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This game is not friendly for new players.


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I started playing this game 3 weeks ago and finished completely the storyline for a musician (bard), reach level 60, and bought master bundles for equipment (weapon, etc).

So, after a while made 3 other characters (warden, zen archer, KFM), and all level 60, and ready to continue the journey (do dungeons, and improve stats)


The storyline is amazing, and I enjoyed playing. The rewards were pretty good too.


But after finishing the storyline it is hard to start playing, all people, who started this game long ago got the end game gear and high level, and they are playing in difficult stage dungeons.

You can't join them, because you don't know what to do, or you will die quickly and will be a burden to them during the dungeon fights.


So I waited almost 5 hours to find easy mode dungeons for daily challenges - it is impossible.

I finished myself solo easy CSC, but that's it.


I now understand why not so many people play this game.


If NS wants to increase its player base, it should think about hiring some people, who can help to start newbies on their journey.  At least when newbies can reach stage 5, and play with other players as equals.


I will see, how things will go if I am not able to find the help I switched to another game (as a result - NS loses more money and of course players).


Maybe some people, who have already a long time in the game can recommend a good and helpful clan to grow with.


My nickname in the game is  QuickArrows  (zen archer, the most enjoyable class for me at the moment)












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if you check on right side of screen, theres something called soulboost, the login days give you plenty of gear to get to a quite high standard

I don't know why you decided buy master bundles but that was a pretty bad move

this forum has a beginners guide, check it out

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Of course, I checked all guides I found (many different sources through the internet, including on this site too), and I know about soulboost, cause I leveled up my 2 characters without 60 lvl. voucher (probably I didn't read a post completely)


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i think the game it's not easy to understand what to do after the story for new users

for example when you finish the history you need to do only the soul bost for get all the items you will need for begging the end game of the game, 

the game don't tell you that, and when the button for soul bost is a little text below the map, a new player wouldn't see it as important or as the next thing to do

new player will think you press F8 select the dungeons that wanna do and the auto search will find other player to do but the reality no one use that

you need to spam in world chat or faction chat example: Grim nexus Stg 5 apply 1/4 
the korean dev are trying to change that 


and this community is a little classist, powerful player don't wanna help new players, whale player don't even wanna play with powerful player, everyone wants to do the dungeons with players of the same caliber, and if they are weaker they treat it as if they did not exist, you can see a every day all day players with boss ap 11K asking for join party for do stg 5, but someone with 5k boss ap apply , DENY they wanna someone with more the 8k boss ap, is a stage 5 they easy can do with a party with all 4k bap but because he have 11k bap he will not accept anyone below 8k, and if for some reason it accepts 4k bap players you can see that in the end they all say tyfp except the one from 11k bap he doesn't say anything and just leaves.

What can we expect from a community that has private discord servers in which you can only enter if you are strong or have contacts?

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3 hours ago, Clannadx said:

i think the game it's not easy to understand what to do after the story for new users

for example when you finish the history you need to do only the soul bost for get all the items you will need for begging the end game of the game, 

the game don't tell you that, and when the button for soul bost is a little text below the map, a new player wouldn't see it as important or as the next thing to do

new player will think you press F8 select the dungeons that wanna do and the auto search will find other player to do but the reality no one use that

you need to spam in world chat or faction chat example: Grim nexus Stg 5 apply 1/4 
the korean dev are trying to change that 


and this community is a little classist, powerful player don't wanna help new players, whale player don't even wanna play with powerful player, everyone wants to do the dungeons with players of the same caliber, and if they are weaker they treat it as if they did not exist, you can see a every day all day players with boss ap 11K asking for join party for do stg 5, but someone with 5k boss ap apply , DENY they wanna someone with more the 8k boss ap, is a stage 5 they easy can do with a party with all 4k bap but because he have 11k bap he will not accept anyone below 8k, and if for some reason it accepts 4k bap players you can see that in the end they all say tyfp except the one from 11k bap he doesn't say anything and just leaves.

What can we expect from a community that has private discord servers in which you can only enter if you are strong or have contacts?

nailed that

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Let's make it clear about boss attack - in game the guide says 3k-3.05k for attack for stage 5 so having 3100 boss attack should be ok for stages 5 (just what I say)! Thing new players don't know is that other stats matter too so using psyches on your Starcross gear matters, mystic, crit, crit damage matter alot so recruiting for the only boss attack it is kinda stupid! Also, will mention if you don' have like 145% accuracy you will miss 1-4% in stages 5 (but that matters less)!

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20 hours ago, lillvargen said:

+ just boss attack power doesn't delete the mechanics needed for said dungeon

most people go with static parties cause nobody wants to learn mechanics, frustrated they don't clear on first try even thou they have the gear/ap for it

I don't think that's what the OP is talking about.  If you are going with a static party, you aren't (or shouldn't) be advertising for people in global or faction chat -- you just go.  No one will know you are a static party because your party wouldn't be looking for other members.


Compare that to random PUG groups that are formed by adverts in global and/or faction chat.  There you are going to get a mixed group -- I regularly form random groups with players from HM30+ down to less than HM20.  Doing easy and stage1 content isn't a problem for such a group -- there aren't any significant mechs.  The earliest you need to worry about mechs is stage5 -- and now only AT is the big problem on s5, because of split-second block requirements.  Some classes only have a 1s block, if they aren't in

position exactly right and hit their block so the orb hits their position within 1s, they and/or someone else dies. 


I know I am not playing in the "same game", when no matter how fast I enter a dungeon, the rest of the party has already completed the first few stages.  They are, at least, several-to-12s ahead of me.  And yet the dungeons are relying on 1s timings.  SK may have a uniform fast internet, but NA+EU don't.  I know its a pain to program for, but really, creating the game for a variety of target internet speeds to self-synchronize is an interesting programming problem to solve, but clearly synchronizing at the 1-2s level is a moot discussion when announced reset times are off by an hour, and shorter, 3hour maint windows end up being as long as 6.


If maint windows and reset times are off by over an hour -- how is it remotely possible to expect 1s accuracy on dungeon events?



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hmm, with SB gear st1 should be possible. I am aware they usually only bring 2~3 dailies for the counter, but sanctum also exists and 3 dailies should be more than easy to "finish"


deliberatly best advice however is: create a group yourself. many people (me included) don't like recruiting, but rather prefer to join.

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