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Is this right.


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On April 30th my premium subscription was renewed and then shortly after they announced the changes to loot, gold and pushing more players to play the new content.  I reviewed the changes and was deeply distressed that this would make my game play even harder to play.  I have one main with low raven weapon and middle level 6-7 low level legendary gear and only because I used three alts to do dailies to supply my main with the means to slowly improve my mains gear.  I have forgone getting into the harder dungeons because I don’t think entering a hm15 level dungeon with 55 hm 8 to 11 is fair to any one else in the party.  For the last three months I have plodded way learning the mechanics of these dungeons and tried to be patient with level 55 hm 8 to 10’s with no gear not even the stuff that drops from the low dungeons in other words coming in with solak accessories.  I tried explaining mech and tried not to leave unsuccessful dungeons and never left one while a boss was being worked on ( think that is just out right selfish and wrong).  Having low level geared players that have no intention in learning how to do the mechanics and leave during fights can get very very frustrating.  Having high level players leave before they try to go with the party is frustrating too.  But when you can talk ppl into staying and spend a bit of time failing but learning I found this quite fun.  A few weeks ago I got into a really great clan and now have ppl to ask how the mechs work.  Most are so far a head of me I feel ridiculous going into dungeons with them.


 I thought over the changes and decided that I did not want to pay to play with the new changes so have put a ticket in asking to be reimbursed for two of the months on the grounds that I will know longer be able to make stuff to supply my main.  I’m being told although some of the changes they disagree with too that they will not reimburse me.  One tried to imply that I had already played the time.  I have played 7 days of the first month and haven’t entered the game since I put the ticket in.  I even offered to pay for the first month. I think the game maker has a responsibility to provide adequate means to improve your character no matter how low level they are.  I think putting in place penalties for leaving a party during a fight is responsible game mechanics.  I feel allowing the toxic additude of players also should be addressed by the game maker.  I think fixing the run way inflation on the broken market should be the number one thing to do for the developers, they could have an NPC sell the same stuff that players sell to set standards and control the economy.  This is a dungeon game not see who I can exploit on the market **** **** busniness man game.


anyway I digress what want to ask is else can I do to be reimbursed?  

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Call your bank and initiate a chargeback. However, they will ban your account for that.


Other than directly asking your bank to refund, NC doesn't give refunds usually. It's funny because I've known third party sites from other games that willingly refund problematic purchases.



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