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BnS not using my max cpu core clock


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So recently I upgraded my cpu to i7 8700k and did a auto overclock to 4.8ghz but BnS caps at 4.5ghz. Now from my understanding I've been told that 4.8ghz is for 1 core only, but doesnt BnS use 1 core? I made sure to check if any of my other hardware was bottlenecking my cpu, but my Geforce GTX 1070 is only between 50 - 70% usage and my ram 80% (fluctuates 6-7gb out of 8gb) oddly enough when I'm idling my cpu caps at 4.8ghz. Is BnS using a core that isnt the 4.8ghz? Should I try setting all cores to that speed? Much appreciated for the help!


The reason I want to overkill with the core speed is because I have a 144hz monitor and I would like to gain as many fps from my hardware. I acknowledge BnS max fps is 120 but I only get that when there's no players on my screen, when I'm in a 6 man party during combat it can fluctuate between 40-70 fps with max settings

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2 hours ago, Ludicium said:

Try have BnS running in the background, open up Task Manager > Details > "Client.exe" (BnS logo) > Set Affinity > Set Priority. Mess around with those settings (Affinity and Priority) and see if it helps.

I was messing with the affinity settings for a while now but to no avail. However I did decide to manually overclock all cores to same clock speed and now BnS using 4.8ghz. I appreciate the help 

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Hmm. You're talking about the single core speed. If no other cores are being used, one core can be run at max. If more than one core is active simultaneously, the clock rate will slow down so that you don't fry your cpu. If you've somehow succeeded in getting all cores to max frequency simultaneously, which is unlikely, you'll turn your cpu into toast.


If you're relying on task manager to tell you what the core speed is, don't. It tries to average out the speed across all cores, but technologies like speedstep and xfr make it impossible to accurately represent.

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