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Getting clicking fatigue?


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So, there is this loading screen tip:




Getting clicking fatigue? Just press and hold the left mouse button to use basic skills.



If you are getting clicking fatigue, STOP PLAYING.


I believe that, for everybody's health, that loading screen tips like this should be removed from the game.

In my opinion, this is bad medical advice.

It brings nothing good and can actually cause harm to people.

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as long the UI input lags as it does since ages,  I  want to keep my simple mode for basic rotation. 

That said, the tip is totally crap, as it doesn't hint to simple mode mode but the LMB spam. Using this hint will leave me doing like 250k DPS at about 3k AP. So better use tip #2: if feel clicking fatigue, get some drinks until you head smashes into the keyboard and the DPS will probably will be higher then the LMB spam 😄

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Thanks for the consideration.

But honestly you saying to STOP PLAYING or a Loading screen that says to use LMB when your hands get tired isn't gonna affect anyone.


This is so insignificant and you're basically crying about semantics here

Even if you technically have a point, I much rather have them use their resources on more pressing matters.


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