just enjoy the game as much as we can ,nobody keep you tied here. And our complaints in forum does nothing .

  5. 4 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    People forget that the quest resets will allow them to reset daily quests to earn more gold...

    Correct me if I'm wrong ,i didn't check well the reset thing in game( i log only for ET raid ) but is not that you need 10 x reset charms to actually reset 1 dungeon ,and the bundle have 10x reset aka 1 full reset for ONLY one dungeon per day ? If is like that ,so much gold .


    I'm not saying that after these bundles 0 hm coins end , we will find these reset in shop for some ONLY NCOINS price, it won't be a surprise .



    And again i repeat my self about gifts is more about COMMON SENSE for people that spend hours in game . 

  6. You don't get the all point , is more about common sense,  people spend hours and hours in game, at least once per year they should gift something that worth for our efforts. This is just disgusting, everyone see around how other games offer good gifts ,meanwhile a company that suck the money from players without remorse, their only good gifts  in game are GUESS WHAT ? With money ,AGAIN.  I don't mind to not get any gifts anyway, i don't expect nothing more from ncsoft side. What is bother me that they laugh in our face for the 1000000x times . Do you want gifts ,pay for them . What is for them to give same gifts as RU , when in game right now you farm you life for 8 blue unity stone which is fail anyway for purple . We have 3 tiers of unity stone purple ,legendary,awaken , and guess what if is not in March for sure 1000% in June at trove we get new tier of unity stone because all the whales have max awaken and there's no other way to milk them,while 90%of players still stuck in 500p on blue. 


    And stop defending ncsoft. 


    And if u are so anti Christmas, check google "Christmas gift meaning "

  7. 57 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    How low the players became to always expect everything the same as other publishers / games do. This is a different game under different management. If you are that upset about gifts you can go play the ru version if you so wish.

    We expect ? Well my friend everywhere i look they give gifts , real life as well, even at job i got gift . Tbh is not even worth my time to answer to that kind of answer from you . Im out . Merry Christmas.  

  8. As my tittle says ,i was trying to buy the Mouse Pad but if i use my country ( Italy) all the BNS merch disappear ori can't find it in store , if i use US as country in Billing and Shipping information can't select any other country .
    So the merch is available only for US ? @Cyan
    Tbh if this is true ,ncsoft just lost so much money from EU xD 

    If the topic is in wrong section ,move it ,i post it here since here is the most attention from people ^^

  9. All that story that i write it was right on subject,  he said that we have only 1 dungeon to farm elder scale ( new currency for end gear upgrade ) and also he said when new dungeon arrive ( new currency) all the old dungeons should change to that currency aka " yeti need remastered and drop elder scale etc ) " 

    If you remember well we had always this rotation with scales , Onyx scale - DST only ,after some months ,BC arrive and WC again after few months ,it is always same rotation  why nobody complain about Onyx scale before ? We had soul upgrade back then as well ? Or maybe nobody complain because DST was 3-4 per run ?? 

    And if you change all dungeons to new currency ( scale) how people that are behind with gear upgrade if the old scales are not anymore ? Making a dungeon to drop all 3 types of scale even more in future is stupid. 


    And I'm the last guy to think that i defend NCsoft ,where i almost insulted them in tickets with the oblivion bracelet reduce cost after 1 month and kick me right in the ass when they made me to buy oblivion reset wih ncoins and give back nothing. 


    For that "intended" mistake i delete my 7 alts ( aransu ++,soul,items stage 10 )  ,stop buying premium 2months without already , 0 ncoins,no trove,rng,or the new ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ lotto stupid thing . Now i focus only my main FM and my 2nd main DES . 2 characters easy life. I log for only raids as well and sometimes i do daily with friends in discord. 

    SO I'm not defending nobody here . 


    I start hating this game the moment they decide to make easy mode no wipe mech ,just faceroll the boss and gg. That was the biggest mistake that people required in this game.


  10. They don't care about your feedback because what people require is just stupid.


    @Xzard You complain there to many scales required but i have few questions for you :Do you have a clan ?Do you have a ET raid ?Do you have friends in game ? Is BNS your second job in life ?


    My answers for the question:

    1- Having a clan is good, you can farm easily every day btoh dungeons aka having fun with them, talk,enjoying game etc 

    2-Having an ET raid you know already you can't push the weapon aka need scales for stage 6 7 8 9,the time you get enough blood rose for 1 stage ( around 5-7 weeks ) you can have 50+scales 

    3- Friends in game are nice to stack out from game, log in talk with them,have a chat ,don't make the game your 2nd job( probably repeat 1st question) 

    4- Are you the person type that play 10h every day ,farming 12 alts everyday ,doing 12x bt,12x vt,12x dc,12x who know , and you complain the game is hard ?


    EVERY GAME IN WORLD  are not made to get every single upgrade that come new in game to have it next day. 


    Games are made to have fun,to enjoy it , to find friends,talk with them ,play together and so on. 


    STOP COMPLAINING for things are hard in this game and take 2 life to get an item. Now since all dungeons are face tank pew pew pew mode why complain ?go farm solo,duo,take your friends ,make turns for scales ? Everything is damn easy .

    And btw the time you get your bracelet (aka 100 runs if bns is 2nd job of ur, should take you 4-6days even less to make 100runs) so by the time you have 100 runs you make 4 fragments x100 =400 fragments aka 20 scales ,guess what ? Exactly enough to have for stage 10 ? Right ? Damn 

    This only from dynamic, so guessing you do in F8 you make a lot of gold as well from others bidding  4-6g per run ,in 100 runs you make free 400-600g 

    If you do with friends and make turns ,guessing in 6 man you will take around 16x time the loot aka let's say an average of 10 fragments  so 160 fragments aka 8x full scales +20 from 100 runs = 28 scales 



    This are minimum that you get but proly you get more scales and you need more than 100 runs for the 250 tokens to buy from npc 


    ABOUT TALISMAN nobody have already ready all the materials to upgrade full in 1 day.For heart as well , maybe 5% of players have already ready all the materials for talisman,heart and etc


    NOT SAYING that all these upgrades you mentioned above are ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ USELESS to rush it or even maybe doing it. All these upgrade probably will be 50-100k dps increase. Why you need 50k-100k dps increase in 1 day ? The content in game is super easy ?Even ET can be done with full GC9 alliance befor enrage ? 


    Me personally i have talisman wyvern stage 2 and i will  not upgrading anymore because the materials that you need to upgrade and what dps you gain is useless .( i'm FM )


    So where is the problem in upgrades taking a little more time ? 


    Reading forum and see this kind of topics i wonder if people really have anyhing else to do in life beside the complaining for a game.


    REMEMBER  nobody force you to upgrade everything , even if is 1 day or 10 years. 


  11. You guys are hilarious to be honest :giggle:
    You have to reconcile with the idea that the game is not free to play anymore ,is not a rumor anymore is just became a PURE FACT this game is PAY2WIN full way .

    Do you think they care for your cry ,koldrek scale etc , ya is a fact that a F2P you can't get the psyches ,you need 500-600days for 8x psyche in this time new raid come and proccess repeat .

    Do you think they think like that when this was made ? "ohh they need 600days etc " NO ,they think like this : " we put 600days for F2P but WE HAVE TROVE ,so we force them to play TROVE so 1 day = full psyches  :wesmart: " 

    STOP complaining of game ,nobody force you to follow their path ,the only one that lose here is you wasting time on complaining .

    PS: i was used to play trove,rng ,rushing all the items as fast as possible ,complain about stuff like you guys do ,but i wake up and ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ this game ,almost 1 month without premium membership ,no more trove,rng,new trove etc or anything like that ,they don't deserve any cents anymore .I stop playing the game ,log only for ET raids . 

    Good luck with ur game and crying :)) xD

    • Like 1
  12. What the hell is this topic , seriously ? now you want a nerf challenge mode ,the hell is wrong with you  ? 

    First you cry game is to  hard , ncsoft nerf the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ out of dungeons and all this game, now is braindead pew pew ,even with my alt 1400ap i can do solo dungeons 
        -aka rip hard mode ,because why would you use 3% of you brain to do something challenging in this boring game ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? 

    Second you cry about raids are to hard , TT got nerfed to ground in not even 1 month 
        -aka you got deadbrain ET raid ,everyone cleared in 2h each boss 

    Third you cry about oblivion bracelet , why would you farm 1-2 months  for an item when yo u can cry in forum
        -aka got nerfed to 1 week farm at 1 month of release ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing all the others players that spent ncoins/hmcoins for it

    Fourth WHY THE ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ YOU DON'T CRY MORE so you get the most useless game ever, just ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing cry to get all contents in game from now on at NPC for 10 silvers (( already upgrade to awaken stage 3 btw )
     --why would you struggle a little in game 
    --why would you use your brain to achive something
    --why would you REAL play the game 
    --why would you whould you whould you 
    --- ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ this , i'm out  , i glad i cancel my premium membership (( i had since day 1 i start play this game ) for this game and this crying community . 


  13. @Laura099 The difference between me and you is huge , i never run away from hard content ,that's why i said this game became pew pew pew content and the reason i hate it , because EASY content for me is BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG and i stop playing it , i play game to have fun ,to struggle,to accomplish something hard ,that give me satisfaction from playing a game .
    I never went back from hard mechanics and yes to answer to you question about i hold back to mech : 
                You wrong my friend , i had CM group since DST to present. And for TT i always asked for the hardest roles that my classes can do .The difference between TT and ET is HUGE . TT took more than 1 week to clear it , while ET RAID = 2h20min for Boss 1 , 2h for Boss 2  in same day ,Boss 3 i don't know since i quit the game for 3 months before release because of the pew pew pew raid content ,enrage mode for me .Now on Boss 3 i have 10kills and i can say is to easy as well .
    I'm in a clan that had 4 VT raids, 4 TT raids, and now we have 3 ET raids , in our clan we start new dungeon with HARD MODE blind mode . WE never hold back to hard content .

    Do not tell me i hold back from mechanics , i have a reason why i keep saying this game is to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing easy and BORING , i have a reason why i quit it for 3 months , i have a reason why i deleted my 7 alts well geared and keep only MAIN and DESTROYER ( funny class ) and i have a reason why i will quit this game for ever at the next INTENDED MISTAKE from NCSOFT . 

    pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff go enjoy your 2nd job 100x alts to grow up ur main that you still not playing it properly .

  14. All this drama about "new players new players " is full of **** stop using excuses about new players , you cry about this only for your alts to make it easier to farm materials . 

    But my real questions for all cry babies in forum is :


    What you look for in a game ? 

    What make you happy in a game ? Pew pew pew dead brain content or hard mode content ? 


    For me personal i ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing hate this game what it became ,from when i join in game when it was 4 man hard mode the real game experience and pleasure to play to a stupid pew pew pew dead brain content .

    Ifyou want to do something hard mode in F8 game is dead , if you have clan adn friends that's good my real life come in and schedule etc, lucky with the hard mode discord to find some hard mode parties. 


    The game inside it is dead for hard content. 

    Everyone play 100 alts to gear up his main but when is about to play main after 3h of work in alts ,what pleasures do you get from the class you like ? 0 ZERO


    I used to play on alts as well to gear up my main ,from 8 alts i deleted 7 ( alts well geared) WHY ? Because no time left to play on main the class that i enjoy. 


    I'm not even log anymore to play dead content,  if i find some hard mode parties i log and play otherwise bye bye game boring to death.


    SINCE YOU CRY SO MUCH about new players and dungeons need nerfed to braindead content why you don't cry for raids to be nerfed as well , TT ,ET just cry more so they nerf them to ground, it is a trend anyway to nerf to ground all the content. 


    Enjoy ur pew pew pew game. 



    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, JonJonPoPongZ said:

    At least now I can go into the dungeon with anyone from F8 and clear it without feeling like I wasted my time and achieved nothing.

    Doing dead brain content you call it "i achieve something, I'm happy now" you just make my day ?

  16. Hmm how do i start,i will tell what i like and i don't like in BnS : 

        Things that i like : 1- The combat ,the game play,the dungeons,the players that really enjoy the game and try their best to learn when something is wrong in dungeons .
                                       2-We have many options to farm our materials for upgrade and not having only 1 routine each day which that will be boring ,yet will be nice if they can add more ways to farm materials ,why reason bellow .

    Things that i don't like : 3- First of all ,pay2win items,trove,rng boxes ( ok trove can be done once per year ,not 4 like now ,same thing for RNG boxes could be once per year-game need money as well ,nothing in world is free  )

                                             4-The difficulty in game is to EASY ,dungeons, raids everything . Our current gear is to much over the content we have in game right now ,things being to easy get me bored,i like to struggle ,to enjoy the game, not to go somewhere pew pew pew and done = 0 satisfaction.
                                             5- I hate that we have to play on ALTS to gear up our MAIN,they should allow max 3 char per account (don't come with comments ,i like to play multiple classes because i will not believe that) .

    Now i explain all the points from above : 
                                                                           1- WHY ? well the game is super nice and cool, nice combat style ,free to move , you have to do certain mechanic to achive something ,not only walk on map and that's all . As players ,yes there are some people that enjoy the game and willing to learn and not just go in dungeon ,fails once and rage quit . Not long time ago i went to CC normal dungeon with 5 more players ,0 mechanic practice ,only from videos, well nobody quit and everyone was willing to learn ,so we spent 2h there and we learn to do mechanic and swaping roles between us until we find the best way and in the end with ended up to do 2 phases nice and clear ,and we did 8 runs in 2h .So there are still players that want to learn and not crying about game is hard .

                                                                         2-Yes there are plenty , my usually if i need materials ,i go farming bg,pvp,ssp for soulstone,msp,moon refuge so there are plenty of place to farm . ( continue at point 5 )

                                                                          3-to much often trove/rng boxes ruin this game pretty fast ,i can admit im let's say 50-60% one of these that pay2win as well ,why  ? because im competitive person and i feel forced to do it just to stay in line with the gear ,but i hate this ,i don't like to do it but i'm doing and i hate my self for this .Even tho if there wasn't any trove/rng/p2w items i will be happy to farm my brain in game to be able to stay in line with latest upgrade in term of gear because I'm COMPETITIVE person .

                                                                         4-well here yes i get bored sometimes because the content in game is to easy , to much pew pew pew and done, 0 satisfaction .I'm not talking abour easy/normal mode because i hate them , i wish will be only HARD MODE in game . I rather play something hard to achive so i get satisfaction and pleasure doing it , and not some pew pew pew dungeons for what ? materials to upgrade my gear but 0 satisfaction ,0 pleasure ?  WHAT ARE GAMES FOR ? the satisfaction to gear up or satisfaction playing it ?

                                                                         5- yes ,i hate i have to play on alts to gear up my main ( even tho i said im 50-60 p2w , in term of oils,pet pack i always used my alts for it ).I'm wasting so much time on alts to make dc,weeklies bla bla and when is time to play on MAIN to go higher dungeons,hard content im already tired and no will to play anymore and again we go in the point where the pleasure of playing the game is GONE ,so how i see this is like  " our main is the BOSS who hire slaves (me) to play on alts to pay him ).And here i also want to say that i already deleted 3 of my alts and i will delete 2 more in the next 2 weeks and i will keep only my FM main , wl and des as alt .( the classes that i like to play)

    About this last patch , yes i hate few things about it , few bugs there and there , gold reward lowered,more p2w sh1t items , i can understand all ur frustration but look the good side of this patch .
    If you look from different angle you can see the good part of it : like easy dungeons have hard mode mechanic to prepare you for real hard mode ,people cry about is to hard bla bla , me as a mmorpg  player if will start a game and find something difficulty i just ask around , i look for clan/guild to join,to make friends, i go google/youtube and search about that difficulty ,or maybe is me doing this , many others players they not even comunicate in dungeons when you ask them if they know mechanic so at least i can explain them , they are just muted but here in forum crying to death . 
    Me personal like i said above ,i will love this game have only HARD MODE . When i join the game 3 years ago ,i was always looking for 4-man mode and back in time there were so many parties 4-man / hard mode ,why ? because the game didn't had so many free options in that time . Now by the time pass game get easier and easier and ofcourse players want even more easier and easier .
    What pleasure do you have doing everything solo instead to look for parties ,doing with others ,maybe find friends  ?? Is not boring for you doing stuff solo ? Idk how you guys thing how a game should be but from what i see from this rage ,you have 0 rights in my opinion .Find/Join a clan , make friends, stop crying because you can't do solo content in game ,is not this for what a game is meant for.

    And for new players ,yes they barelly can survive in this moment in game .
    The only change that i wish i would have in this game is the begginer mode( no reward chest, only quest done for DC ) so new players can do solo dungeons ,and if they really enjoy the game they should move up for normal and hard mode after . 

    Ncsoft did some bad things but the rage that is everywhere is exagerated .

    This is my own opinion about this game . /So good luck there and have fun ,enjoy the game before is to late .

    Don't judge me to hard ,i enjoy my game in my own way :)

    • Like 1
  17. Hello ,how should i start ,well guess first  i leave this video here and i explain after .   System broken Upgrading ET Badge

    What happen : I salvage my Aransu Mystic Badge Stage 8  to get the  8 oils +8 divine stone grave + chest with aransu badge , so when i start upgrading the ET badge ( require an Aransu badge ) i didn't know that doesn't matter what spec is your Aransu badge ,it matter only to be Aransu and i didn't see that for upgrading got automatically my Dynasty Mystic Badge ( top right corner in inventory) .So next instead to upgade the Thornbreaker Badge i upgrade back Aransu Mystic Badge to stage 8 .

    Question 1 : Why Thronbreaker Badge require an Aransu Badge to upgrade ? The spec doesn't matter when it select as material ??
    Question 2: Does all members from support staff do they really know how game work or they just copy paste answer from a list ? 
    Question 3: Do they really care only of milking people money ?

    Here are their answer from support ticket : 


    Aug 22, 20:25 PDT


    We have reviewed your request. As a one-time exception for this account, we can offer to revert your Awakened Aransu Mystic Badge - Stage 8 down by three stages only, from Awakened Aransu Mystic Badge - Stage 8 to Awakened Aransu Mystic Badge - Stage 5.

    These are the items that you will receive:

     Game Money    195 Gold
     Divine Grace Stone    9
     Sacred Vial    9
     Awakened Aransu Mystic Badge - Stage 5

    If you would like to use this one-time reversal, please update this ticket so we can process your request. Your character will need to be offline to process the request.

    We will wait for your response.



    Aug 23, 06:53 PDT

    Hi there, 

    Upon re-investigating our logs, I have verified that you consumed your Dynasty Mystic Badge to upgrade your Awakened Thornbreaker Mystic Badge - Stage 1. Unfortunately, as what GM *******   previously offered is already the best that we can do regarding your Awakened Aransu Mystic Badge - Stage 8. 

    Please know that reversions are a courtesy service (not obligatory) that we try to provide our players, on an extremely limited basis. This is because these types of actions directly conflict with the intended mechanics of the game. So there are limitations to what we can provide. However, our offer is still open for you to accept. Thank you for understanding.  

    Lastly, if you think that there should be changes and improvements regarding this matter, we encourage you to post your comments and suggestions on the forums, where our community team gathers player feedback so they can suggest game improvements to our development team:


    Feel free to contact us again if you have any other question or inquiry.


    PS : I will keep making ticket/answer until they give back the 24 oils, 24 divine stone , or they ban me for rage or whatever so i can delete this GAME .

    PSS : So ya never trust NCSOFT for they bugs in game and check 10 times every upgrade or anything you do in game in term of spending materials otherwise they close the door in ur face.

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