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Summoner Gear?

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Hi hi! 


So I've played bns for a year now but I'm still very clueless about how this game works. I don't know any terms like "Tanking","Dps","Ping". It gets very confusing..Other then that I main a summoner which is a HM9. If someone could tell me whats some good gear for it I would appreciate it and, if I'm not asking too much, maybe a deep explanation on these terms people use..I've tried looking it up myself but I still can't seem to understand or remember.

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Well lets start with the terms:


Tanking: basically having the most aggro on a boss and have to boss hit you

Dps: Damage per second

Ping: that is the latency you got to the server (and back in this game). it can be enabled in to show in the options


If you need other terms, please say so ;)


For your gear... it is always nice to know what you already got if you ask questions like that.


First: which element are you playing? earth or wind


Now, do you still use seolak accesories? already elemental ones? do you even have legendarys? which weapon do you have? are you using the 8-set of msp (which you got from the story)? what soul/pet do you have? do you already have badges? what critrate (in %) and accuracy do you have? did you fuse something on your soul shields? What gems do you have?

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To add onto what @Annysan has said, I'll just fill in the information in terms of gear.

Coming our of the story, you should have chosen the "Dark weapon box" which will give you the Baleful staff. If you have yet to grab yourself one or don't have 6 gem slots on the Baleful staff, I recommend heading into either Jadestone - Viridian Coast or Grand Harvest Square - Silverfrost Mountains. There will be vendors there that sell "Dark weapon box" for Naryu Silver. Keep purchasing them and opening them until you have a 6 gem slot Baleful weapon. Once you have your Baleful weapon and 6 gem slots, you'll want to upgrade it to at least Baleful Stage 6, which should be fairly easy. Eventually though, you'll want to continue working you way to Baleful Stage 10, then upgrade it to Raven Stage 1 - which can be pricey too so, keep that in mind.


As for your Soul Badge, as a Wind summoner, you'll want to grab the Courage Soul Badge from a vendor in Mushin's Tower. As an Earth summoner, you'll want to grab either the Alluvion Soul Badge or Magnum Soul Badge, the choice is up to you.

Be warned though that purchasing the tokens for these Soul Badges can get quite pricey as well, so don't feel like you have to rush to get them.


As for your Mystic Badge, as a Wind summoner, you'll want to get the Pulse Mystic Badge from a vendor in Celestial Basin - Gunwon City. As an Earth summoner, you'll want to pick yourself up either a Pulse Mystic Badge or Skyrift Mystic Badge, the choice is up to you.


In regards to any other potential terms you might not know of, check this list out ^^ It could come in handy.


Hope this helps. But if it doesn't then like @Annysan, maybe give us a bit more detail/information into what kind of gear you have atm.

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Hi hi,

Thanks so far!

I have the full hollow set, Solak soul, Stage 1 Hm pet aura, 4 mistwalker soul shield, 4 rejuvenation soul shield and a Stage 9 Seraph playing as an earth summoner. I don't have any mystic or soul badges since I just now learned they were there. On my weapon I have all of the slots unlocked with 5 square gems and one triangular.  For most of my time I just focused on upgrading my weapon because I didn't know there was better gear the hollows and solak...

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oh boy... you probably should have answered sooner, there is quite a bit wrong ;)


First, you missed your opportunity for easy 6 slots, Ludicium already wrote how that works. that is kinda too late for you, you spend quite some mats on your weapon, now you gotta pray for the rng gods to get that 6. slot. If you get gem hammers from daily dash or whatever, keep them, you might need them to unlock that last slot. But with your gear, no priority on that, as you got many other things to do.


For your soul shields... NEVER, and I mean really NEVER, mix 4 and 4 from two sets. that is super bad in itself, as both set give you only the 3 piece bonus then. If one is mixing, go 3 pieces and 5 pieces, this way, you get better set bonuses. Now, the thing is, earth sum does not want to mix. you wear the msp soul shield (the legendary one given by the story, Mistwalker soul shield) till you get 8 pieces of raven soul shield (Rejuvenation, from skybreak spire). If you happen to have trashed your story soul shields, at least get one other msp soul shield till you get raven ones. they can be bought with the moonflowers (not sure about the name, the ones dropping in the dungeons now which noone wants) in midnight sky plains, accessed through zaiwei. it is not optimal but can't be helped if you trashed them.

Now, for your msp soul shields, it is easier to live with the rolls the soul shield is giving you, as the place where you get them is kinda dead. But for the next soul shield (raven), you definitly want to look at what stats each soul shield has. While completing the set is, depending on your rolls of your current soul shield, probably a good idea, you should work after that on the right stats. You want crit and accuracy, while crit should be on every one of them. Your crit probability should be higher than 50%. You get that done for one by taking soul shields with crit on them (note: do not trash raven soul shields with other stats, you can fuse them to the one with crit and get things like life/other up; try clicking on your soul shield to open an upgrade window like for the weapon).

The other thing is to fuse some primers (?, you can see them in the dragon express, just scroll down a bit, it is a long list with different grades). Buying them from other players is rather expensive, but you can produce the things to buy them of dragon express, which I would really recommend (should be soul warden in english? the one with the little triangle symbol). If you need more details please ask ;)


pet is fine, it is really expensive and will not help that much for now.


for the soul... i am not sure you can participate in the current event that great... if you can, you can either decide to go and try for a permanent soul or, if you feel you don't have enough tokens, go for the sacred vials, you will need them later. The upgrade from stage 6 to legendary (needed to purchase the permanent one from dragon express), can fail, so please plan according to what you  can earn.


Soul badge can be pruchased with sun orbs (you get them through doing daily challenge). Yes it takes a while, but it is free and you got enough other stuff to worry about ;) You want the magnum one. For mystic soul shield, you can farm that for peaches in celestial basin. Either get skyrift or pulse mystic badge... When they changed it i didn't really need them, so not super sure which is better.


Now, did you do the quest: The dead never die? if not, please do so. it gives you 250 draken cores, which is one legendary accessorie plus 50 for the next (can be pruchased in zaiwei after doing 10 runs in the acording dungeon which drops it). They are also acquired from running ebondrake citadel to sanctum. You want your bracelet first (naryu sanctum). I would suggest just lfp for it, with the current event, groups should be ok for that. Second you want your necklace (dark tomb), then the belt (naryu foundry). For ring/earring you don't want the legendary ones (for now), but the purple elemental ones dropping in dark tomb/naryu sanctum (they all have the same name, check for element in description)

Then of course you need to upgrade your bracelet (really important), you also want to choose the tiger bracelet, which is cheaper in the long run (should be tiger, gonna check on that later)


You will want the legendary ring/earring from the first raid (BT, raven, skybreak spire), but you need to get the other things first, so better start with that ;)

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Hi hi!

Thank you so much! I'll do all what you've said. For my wep I already have all slots. I unlocked them after reaching stage 6, I think.  I started to worry after I was being kicked out of parties alot and noticed I had terrible gear. I would watch videos and some said "this" was good and "that" was trash and when I move on to another video it said the plain opposite. 

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42 minutes ago, Rui Rui said:

Hi hi!

Thank you so much! I'll do all what you've said. For my wep I already have all slots. I unlocked them after reaching stage 6, I think.  I started to worry after I was being kicked out of parties alot and noticed I had terrible gear. I would watch videos and some said "this" was good and "that" was trash and when I move on to another video it said the plain opposite. 

Everything they said here in this thread is all true and great, just try to do as many things as possible from the above suggestions for now. Don't worry about the videos.

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