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unbalancing pvp with 3 spec


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hey now is time to nerv or remove 3 spec from pvp ! more  and more 3 spec comes out ! Classes without are disadvantaged ! fps and ping drops - black sreen!  3 spec cant cc and over power .


3 des 2 bm 1 sin in bg  can t do nothing about cc ! cc was ignore   ! Time for balancing  .  warden / Kfm and archer got more resist as any other and   one ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ with 1 skill !

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Reyyamu:

A balance patch for PVP for each class has been done in Korea.


We might get it in June

I saw the patch. Some third specs get changes and Assasin seem to get a real good change for once its getting nerved but it will keep being unbalanced af cause they still do not change any of the op stuff people complain about.


Just one example but there are many: BM can be 98% of time out of target due to his untargatable skill and does have 2 tab escape skills while doing 15k per hit. Classes shouldnt have broken ass defences while having such an ammount of dmg. Keep in mind this was just an example there are more than enough classes that are broken and need changes but will not get the changes they need.


BTW. Fire FM gets a dmg buff. Fire FM can already 100 to 0 you in 0.2 seconds and fire fm has the ability to aerial.

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In my mind the skill system is messed up pvp wise. It was a great thing, that you could change single skills back in the days of release. If you want to have a certain skill in your setup now you'll get other skill changes too, which sometimes heavily interfere with the personal playstyle.

I don't want to say the devs should roll back the skill system, but they should revamp it for the pvp. After the awakening and the ascension maybe we'll see the redemption some day, who knows.

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vor 58 Minuten schrieb Nemises:

In my mind the skill system is messed up pvp wise. It was a great thing, that you could change single skills back in the days of release. If you want to have a certain skill in your setup now you'll get other skill changes too, which sometimes heavily interfere with the personal playstyle.

I don't want to say the devs should roll back the skill system, but they should revamp it for the pvp. After the awakening and the ascension maybe we'll see the redemption some day, who knows.

The difference in skill builds for PVP is most of the time 1 lil skill option cause the others always containt stuff you are forced to use. For example SF ice, you either use Dragonfury or Glacial Blast and depending on what you skill the dmg increases of one skill thats all. Pretty boring.


There are certain steps we need in PVP to make it great again but NCsoft kept ignoring players requests which resultet in players getting quieter and quieter cause they know their requests are being ignored and its very unlikely PVP related requests even get send to KR even if its stuff which only needs editing of one word in the programming department.

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