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it fair enough that they remove this load on field count down and let people go on field with skills disabled and unlock when fight starts , gunslinger abuse this so much, if you don;t have a high tech, up to date pc you gonna get cheese regardless its so fun getting aired as u load in and taking 50 percent hp then get tech chased after you roll.....i know bns is aware of this but as always, ignore it and find other ways to let low rankers fight high rankers its bascially there priority tbh, than actually making the playing field flat they just run around the bushes.....when people dc and your char goes next your skis are disabled thats what they should implement .


in tournaments when the fight starts i never see this cheese go off because they always make sure the other opponent is ready before they land a hit.also the pc are up to date but the fact is they wait . same tournament code should apply, its not only gunslinger the main abusers but other classes as well .


its past due they implement this, every time i hit 1500 and its a gunner i know what to expect , even i try to hold 1 to counter it am airborne by then, the count in is like  1 sec ...and they reach u hit daze and air borne in that time ridiculous . then if i roll  get techc chase , ground counter  cancel my guard so what else can we do , dont they care , like come on..... so much lose ends in this game its ridiculous they just ignore these things and release small patches when so much can be done :(



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they need to apply some quality control, every arena changes they made regards to rankings ...nothing to improve overall experience of everyone ...everyone  should have a chance to react  regardless making that possible should be number one priority..if we go on the field   i don't have to worry about a black screen or a short delay, am already loaded and i can see what they doing , even when i spectate matches i never see what they do to reach up so fast ...........that cheese is so successful for them its well know ..... i see them cheese ppl all the time in tag match 1v1 ... but nothing has been done about it .sad

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So let me get this straight.

-You are complaining about the weakest arena class currently available because of the V 2 cheese opener.
-You're telling me people in 1500 can tech chase (which is ridiculous)
-You have a groundcounter so i assume you're one of the following classes: BM, KFM, Sin, Destro SF or BD.

Your solution is what, nerf gunners even more? :giggle:

Just don't complain if you're stuck in 1500's because you have no idea what classes are actually busted xd

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1 hour ago, Illol said:

So let me get this straight.

-You are complaining about the weakest arena class currently available because of the V 2 cheese opener.
-You're telling me people in 1500 can tech chase (which is ridiculous)
-You have a groundcounter so i assume you're one of the following classes: BM, KFM, Sin, Destro SF or BD.

Your solution is what, nerf gunners even more? :giggle:

Just don't complain if you're stuck in 1500's because you have no idea what classes are actually busted xd

You're all ...just so idiotic.

It is total garbage that people can already attack you in arena while your screen is still black, it is not only a gunner thing, everyone with a fast PC and low Ping can do it, i can also sometimes do it, sprint>LMB1 enemy is stunned before they can even see me coming.


It is stupid and needs to be fixed.


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21 hours ago, Illol said:

So let me get this straight.

-You are complaining about the weakest arena class currently available because of the V 2 cheese opener.
-You're telling me people in 1500 can tech chase (which is ridiculous)
-You have a groundcounter so i assume you're one of the following classes: BM, KFM, Sin, Destro SF or BD.

Your solution is what, nerf gunners even more? :giggle:

Just don't complain if you're stuck in 1500's because you have no idea what classes are actually busted xd

and you have no idea, what word busted means. do you?

On 11/26/2018 at 9:38 PM, MaiTraha said:

cry cry cry, how about coming here and praising this is not a moba or a game to be changed to suit you play style.

what play style you even talking about, its clearly a head start given to kids who got no style, and abuses it to gain advantage over their opponent which is cheating. (to gain their ranks, and season rewards)


now back to the topic:


once I've experienced this couple of times, I never tried Arena again (Legit to say its broken!)


promoting this game as esports its a big joke!

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21 hours ago, Illol said:

So let me get this straight.

-You are complaining about the weakest arena class currently available because of the V 2 cheese opener.
-You're telling me people in 1500 can tech chase (which is ridiculous)
-You have a groundcounter so i assume you're one of the following classes: BM, KFM, Sin, Destro SF or BD.

Your solution is what, nerf gunners even more? :giggle:

Just don't complain if you're stuck in 1500's because you have no idea what classes are actually busted xd

i have a gunner, i legit make it to 1500 plus


also arena load screen isnt apart of gunner skill so what nerf you talking about ,lol you writing that proves your iq


i hav all classes and i legit cant get a gold medal because of this some high end pc noob with no skill gonna run up and cheese me. a bm can windstride into stun, airial then flock of blades rush you to pop that esc , then pull you after ...if i couldve seen that he would have to earn that airial ..


so since you saying that why not start everyone one that face a gunner half p and fix load screeen thats what you saying ??? because if thats what you saying its dumb

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that black screen need to go, and let us start on field and unlock our skills . plain and simple ...it wanst a big issu before but now gunners are here and the airial is so instant .


also gunner has a v  into 2 cheese so   they can still get fre airials i legit see gs with plat , so its not that weak , unless they doing what you doing :(

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You of all people shouldn't talk, you're the only fully geared sin that doesn't manage to oneshot someone with minetoss in BG and complain about how weak your class is all the time.
The cheese only works on low rated people and is easily countered.

And please you're talking about 1500, come back when you atleast hit gold.
I'm ranked high 1700 low 1800 on 3 different gunners in arena and i can tell you, there's only 1 person in platinum as a gunner (2accounts of the same person) and he does not use the V 2 cheese because it's a waste of cc's and it nearly never works on high ranked players.
So i really don't know what gunner in plat you are talking about but it's a load of bullshit.

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On 30.11.2018 at 1:09 AM, Illol said:

You of all people shouldn't talk, you're the only fully geared sin that doesn't manage to oneshot someone with minetoss in BG and complain about how weak your class is all the time.
The cheese only works on low rated people and is easily countered.

And please you're talking about 1500, come back when you atleast hit gold.
I'm ranked high 1700 low 1800 on 3 different gunners in arena and i can tell you, there's only 1 person in platinum as a gunner (2accounts of the same person) and he does not use the V 2 cheese because it's a waste of cc's and it nearly never works on high ranked players.
So i really don't know what gunner in plat you are talking about but it's a load of bullshit.

people on high ratings usually also got a way lower ping (which allows for combos that are impossible with higher ping) and have a stronger PC (better FPS)


I normaly have a ping of 80-90 in arena and can already not do some combos, i tested it with a blademaster in my Clan wo got a ping of ~60 in arena, he can combo me before i can use my F roll but he always managed to get out with F roll when i tried the same combo.

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