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Santa Anna

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Posts posted by Santa Anna

  1. Even if they stream already we know 80% will be wrong and  "hey guys we sorry but we had a "little" of miscommunication in our stream , here are the correct patch,sorry for jebaiting you " aka cost more with 70% 

    That from above is long story , the short story  ,don't even bother with patch notes or stream etc, just wait for wednesday in game and see whatever is in there ,analyze and proceed to your journey  bait and swipe :YeharaBig:

  2. 8 hours ago, Lazypen said:

    Why were my reply deleted?

    Well just READ Hime's post loudly and clearly and see your self why it was deleted .

    In case you still do not get it , she said the bug was fixed from 5 AUGUST ,ok FIVE AUGUST ,also she said if this bug still occur make a ticket and will get fixed(ur weapon)

    Your ticket is from date 31 July. So automatically your answer get cancelled ,get null .

    Also you don't post GM name/case id on forum ,you need to hide them .

  3. 1 hour ago, Shironeko said:

    It's about how much more time takes weeklies now. Before patch 20 minutes, after patch 2-5 hours depending on your character AP and luck. For ppl who can play 1-2 hours per day (because have real life and going to work, take care of family and kids, duh) it was good way (not perfect, but at least something) to progress main with multiple alts doing weekly so ppl like me could catch and do actual endgame content. With this method even my alts progressed little by little.


    But because last patch and my limited time I have two options. Do only 4 weeklies per alt or reduce number of alts to 2~3 and do full weekly run with them. But for both options that mean reduced amount of materials and gold anyway.


    Idk why devs trying to force ppl play much longer for same rewards, but not everyone can do it include me. If they don't want respect player's time I rather quit this game than continue with this bs.

    I play as well most of days 2h max due to my work schedule and go out to ride ,but when i play these days with 2h im not going 2nd job bns and have mandatory to play all my 2x alts, i only do pvp 1vs1 3 times (1 win obviously for the quest) and my train which include only daily challenge quest +cs+mandate 
    Sometimes i skip daily challenge and do battleground ,depending what materials i need for crafting to make some gold.
    Sometimes i feel like not in the mood to play my  main FM and do a day on BM or DES so i do my train on that class .

    If you didn't notice probably last year ncsoft try to make events more for new players and more for 1 character only . Pretty sure the latest event had GC gear +2nd last set gear set (imperial) as rewards . 
    So basically they want us to not relly on alts and just focus on 1 character only ,also from raven 3 reward back there now we are at story reward with aransu 3 weapon.

    They don't force you to play much longer ,they want us to play 1 character and done ,nobody spend real money to gear alts so these became useless for them .

    And like i said above i used to play 10 alts but i decided to delete 7 of them because it was to much and now with 2 ET geared alts is so damn easy and healtier . If im bored that class i play the other class since i can do all content with all 3 of them .

    End of story ,everyone see the game differently . Also ncsoft can't do nothing about how many weeklies we can have ,korea have to do it first in their server which we know they are hard farmers players. We just create drama in forum .

    Cheers .

  4. 30 minutes ago, lillvargen said:

    I mean, if you don't have time to do 7 weeklies on "all alts" maybe consider not to have so many chars or do dailies on some of them?

    I have 6 chars which is few in this game, I only do some weeklies on 2 of them and full weeklies on main. The weekly dungeon quests are supposed to be done during week, No problem there or is it?

    Problem solved

    I have my main FM and 2 alts BM-DES ( both have TB 3 ,winsong 3) i used to play on many alts ,actually 9 of them so i decided to delete 7 of them and keep 2 bm-des .
    The good results come fast after , less time in game ,less work,more time to focus main the class i love to play, stopping bns to be my 2nd job , and with 2 alts you could literally upgrade them easily at ET gear and with this gear u have access to everything easily .


  5. Ohhh that hate xD


    Sorry but i still have to disagree with everything you said here , weeklies ya a little more hard now and a little more time but is not that much ,weeklies are still easier .


    Today i did IA weekly on my BM alt me as leader and obviously i went to youtube and watch a guide to learn and teach other . 

    So i recruit people randomly and had non whale in party i was 2nd dps in alliance with my alt ( i can show screenshot) .

    We wipe 1-2 times at boss 1 but we did it after I've explained them ,boss 2 as well being easier than boss 1.

    So at the end 6-7 out of 12 learn the mech and can explain to the others. 


    Is all about having will to learn and not cry for stuff to fall from sky. 


    You guys just lazy .


    Also about the 2x quests with dungeons is super easy  while you do every day ur train dungeons these 2 quest will be completed before next reset so i really don't see the problem here.


    And about alts pls stop you guys not even willing to finish story to getthe latest gear and aransu 3 weapon , i still see people with alts raven 3 trying to do weekly , well im not accepting nobody lower than aransu 3 in my weeklies or bt,vt runs during week. 


    People with alts raven 3 , no gems while floor7 give you literally free gems octa . 


    Stop being lazy and work a little. This is not an offense is just common sense and team work. 


    Anyway good luck for future ,i will stop here .


  6. To be clear i do not defend ncsoft, i really hate them  but guys sometimes when i see this kind of post make me wondering why you play the game .

    Literally it says in name " weekly " not "daily"  you know weekly mean over the 7 days, ok ??!??!  not 7 quests in 1 day for 30min ?
    You almost are at the edge of telling " make all quest to be claimed by 1 click and end of story "

    How about play a little, learn some mechanics so you can do the "higher" dungeons to complete the quests ? Stop asking or play for pew pew pew -DEAD-quest complete ?!?!?

    So the quest are: 
      -2x TT --> pew pew dead 
      -2x ET --> pew pew block line-stun-pew pew  ,  pew pew  kill add RED priority ,blue mehh but still YES,go in soul separation never relay on  other and CC the boss.
      -1x IA --> didn't do it yet ,i can update after but we learn ,that's why we play ,we learn to achive
      -dungeon quest no1 = 5x Brood Chamber  aka 5 days with 1 per day while you do ur daily ,open to LFP pew pew dead
      -dungeon quest no2 = 3x Brood Chamber -see above easy 
                                          = 3x Shadowmoor super easy ( H0 -forget about it )
                                          =3x Warped Citadel easy ,you get in soul separation stay at 3 oclock ,you dont get in soulseparation stay at 9 oclock -- Open  for LFP 

    So far are already 7 quests  super easy ,in case you are lazy and not whiling to learn IA weekly you can choose 1 of the pvp quest.

     - PVP 3 wins of each Nova/Beluga/Whirlwind 
        Why is good to do pvp battleground even if you don't have gear at all ,for many reasons for the reward ,you get tradable moonstone aka gold ,material to transmute
    and you think but i get 1 shot ,is bad without gear etc ,well sometimes you need to sacrifice ur time to achive a little.
       You can do 3-4 matches per day every time which take no more than 1h ,in these 3-4 matches probability to win 1 time is 90%+( don't cry is not true ,is really true i always rank my alts for season reward like this) .
    Now before you start hating me, i can say STOP BEING LAZY , PLAY ,LEARN and you will get rewarded . 

    Nothing fall from skies.  WEEKLIES are done over the 7 days,remember that .

  7. 7 hours ago, Rmccn08 said:

    Now we all know that Sacred Orbs and Elysian Orbs can be easily obtained from dungeons and other forms of content, but not Moonstones or Soul stones. Their crystal forms however(or their untradable forms), can be easily obtained.

    Here is the big issue. A lot of our rare items like Sacred Oil, Premium Transformation Stones, Transformation Stones, Empyrean Spirit Stones, Pet stones, etc., require the tradable form of the item. Now I do not think there is anything wrong with this at all. But the reason why veterans and new players find themselves stuck in terms of progression is this.

    Moonstones and Soul stones are not Farmable.


    The story is long if i have to write down ,but to be on subject you are wrong on what i quote.

    Why ?

    Well play smart not hard . Soulstone are so damn easy to get them pfff if i really want to get soulstone probably will be around 500-700x in 1 day 
        Soulstone SSP so easy and so many u get from there . Also do PVP always each day atleast the quests : 1 win and 3 matches per day ( you get 10x bloodstone and with 120x u can make 1x pet pod and sell with a profit of 80-130g if u buy all the tradable materials )  

        Moonstone yes here the only way is to do BG and don't give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about  if you don't have gear ,just take the story gear and go there 2-3h  and +/- in 3h should be 13-15 matches which even if u stay afk 4-7 will be win 

    The main thing about collecting materials is to set up priorities : So i need that item for future transmute to make gold or to upgrade ,where i find it ?  in that spot ,so take 1 day and go there ,don't look around ,don't be like :" ohhh i have 10x alts and have to do dailies on all of them ,i don't have time for that 2-3h pvp "

  8. Well if the bug doesn't get fixed next maintenance is INTENDED as hell to stop farming evolved stone  , you know no more evolved stone, less sacred vial in events ,so people will go to buy from F10 oils. 

    Also im waiting the ticket answer to see what the guy say, im literaly saying is a "bug" for everyone while he insist my game is broken, so i delete everything related with bns and did a new fresh install from 0 just to show him he is not right ,now i'm waiting his answer .

    Also i hope this bug doesn't stay " we sent the proble mto dev in korea and we are working at it " until people gave up on ssp. 

    JUSY HOPE loool

  9. @HimeThis is first time i went in Soulstone Plains after this patch and found out there is a bug for dynamic quest can't be claimed.So ya in short story the reward after you kill the boss at Battle and get the badge can't be claimed anymore, i really hope this is not an INTENDED bug to stop the evolved stone farming because to many things come together , nerf gold , no more raids revive charms aka 10g at npc now . Also i hope it get fixed in within 2 weeks and not "we are working at it " until people gave up on ssp.

    • Like 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Jackpot is actually an event since you get free stuff every 24 hours. Next event should be after the jackpot one is finished like in the past.

     LoooooooL jackpot event , correct me if i am wrong :  

    Each stage of jackpot give 1 chest to open, at stage 10 we get 19 chest to open so aka 28x CHEST TO OPEN
    To open these 28x chest you need a  key from 3x daily challange quests .
    So far so good,easy to do , NOW the PROBLEM : 

    Have you look at the rewards from chest you open with KEY  ?? I will tell you ,all TRASH  ,scale fragments only , so everyone will pick Elder fragments  THREE btw 

    Moving on , all the stage of jackpot guarantee items ,have you look at it ? what is good from all that ? NOTHING ,not even for NEW PLAYERS , literally nothing .

    Have you look at CHANCE items : ohh ya pet pack,sacred vial , WILL YOU GET ANY OF THESE 2 in 10 opennings ?  NOPE 

    So in the end 1 month of "event"  USELESS , they finaly did it , excluding vial and pet pack ( no problemo they added for the hognil thing ,what you thought ,will ncsoft give you something as free as like that ,obviously  NO)

    NCsoft is like giving you with left hand and take back more with right hand . 

    Just correct me if i'm wrong ,maybe i understood wrong the "event"  xD 

    For me finally a break from game .

    PS: this jackpot is limited to 1x per ACCOUNT . 

    Don't call this ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ an EVENT . No worries soon the lotto thing and they will get money from dummies :) no offense 

  11. First of all just in case you didn't know you, have in mushin the npc for challenge mode , you can buy  unity experience charm that give 10k exp which is ATTENTION  is not daily cap , you can use unlimited,  you can use even 10 millions exp or more ,it doesn't use ur daily cap exp, and have only 2 seconds cooldown.  The price is 20x token that drop in floor 1-7 but just spam floor 5-7 is easier, faster,more rewarding. 


    ATTENTION: this item there was INTENDED,  already have done ticket about it and their answer was :" they know about it ,is INTENDED to be there. 


    So spam it as much as you want  problem solved, no more alts etc. 

    If im not wrong you can get around 200k exp per 1h or less depending on rng drop. 


  12. It was sarcasm tho ?

    I was whaling back there as well ,i have around 7k euro in this game ,but i stop spending any cent on it  from 5months ago when my premium membership expired.

    Free2play since then ,i log only for hard mode train with the few friends that left to play this crap game.?


    Obviously here the fault is from both side nc$oft for introducing p2w content and whales spending on it without remorse. 


    If it was me i would make an announcement in discord 6v6 and ask all the players from there to stop spending any cent on this trove ,like literally 0 money on it only to get attention of nc$oft .

    But we know this not gonna happen.


    Just a reminder this game will fall so bad soon or later ,ofc whales don't care,for them gambling is an addiction,they just find anoher game to feed. 


    To bad ,great game ,a lot of potential RIP.?

  13. Thanks for showing us ,but see majority of us already knew these boxes are trap. The box is rigged too for pvp gems so people like you buy more and more. 

    Thanks for the 1 month extra of server to stay online ?

    11 days trove , just a reminder . 

  14. And another fact , when i see in forum all kind of topics ncsoft should do that and that ,all the suggestions,  YOU ALL KNOW THAT IS IN VAIN  all you requests ?????? 


    Ncsoft don't care,didn't care and it will not care,  is OBVIOUSLY they follow the path " grab all the money as much as possible before is no longer necessary to keep server online " . ??

  15. It will not work even with 1:0000001 , if the ncoinc/gold is lowered ,ypu get less hmcoins back aka all market price will go up 

    Example: 1 item cost 50hmcoins ,you need to sell 60g to get 50hmcoins. If rate is changed you have to sell 100g to get the 50hmcoins ,didn't do real math ,but you get the idea .

    Example: people in game sell( aka gift ) items ( from F10) for a rate of 1ncoin= 2.5-3g ,after will be even higher. So who is smart will sell items as gift in F10 to get more than double gold instead of 1:1 if he buy gold with ncoins from F9.


    And the reason your gold doesn't get sell anymore ( or very very rare)  , well people stop buying ncoins with money .Most of whales buy gold outside of game so they use ncoins only for rare F10 items. 


    The game is controlled by whales who spend money ,not by us f2p .


    As a tip ,forget about this game , play as much as you can as F2P ,stop feeding nc$oft they literally don't deserve anymore. 


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