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WR Need rework or ban from pvp


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i know they cant ban it but here are my  thoughts on this so called class that , kr seem to rush and throw in, please keep in mind kr is kr they get update faster than us so if its a month for them  we looking at 3 months or more for any change.


after seeing the the new class i was like its gonna be op in someway ...


first of all i know the game is made else where but i dont know who came u with the concept of warrior, it was poorly thought of ,

first of all the only class that can kill this so call class is a blade dancer may be a fm  , why cause wr doesn't have a ground counter so bd can ground game, and have the tool of phantom grip.

 any other class is just pure luck on your side .considering from what i heard those swing pierces parry and hit from a  mile away so they brain dead swing at u .


the class doesnt have much of a bad match up, lets ee what the class has


a 5 second block no cd

2 hp bar

soul flare

mid range attack that pierce parry


a bunch of iframes

hits like a truck


what i dont under stand who made a class that takes 1 year to die but takes 1 second to kill you

idc about making class op at start but cmon no matter how op gunners were in bg they were trash in arena why cause they lack defensive they had a flaw, i see noob warden with galaxy taking a year to die and hits like a truck, while providing sf to people.the class just came out and went plat and sits at number 1 firmly  already. and its not about ppl nt use to the class its the fact that no class in game has enough damage and cc to hold a warden to drain his hp bar so low to have a chance at winning by then he recovers all the second bar health and its abck to square one again, you cant run from the class a 8 m swing not easy to run from, you cant stand and block a free stun and i swear the cd is short too, nothing really to do i dont know how wl eals with this class lol like i know it uses hp as focus but how much hp so cause  the why they advertise it was like you could kill your self  amount its not even that much of a hp drain compare to how they heal it back.


the class has one bunch of cc resist skill to tank yet none of them tank and abuse it in arena .its like giving a kid money to buy fruits and they buy sweets instead.




i heard people say oh the class isnt op its just tricky heres what kr said about them



Warriors had a very low effectiveness in their designed "tank" role in battlegrounds, while performing too effectively in arena.


As such, we have made a few changes to their battleground items and have made a few changes to their abilities as well.


This will be the last week for our WAR focused changes, but we will be on the lookout for any problems that warrant a quick hotfix.



this concerns me, cause i dont know if we getting the nerf wr or before nerf one .




bns tree not even updating anymore so we in the woods on everything and we have to search else where or read korean to get answers ..sad  take down the site plz



for now enjoy playing the most broken class in game rn and prolly forever...pvp is coming t an end.






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1 hour ago, qqqq1 said:


Warriors had a very low effectiveness in their designed "tank" role in battlegrounds, while performing too effectively in arena.








you had me there xDDDD, you do realize BG is a piece of pumpkin the way it is right now?without equalization or more accessible pvp gear and BG balance, it will always be just a shitfest,where whales will cry coz they got a lower geared in their team. but atleast you can farm moonstones, so it has that going, which is nice.

there are many classes that do just fine against warden, once you learn their abilities you can find  the weaknesses too c:

all in all, it all comes down to players, if you are bad, it doesnt  matter what class you play.(maybe try summoner or timeout sin)

and lets not talk about asians cause thats a different story in like every game,our pros are more like casuals to them.


maybe try out the class before you make any attempts,it might not be as easy as you think.

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I main a WL, and I have yet to loose to a Warden. I also made a Warden and played it, and figured out both how to kill my own main class (Wl) on it, and how to kill it with a WL.

If you are having trouble defeating a class with your main class, I HIGHLY advise playing it yourself extensively to work out its weaknesses, then you will know what to look for.

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