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JzHearts's Achievements

  1. Ok. tyty, do you think its worth spending gold to buy them off market to upgrade, or just wait till they are removed? there 16g pp. I have no transformation stones, I didn't get any out of the billion things they gave me ;/
  2. Ok, ty for the response, helped a lot. So as of right now, I cannot upgrade these weapons till these change it? or is there still a way? and just to confirm the expiered acsessories are upgradeable from the box atm, or not upgradeable just starter ones?
  3. Hello, I recently downloaded this game and purchased a lvl 60 voucher, I have never played before so its all new. Question I have is, is it possible to get Armory evolve stone anymore, the item says "Obtainable date" in the past. If I cant get this stone, how do I upgrade the current weapons I have? riftwalker, ascend ect… If I'm not intended to upgrade them anymore, is there other weapons or am I sol? (Mainly want to upgrade the pvp gloves, so if I cant upgrade these ones, are there other pvp gloves?" Also, the mastery bundle, the item says "Expired sky something ring" should I be worried that it says expired if I consider buying this?
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