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New player question "Armory evolve stone/Weapon upgrade"


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Hello, I recently downloaded this game and purchased a lvl 60 voucher, I have never played before so its all new.


Question I have is, is it possible to get Armory evolve stone anymore, the item says "Obtainable date" in the past.  If I cant get this stone, how do I upgrade the current weapons I have? riftwalker, ascend ect… If I'm not intended to upgrade them anymore, is there other weapons or am I sol? (Mainly want to upgrade the pvp gloves, so if I cant upgrade these ones, are there other pvp gloves?"


Also, the mastery bundle, the item says "Expired sky something ring" should I be worried that it says expired if I consider buying this?

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The Armory Evolve stones were a event item used as substitute to upgrade weapons / accessories. Normally all upgrades need premium transformation stones / Transformation stones. During the event they were changed but an exchange was addded into Dragon express, where you can exchange the transformations tones for the Armory evolution ones. When the reward redemption period ends they will be removed from the upgrade paths and the transformations tones will be in there again.


As for the mastery bundle:

The reason it says "expired" is because with the last maintenance, those accessories were changed from upgradable to non-upgradable version as starter accessories. If you open it you should get the old upgradable versions of them.

If you still want you can farm them at moon refuge and get some items from there like gems / accessories  /soulshields.

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Ok, ty for the response, helped a lot. So as of right now, I cannot upgrade these weapons till these change it? or is there still a way? and just to confirm the expiered acsessories are upgradeable from the box atm, or not upgradeable just starter ones?

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb JzHearts:

So as of right now, I cannot upgrade these weapons till these change it? or is there still a way?

You can exchange Transformation and Premium Transformation stones in Dragon express for theese even today when the Event ended. The only reason they changed it for the duration of the event is cause they gave out alot for free and Transformation stones are tradable so you could have created multiple accounts and farmed thoose to sell them. Thats why they went this way but be warned when time runs out they will be removed and if you still have some they are worthless even tho you used Transformation stones for them so only exchange as much as you can use right now !

vor 5 Stunden schrieb JzHearts:

and just to confirm the expiered acsessories are upgradeable from the box atm, or not upgradeable just starter ones?

They are upgradable but the stats are similar to thoose that are not upgradable its not worth getting them and upgrading them the cost is way to much.

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1 hour ago, ImoutoMaster said:

You can exchange Transformation and Premium Transformation stones in Dragon express for theese even today when the Event ended. The only reason they changed it for the duration of the event is cause they gave out alot for free and Transformation stones are tradable so you could have created multiple accounts and farmed thoose to sell them. Thats why they went this way but be warned when time runs out they will be removed and if you still have some they are worthless even tho you used Transformation stones for them so only exchange as much as you can use right now !

They are upgradable but the stats are similar to thoose that are not upgradable its not worth getting them and upgrading them the cost is way to much.

Ok. tyty, do you think its worth spending gold to buy them off market to upgrade, or just wait till they are removed? there 16g pp. I have no transformation stones, I didn't get any out of the billion things they gave me ;/

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vor 27 Minuten schrieb JzHearts:

Ok. tyty, do you think its worth spending gold to buy them off market to upgrade, or just wait till they are removed? there 16g pp. I have no transformation stones, I didn't get any out of the billion things they gave me ;/

Price will stay around that. If you want it a bit cheaper craft them yourselfe but personally i dont bother with crafting.

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