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I can not withdraw my reward


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No puedo recibir mi recompensa por el bono diario, el que te dan por estar cierto tiempo conectado, no puedo retirarlo del email del juego, alguna idea del por que?


can not receive my reward for the daily bonus, the one you get for being connected for some time, I can not remove it from the game's email, any idea why?


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19 hours ago, Dru Lockheart said:

If you have in mind stacked rewards (like mats bags or experience charms), you need to right click on their icon in the mail to get the amount to retrieve window pop up.

As you can see, the button is practically blocked, making it impossible to remove these objects

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24 minutes ago, kevinwar2 said:

As you can see, the button is practically blocked, making it impossible to remove these objects

don't click on the button. right click on the experience charm in the right side of the window.

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The left side check gets greyed out if the item you are picking up has more than one copy. Notice how only the orb is selectable because it's only a single orb. This is normal behavior. Right clicking on the bottom right icon should give you a new window where you select how many you want to pick.

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