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PvP Question


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there is something i really wonder about PVP 


i play as a KFM and the most annoying classes i may face in the PVP is The summoners and the blade dancers 

just lost a match against a blade dancer who could eat 50% of my HP with only one hit and killed me with it twice 

is that really possible to lose with just 2 hits or even 1 hit ? or this is a different kind of hacking or what ? and why the KFM doesnt have such skill like that or the other classes ?


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BD have a skill, deadly strike as far as I believe that can oneshot you on crit. Don't know if that was nerfed but it was possible and I still think it is. BM 3rd spec could (?) 100 to 0 you one air combo. No idea about other classes but I think none other has something like that.

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vor 18 Stunden schrieb ElectroIIII:

i play as a KFM and the most annoying classes i may face in the PVP is The summoners and the blade dancers

KFM is the direct counter to Summoner only class which might be better against summoner is Soul fighter. Same for Blade dancer KFM is a direct counter of BD you may need some practice. For example instead of SS and charge (the knockdown) you SS, wait a lil moment and charge most BDs will not be able to evade this knockdown.

Another thing BD uses his iframes on you. You change your direction 180 degree and use 3 kd. Alot of BDs get knockdowned that way.

vor 18 Stunden schrieb ElectroIIII:

is that really possible to lose with just 2 hits or even 1 hit ?

For BD it takes i think atleast 3 hits since you have to be able to activate the skill which can do like 63K on crit and BM needs to aerial you which is one combo which you cannot evade since it is an aerial but its more than 1 hit.

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20 hours ago, Shekinah said:

No idea about other classes but I think none other has something like that.

i think this wont be good for other classes cus only BD and BM can finish them much more easily if they were caught 

maybe some classes will be a counter to BD and BM but there still a chance for them to finish their opponents with skills like this right ?


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