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Why is game so broken since ascendant patch?


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Transforming an item -- from time it transforms to being put in your inventory -- 23 seconds?  Why isn't it instantly?



Or how many fights have I seen this now:




IF again, but worse:





How can this type of response time support an interactive game, let alone a huge population from an MMORG?



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Assuming i understood correctly what you mean...


Well for the item transformation, reason why its not instant is Lag. The speed very much so depends on your current connection speed. For example for me it takes about 2-3 seconds to happen unless theres some form of lag going on. So that can be put to a latency or server issue.


The boss mechanics are, well depends how its supposed to work. IF for example i know its TIMED. What i mean is after the message "Yoong initiates Phase Shift" it triggers the electricity thing and then he continues normal rotation and triggers a DELAY of X amount of seconds before he does his actual shield mechanics. So no actual problems there. It's just delayed and not supposed to be instant. So if you kill him before that delay time reaches 0, nothing will happen. Same thing for Jurupo in HH, probably.


Edited by Amarathiel
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"Lag"...yeah, but my ping was under 200ms when these probs hit... some of the freezes show 133ms (ie lower 100's) just before

a 1 minute freeze -- going from 133ms to 60+s can really only be due to server lag, since I've never had this type of variation in lag times in any other internet application.


FWIW -- turning off the reflex-tip item has helped in game responsiveness overall, which also doesn't make alot of sense, as I though that was only used in battle.


It hasn't fixed BnS crashing (hanging) my system unfortunately.  I had problems like this about a year ago then came some

update in spring and they went away.... System hasn't been hanging since.  Then since ascendant patch... getting system hangs like as

much as 3x / day.  No other game causes system hangs -- but then no other game installs kernel drivers (XIGNCODE).  What can be done about getting rid of that.  I don't believe it is necessary for the vast number of users.  It's too invasive and causes to much OS instability.



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Some of the delay can be caused by the animation duration of certain things. You should check next time you upgrade because i think you get the item in you inventory much faster, its just the chat log thats a bit behind. Its the same with daily dash. You spin and get the reward right away but you still wait for the animation to make its course.

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In this case, I *thought* I had the item, because I wanted to click on it to re-equip it.  Then I couldn't find it.  I was trying to figure out where it had gone, but then before I could do to much searching, I heard a notification sound and saw it pop into my inventory

as the last item.  It was then I saw the message in the log.


Never noticed the transaction wasn't "integral" before the ascendancy patch.


The delays on the server aren't gone -- especially transitioning, or going between areas.    Many times I seem to end up

severely behind other players in NS, after fighting granite titan.  I'd say that happens *most* of the time, whereas before the

ascension patch, I never encountered the situation where everyone else in the group was at the next boss (the lightning dragon) already, waiting for me!


Next run was in HH, and _everyone_ in the party was slowed down.  It took well over a minute, for something that should be  a few seconds.  It's not like it has to download the next section.  It's just a transition.  Yuck!


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