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PvP Arena hours


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Sup Guys!

Pretty disapoinment by the battleground, i really dont understand why i cant duel at night, i mean most of pvp player play at night, there is nobody doing dungeons anyway, so i cant quite catch why Ncsoft dont let me do pvp at night, i check the forum and im not the first to complain, i do understand they feel like pvp players dont give money to the game, but eventually almost everybody does it, and Ncsoft make every pvp player do pve at this game, i mean, going to 6 vs 6 is so painfull without gear, and no way to get it without doing pve. Beside not every pvp players like only to duel, in my case i love it, but still enjoy team pvp. This is very unfair, come on, is unfair enoght that every pve player have advantage on pvp players because of their gear, skills at 6 vs 6 doesnt matter, usually better gear wins, even if i get full pvp gear i get one shot by pve people who like to do choreographys in dugeons, thats doesnt have any sense at all, lets not talk about the factions, pvp area where nobody attack each other and their just farming in peace... still i can live with that, but why u take away from me the only equalized bg in this game ? its feels like ncsoft really dont care or just dont like pvp players. i feel like im eleven again and Ncsoft is sending me to bed at 1 am -.- i wish i know russian, so at night can go that bns, and at least duel but sadly i dont, i couldnt even get the game to launch xD, the only thing that ncsoft is archiving with this hour, is making pvp players to look for alternative games, i dont think thats their ultimate goal but certanaly apper so... anyway i hope some pople read this and share my opinion so pvp players can play whenever they want and not in child hours. Arena is the only place we got left, at least let us enjoy it as much as we want.


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb 7Siete:

the only thing that ncsoft is archiving with this hour, is making pvp players to look for alternative games, i dont think thats their ultimate goal

Less PVP Players means less Soul stones and less Moonstones. You get thoose nearly only from PVP but demand is high. What does it mean if ressources you need alot dont exist in huge quantities in this game ? F5 increases and what does this mean ? F10 gets more attractive. Thats probably their plan oh and HM coins get reduced this way aswell since less players reach gold rank. Its a playerbase that dosent buy alot anyway so they are not needed for NCsoft thats probably also the reason why they dont care about balancing their classes and instead release third spec after third spec.


BTW. to my knowledge Third specs where banned from PVP in KR but EU and NA dosent care since there is no money involved.


I tryed to discuss it with several mods and admins already but they alwasy said they are not gonna change it back cause KR said its a good idea.

They told me how KR made this decision aswell. KR looked into the statistics and noticed there are very few players in PVP compared to PVE so they thought its a great idea to limit the time to force thoose who enjoy PVP to play at the same time but like everyone warned NCwest it resulted in people quitting since they cant log in and have fun anymore instead they have to wait till they are able to play.


Alot of people really enjoy 3v3 but they cant play it anymore either cause its not avaible or the skill gap is huge even in silver you have a high chance of getting a full team of top 5 players or atleast top 30 which is not winnable for the average player this result in having in mind "i cant reach my goals anyway" so most new players stop before even actully starting PVP. I consider myselfe as one of the better players out there and the last two season i only managed 4 chars to be barely in gold.


While 3v3 restictions make somewhat sense in theorie cause at some times it was actully hard to get a match 1v1 dosent make sense at all since atleast i had never any problem finding matches even at 2 in the morning.


Multiple times i asked them to atleast increase 3v3 to 3 hours a day instead of 3 days 3 hours but again they dont care even tho this would fix PVP to some extend. If we had some whale who would say if you not gonna change ......... i quit it would probably be fixed but thats not gonna happen since whales dont play PVP. (talking about someone who pays thousands per treasure trove)

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Like always its all about money... i didnt knew about the 3rd spec ban on korea, its very sad that they dont want to do it here, it would make pvp more balance for sure, also they should balance class, u check the ranking, and for example there is only like 2 fm on all class rank, that is very sad, there is a big gap betwen classes right now... about the 3v3 i totally feel you man, i havent been able to play a single time since i get back, i cant play at those hours so im totally **** and i really miss it ... and its truth i never had problem to play 1v1 no matter the hour, now its such a pain, it really make me sick having to log out because i cant pvp u.u and like i said nobody its doing dungeons anyway... loosing my hope here and its very sad, there is no better game for pvp, i mean action reaction pvp, target its all over but that i dont like, so yeah thanks for ur reply, feels like nothing to do about it.

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@Cyan@PhoenixMitra@Hyunkel any new news about the removal of PVP restriction times or banning of Third specs in pvp till all classes have one ?


If you have other Informations regarding PVP (1v1 and or 3v3) id like to know aswell.


It feels like you guys are not even asking KR devs to do such a thing. I mean its probably just 1 line of code to ban third specs and the removal of time restrictions aswell but atleast ive got an answer for this already that KR does not care about time restiction for us.

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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4 hours ago, Raeven said:

If you're a noob, which it sounds like you're one, don't bother with pvp. Too many people using cheats and exploits.  

hahaha this guy its just looking for a fight ... cheats ? exploits ? who say anythign about that ? O.o "dont bother with pvp ? hahah we are saying that we want more hours to play arena ... get a life son hahaha 

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