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I just returned to the game after long time and I'm confused by some changes


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I returned to playing BnS and I can't use Guiding Fist->Sky Kick->Rising Kick->Falling Star chain combo or Footwork/Shadow Dance->Triple Kick by pressing "RMB" on my KFM.

This got me bit confused that now I can use those attacks only by pressing the "Skill Slot 2" Button.

It's been so long that I can't tell for sure, but if I remember correctly, it was "RMB" not the "Skill Slot 2" that was changing the used attack based on situation.


Is there some way to change the "RMB" behavior to work the same way as before or it's hard coded change and I just have to get used to the new position under "Skill Slot 2" for those attacks?

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From what I learned about "simple mode" it apply basic rotation to RMB. That is not what I meant.

I had normal manual skill use with Straight Jab/Quick Kick on LMB and Roundhouse/ Dragon Claw on RMB but after knocking the enemy away with Counter, the RMB turned contextual and I could use Guiding Fist->Sky Kick->Rising Kick->Falling Star by holding RMB.


I think the "Simplified Combat Controls" was not even present in the game back then when I played BnS last time, or at least I was not aware of it and can't even check if it does make the game behave similar to what I was used to, because the option is unavailable to me. pressing "Shift+F3" does nothing.


Only thing I could figure out in setting is to modify "Right-click Action" under Mouse Settings, but if I change it to anything else than "Contextual Skill Slot 2", I can't use Roundhouse/Dragon Claw by pressing RMB anymore.


To me it seems like those attacks were simply removed from the "Contextual Skill Slot 2" category for some reason and can be used only by pressing "Skill Slot 2" button.

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Not sure if I ever get any answers here, but as I mentioned it was so long that I can't remember this clearly.

Maybe it was actually only the Sky Kick->Rising Kick->Falling Star that was in "Contextual Skill Slot 2" used by holding RMB and Guiding Fist was "Contextual Skill Slot 3" bound to "F Key", I'm sure however that it was certainly not used by pressing "2" on the keyboard.


All I can remember is that it was already after the changes to the game where they removed skill tree that allowed you to make your own build and split the KFM Marital Tome into separate sections for Dragon Fist, Flying Kick and Iron Claw instead.

This leads me to question if the skill enhancements trough Talents are even worth the Martial Tome Page Expansion, or all the Page Expansions I got back then are wasted money on NC Coins now.


Nonetheless, back to the main topic. The only conclusion I can get to on my own is that this change was made because aerial attacks are very unpopular in PvE as it prevent some attacks to reach the enemy, thus breaking the max DPS rotation, so they moved the aerial attack to other key where it's less intuitive to use and I probably should learn to not use the Sky Kick at all, with some possible exception in PvP.

Edited by DragonClaw
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Well I'm well aware there were several updates since I've played BnS last time. Unreal Engine 4, (which made great deal of model animations broken), being the most notable of them.

Reason why I've started this topic was to ask whether there is a way to customize the settings to make it behave the same way as before, not just to say that the things were different before.


Nonetheless it does not seems like there is a way to do that.

I personally would rather remove Open Palm from "Contextual Skill Slot 3" category, to avoid knocking the enemy away by accident while trying to use Smolder/Cyclone Kick, instead of removing Sky Kick->Rising Kick->Falling Star from "Contextual Skill Slot 2".

Edited by DragonClaw
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