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Please turn off pvp in panda village. I didn't even know this was a thing until some piece of ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ archer blind sided me while I was killing mites. Nothing ruins my day like pvp. I don't want to participate in pvp, even when you force it with skill points. I will only submit myself to this torture if forced too, I would even ask that you remove the zen bean only being obtainable through pvp, luckily thats only a one time thing and I can farm bots. Thank god for bots in pvp arena, they're the only thing that got me through that hellhole. You make the rewards in panda village really good, but you destroy it by allowing people to come in and ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ everyone up. This destroys the zone. Please remove this feature if you can. 

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29 minutes ago, Arb said:

Please turn off pvp in panda village. I didn't even know this was a thing until some piece of ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ archer blind sided me while I was killing mites. Nothing ruins my day like pvp. I don't want to participate in pvp, even when you force it with skill points. I will only submit myself to this torture if forced too, I would even ask that you remove the zen bean only being obtainable through pvp, luckily thats only a one time thing and I can farm bots. Thank god for bots in pvp arena, they're the only thing that got me through that hellhole. You make the rewards in panda village really good, but you destroy it by allowing people to come in and ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ everyone up. This destroys the zone. Please remove this feature if you can. 

Panda Village is meant to be a free-for-all pvp zone. If you dont want to get killed dont enter. you can get the skill point items from farming the mobs outside and from Murk Hollow. and if its materials you are after you can farm basin.

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Or maybe they shouldn't gate good rewards behind pvp. Is what I'm saying. If ppl want to pvp they should go to arena or that new  battle royal they were doing at the tournament. And you're telling me you can get zen beans from this place called murk hollow? 

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1 hour ago, Arb said:

Or maybe they shouldn't gate good rewards behind pvp. Is what I'm saying. If ppl want to pvp they should go to arena or that new  battle royal they were doing at the tournament. And you're telling me you can get zen beans from this place called murk hollow? 

I am not talking about the zen bean. And they arent "gating them" behind PVP, its simply a new content5 PVP zone. Dont like it, dont do it plain simple.


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It is gating actually, they're gating a prime way to get materials behind pvp. I try to avoid pvp where I can, but they force you into pvp situations all the time in this game, which is what I hate. "Dont like it? dont do it." is not a very good excuse when they push you into pvp with skill points and for better rewards than you would usually get.

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9 hours ago, Arb said:

It is gating actually, they're gating a prime way to get materials behind pvp. I try to avoid pvp where I can, but they force you into pvp situations all the time in this game, which is what I hate. "Dont like it? dont do it." is not a very good excuse when they push you into pvp with skill points and for better rewards than you would usually get.

That is not a prime way to get materials and never was. You get the same if not more from farming basin and dungeons.

BnS always has been a game where you need to do both to progress. PVP players have to do PVE for some upgrade materials and for the PVP gear, while in return PVE players have to PVP for moonstones and soulstones as those are PVP resources.


Panda Village is just ONE option out of plenty you have to farm materials, if you choose to go in there, you accept the risk of getting killed. If you dont want that use one of the other farming options for materials.

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb Arb:

It is gating actually, they're gating a prime way to get materials behind pvp. I try to avoid pvp where I can, but they force you into pvp situations all the time in this game, which is what I hate. "Dont like it? dont do it." is not a very good excuse when they push you into pvp with skill points and for better rewards than you would usually get.

No one forces PVE Players to do PVP there is nothing you cannot farm in PVE but there is plenty you cant farm in PVP and there are no other options than to PVE. 



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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Arb:

I kinda want this thread to close, but theres skill points you cant farm in pve, i had to pvp to get that. so you are kinda forced to at some points in the game.

you farm the zen bean 4.5K wow look at PVP they need to run 100 times several dungeons. You compare 30 Minutes of work against like 300 Hours of work. 

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vor 24 Minuten schrieb Arb:

its more than 30 minutes especially if youre not good at pvp, its a day of pvp at least. but its aggravating, just fresh meat for the experienced pvpers to mince.  

still way way way way way less than PVP Players need to do and you want to cut their only sources of income ? 

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