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Upcoming maintenance 4h 45min


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Dev1: Sir we still did not fix the western version, there are 1000s of bugs and cheaters run amok!

Dev2: Put more loot boxes and make trove each 2 months, ( maybe we should make trove permanent haha )

Dev1: But sir ! Shouldn't we update the wester version? It's still the copy paste rushed version from long ago... o.O

Dev 3: Hey the drop rates in the new dungeon are to damn high! 1% ... like really?! Ninja nerf it, they not gonna notice anyway...


Dev1: But they players suffer from all the bugs and we are losing income, many leave the game and new players lose interest!

Dev 2 & 3: DO WHAT WE SAID!

Dev4: Don't worry it will be fine ^^

Dev1: Yes Sir... I will prepare the new patch then...


NcWest: Oh look a new patch just came in,

ninja nerfs on drops?

No bug fixes as always?

Hmmm~ *Incert this is fine meme here...*



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They better not nerf the drop rates. I've been farming this dungeon 10 hours per day for a week and I haven't had a single accessory drop yet. Meanwhile some players get all 3 accessories on the first day. If anything they should buff the drop rate!

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2 hours ago, Amarthiel said:

They better not nerf the drop rates. I've been farming this dungeon 10 hours per day for a week and I haven't had a single accessory drop yet. Meanwhile some players get all 3 accessories on the first day. If anything they should buff the drop rate!

Jikes. Some people have such bad luck.


I got 2 acessories before i hit 100 runs personally.


I saw one guy link a stack of 5 neck boxes but he did not have the earring yet.


The drop rate is wonky at best.

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I keep saying to myself "If I don't DC today, I'll buy some trove keys before I log out."


But so far, I have yet to go an entire day without at least one DC.


So, no money for ncsoft.


Maybe someday during maintenance, they'll do some actual maintenance on their game.

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On 11/17/2021 at 7:06 PM, Uldrum said:

Jikes. Some people have such bad luck.


I got 2 acessories before i hit 100 runs personally.


I saw one guy link a stack of 5 neck boxes but he did not have the earring yet.


The drop rate is wonky at best.

I farm for necklace and it just will not drop for me.

Meanwhile in my pt the same person gets 2 necklace drops in a row.

And links and shows it of into my face.

I am super 'happy' about that... rng is trolling me hard.

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On 11/17/2021 at 6:55 AM, poweROFLuck said:

What for ?
If you are going to change something, drop rates,enchant rates or anything about aerodrome are you going to do it by the sneaky way ? 
Where is information ? Because i know for sure even you don't need 4h45min for maintenance,usually taking 2.30h
So ?

Maint has always been shockingly long for BNS. The shortest I've ever seen is 3 hours for them, and only a few times. They only have a couple employees at NCWest that know how to do it, so the delay isn't a sign of alterations or changes to the game whatsoever.

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