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Please bring back Badge Exchange


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Sometimes you just want to play the other spec for fun, but is just too expensive to make more badges.

Also would be nice to add a cheap option to change bracelet, like ring and earring.

Removing this option was a bad change, it was fun changing specs whenever you wanted.

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It was added for awakening so people didn't have to get new gear just because of it, it wasn't added so people could switch forever for free. If it was for fun there are lots of other things we could get for free but this is a buisness nc wants your money so that isn't the case. Instead of crying that badges can't be swapped you should be happy that they didn't take it away from ring and earring which are the most expensive items to get if you wan't to play the other spec, getting a 2nd badge is rather cheap.

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Yeah, 24 oils, 24 DGS is cheap, plus getting the new soul badge would be 100 MS, 100 elys, 5 DGS, 1 PTS, 10 TS.
Plus another mystic badge, another 24 oils/dgs, plus getting another ET badge, yeah so cheap.

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1 hour ago, Xzard said:

Yeah, 24 oils, 24 DGS is cheap, plus getting the new soul badge would be 100 MS, 100 elys, 5 DGS, 1 PTS, 10 TS.
Plus another mystic badge, another 24 oils/dgs, plus getting another ET badge, yeah so cheap.

You forget 1 thing: Its not a necessity for you to freely swap spec as you say "one is more fun sometimes than the other".... its pure convenience so if you want convenience...them DGS and evo stones aint gonna farm themselves ...

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