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BG 1HR wait time after dcing 2 Times...need to stop at least 30 minutes :(


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First am gonna say this who ever came up with the concept of having a wait time before entering bg after dc - applause to you, you may eat food


who ever came up with the 1 hour wait time to re enter on 2 dc - thank you i know u hate us all and want to see us suffer.


first of all this game aint optimize from day one u been hearing this and still to this day.


so when you gonna throw a big fat wait time like the game is legit and all that ,  when its not !!! proves how distance u guys are, from what matters.






so when you gonna be throwing time like nobody cares think about people i dont get dc that much ding dungeon etc , when i do battleground i get like 2 dc per night. if am lucky far apart.


i been trying to get my incinerator weapon  and the thing holding me back is u guys with your non sense  1hr wait time , it can be 30 minutes too u know. u serve 1 hr wait time then if u get dc shortly after u serve another 1 hour like come on people, not everyone is connecting on optmial net, your game not optimize , other factors count as well. so stp pretending as if peple always leave bg because they want to leave, people out there who d but at least reduce it to 30 minutes. 1 hour is so much time out of the lil time of bg farm we have.


these are the changes people lok forward too , a big fat forums section with no one over seeing it just writing in vain.


word of advice, dont try to ruin the what left people u have qing for bg, bcuase one day u may not have any .. 2 years ago i could q for a tag match or bg during the day and get a match .

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1 hour ago, Grimoir said:

Actually...its players that ruined this themselves. Had people not been selfish and be quitting matches left and right, then ncsoft would have never added this change to begin with.

hm yes there needs to be some kind of lock out for leavers, but the game jsut crashes a lot recently in battlegrounds , it happened to me in one of three games, mostly when it is almost over, there is not enough time to rejoin then and you get locked out, and no battlepoints ofc.

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33 minutes ago, Arohk said:

hm yes there needs to be some kind of lock out for leavers, but the game jsut crashes a lot recently in battlegrounds , it happened to me in one of three games, mostly when it is almost over, there is not enough time to rejoin then and you get locked out, and no battlepoints ofc.

The crashes are just weird. I mean i do acknowledge that people have them, but personally i have not had a single crash in BG on this game. Or even a single crash ever for the past 2-3 years i am playing it.  So, personally i think the issue lies more on the PC / ISP side rather than game / server side to be honest.

I mean look at it this way, its technically a big problem, so if it was really on server / game end i am actually confident to say they would have fixed it already, but they stated they cant and are constantly looking into it, which even more underlines my assumption.

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2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

The crashes are just weird. I mean i do acknowledge that people have them, but personally i have not had a single crash in BG on this game. Or even a single crash ever for the past 2-3 years i am playing it.  So, personally i think the issue lies more on the PC / ISP side rather than game / server side to be honest.

I mean look at it this way, its technically a big problem, so if it was really on server / game end i am actually confident to say they would have fixed it already, but they stated they cant and are constantly looking into it, which even more underlines my assumption.

im not sure about your assumptions tbh, going by that every other game should crash every now and then, but its kinda only bns you know, that makes it fairly certain that the problem lies in the game itself, rather than some1's pc

as far as i noticed the game starts to crash once it used up all the memory you had in reserve, cause , for some strange reason, it cant recycle  the data, and just stores it infinitely

but then again, what do i know.

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10 minutes ago, Vyd said:

im not sure about your assumptions tbh, going by that every other game should crash every now and then, but its kinda only bns you know, that makes it fairly certain that the problem lies in the game itself, rather than some1's pc

as far as i noticed the game starts to crash once it used up all the memory you had in reserve, cause , for some strange reason, it cant recycle  the data, and just stores it infinitely

but then again, what do i know.

Not necessairly, the thing is not every game behaves the same way on a PC, same as the PC does not behave the same for every game.


as for the memory issue, if you are running Windows 10, Win10 has a nasty habbit of not really freeing up memory and loading data into it based on a learning algorithm to speed up the startup of most of your most used applications.


If you are having memory issues that its not freed up try using this:




You will need to manually clean it using this tool. I use it, maybe thats why my game doesnt crash, who knows lol.

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10 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

Not necessairly, the thing is not every game behaves the same way on a PC, same as the PC does not behave the same for every game.


as for the memory issue, if you are running Windows 10, Win10 has a nasty habbit of not really freeing up memory and loading data into it based on a learning algorithm to speed up the startup of most of your most used applications.


If you are having memory issues that its not freed up try using this:




You will need to manually clean it using this tool. I use it, maybe thats why my game doesnt crash, who knows lol.


the reason why im more suspicious about memory usage is cause i play on 3 char, usually in the same order and by the time i get to the 3rd, that is my main, and i start purpletrain, after 2-3 dungeon it gets a noticeable performance drop, and by the time i finish the train if i afk at mushin for roughly 10 min, i will  likely get a crash, however

if i do things the reversed way , there are no drops, no crashes, just when i reach a certain point on my 3rd char

also im using win7 , with 32 bit, cause 64 is unplayable for me


similar scenario when i restart the game, do a train , and join bgs, i will likely crash after the 10th game 

but if i just do bg after a restart, i can play without problem, as long as i dont do anything else


might have something to do with the ammount of ppl you meet during your  playtime, cause if i stay with the same group the game is usually fine for a long time

and can do multiple trains before i get black loadingscreens and eventually a crash not long after that.


another thing i noticed is that the game runs smoother on maxed out settings rather than using the low pc optimization mode 8D

so im still fairly sure the problem lies in the game itself.


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