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Suggestion for weekly dungeon resets

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I think we should do what WoW / Blizzard does for weekly dungeons: If there is a dungeon that has a weekly limit, you can still run the dungeon as many times as you want, but you are only getting loot once.


That way you can do the dungeon a second time for the week if, for example, you forget to claim your weekly quest before walking in, you kill the boss, and it burns out your cooldown for the week for the dungeon, but you didn't get credit for the weekly quest, so you can't get your weekly challenge rewards... well now you can just do the dungeon again, which would allow you to complete the quest.


It would NOT allow you to complete the quest multiple times or anything. It would just let you do the dungeon again if you forget, or mess something up, or disconnect in the middle, and they kill the boss while you are reconnecting, or it glitches out or something weird.

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The gameplay model of BnS won't allow this feature.

There are achievements for example, which will count your clear, and represent somewhat of your experience.

13 minutes ago, NorbertTheOpinionated said:

It would NOT allow you to complete the quest multiple times or anything. It would just let you do the dungeon again if you forget, or mess something up, or disconnect in the middle, and they kill the boss while you are reconnecting, or it glitches out or something weird.

Blizzard didn't implement this Feature because of that. The reason why they added it was far different.

Remember the ID you get entering a raid in World of Warcraft?

Blade & Soul has the same, but it works a bit different in WoW.

Let's say you cleared your raid with your team already, your ID saves this information.
In WoW, if you go again having free seats in your ID, will lock players with no ID to that too, so they won't get any loot, which will prevent you from carrying players.


They have this feature in WoW only to have the ability to enter the raid again for teaching and learning the mechanics, as the mechanics in WoW are much more complex than what we have in BnS.

In BnS we have the training room which is working too. It's a shame though new raid bosses are not included.

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Hmm. What if it ties the ID to YOU and not your party? If it recognizes that you have already run the dungeon, you are excluded from your share of the Loot Auction gold, and you can't bid on anything. You could still complete quests though. It would also allow for teaching runs.


That way, they wouldn't get locked to your ID since you have already run once this week. They can still get their loot, and to make it even better, they don't have to divide it as many ways, since you aren't eligible to get any.

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Then I have to question: why even use an ID-System?


Raid-content is designed to be a weekly challenge under specific conditions. One of such condition is to create parties/teams who work/play together to achieve clearing this weekly raid challenge. And in order to lead the player-base to this direction, an ID is a very good way to do so. You have an ID which you share with the whole team, and you cannot clear or do the raid again before the ID gets reset, other than with your team you started it with.


With this method the raid remains a challenge and somewhat of an event for the game. Many games are based on such, like World of Warcraft.

Blade & Soul is trying to go to this direction too, but it is focused on a business-model which will make it hard to achieve this, actually it will make it impossible.

BnS is just not designed for this purpose.

Simply put, BnS is just a bad mmorpg, and has too many flaws in a lot of ways. We have a decreasing community here already, it's just a matter of time until the game dies due to lack of players.

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That is an odd perspective. Let me take this line by line. First of all, I would suggest that the ID system's purpose would be to limit how much loot you can earn per week. From what I can see the only reason to limit how many times you can do a particular dungeon to once per week is to limit the rate at which you can acquire the resources from that dungeon, otherwise there would be no reason to limit it. Therefore, since that is the REAL function, as long as you use the ID to limit it on an individual basis rather than a team basis, then it would still serve its function of limiting resources earned without the negative effects I mentioned in my previous posts in this thread and also allowing the positive ones.


Another positive benefit I should mention is that if you are tied to an ID with a particular group and you can't clear ... lets say, for example Raven King... you want your Raven King loot, but the party you ran with simply can't beat him. Run it with a different group. You wouldn't be entitled to any loot from the first bosses, but you could still get loot from the Raven King because if you pay attention to the way B&S keeps track of it, it keeps track of it based on what boss you got to.


As for this:


1 hour ago, RAID said:

but it is focused on a business-model which will make it hard to achieve this, actually it will make it impossible.

BnS is just not designed for this purpose.

Simply put, BnS is just a bad mmorpg, and has too many flaws in a lot of ways. We have a decreasing community here already, it's just a matter of time until the game dies due to lack of players.

First of all, nothing is impossible. It is a matter of what it is going to cost, what it is going to take to make it happen, and the will to do it. You just have to change it. Clearly BnS is not designed for this. That is why it is a suggestion - to change it so that it is as a quality of life upgrade.


I mean you could also say, "I want a class with guns," and someone could say, "BnS is just not designed for this purpose." That person would be correct... until they put in the work, and made the gunner class.


What I am suggesting would be SOME work, but not THAT much work. It would be a nice quality of life change because sometimes people are getting screwed out of credit for things due to technicalities. This would let them just run the dungeon again. It really only needs to happen for weeklies because the penalty for a mistake is so high. They are still developing for quality of life improvements: they just fixed the "stuck in combat" bug.


As far as BnS being a bad mmorpg as you said, it is listed as one of the best by many of the top 10 mmo videos you want to watch on you tube. Also, have you ever considered how everyone is always saying how this MMO or that MMO is "dying," except they rarely seem to actually die right? I guess that means they aren't really dying are they? I will point out that you can still go play Ultima Online if you want to, and that game was released in 1997. That is over 20 years ago. You want to go play Everquest 1? The servers are still up! Blade and Soul is dying? I beg to differ. It just doesn't have as many "casuals" anymore. MMO's don't die; they last way longer than other games. (Yes, SOME mmo's actually die. For example, Asheron's Call closed in 2017, but it launched in 1999. I mean... that was 18 years!) That just means that when a game comes out, it gets a lot of hype, and gets a ton of players. Then after about 6 months, that tapers off because people move on. You always have that big group of people who want "the newest thing." If it is 6 months old, it is old, and dated, and they need the game that just launched a week ago because it is going to be better somehow. You know... those people. They feed on novelty, which is a very expensive thing to pay for because it has a shelf life. Those people move on, and you are left with the people who choose this game because they like it, and they will stick with it for longer.

Now I am not saying this to be confrontational at all. I am saying it out of the Socratic method. Logically speaking, if you think B&S a bad MMO, why do you keep playing it? What is more: Why are you reading the forums for a game you think is bad? Wouldn't it be far more rational to spend your time on something you think is good or enjoy? If you live for say, 100 years, and spend 1 year playing B&S, I would HOPE you think it is good because that is 1% of your life span. That is really quite significant to spend on a video game when you think about it.


Please don't misunderstand. I am not suggesting that I want you to quit the game like a lot of fools on video games like to say. The game losing players is bad for it. I never understood why people who like a game defend it by telling other players to "uninstall," when that hurts the game they are trying to defend. Rationally, that makes no sense. Rather I am concerned for you, as I would like to see you happily playing a game you think is good.

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The ID is not just to limit the loot counts, it is there to encourage players to form teams they should stick with to play through the raid content.

Without this system, players could carry everyone through raids who didn't learn anything, which will as well make it a lot harder to form actual teams to go through the raid content together.

Your idea to change the ID to be player-based instead of team-based has too many flaws which would pretty much break the game.


The problem in Blade & Soul is its business-model which is focused on selling Micro-Transactions which I've mentioned a few times already in other posts.


9 hours ago, NorbertTheOpinionated said:

First of all, nothing is impossible. It is a matter of what it is going to cost, what it is going to take to make it happen, and the will to do it. You just have to change it. Clearly BnS is not designed for this. That is why it is a suggestion - to change it so that it is as a quality of life upgrade.


I mean you could also say, "I want a class with guns," and someone could say, "BnS is just not designed for this purpose." That person would be correct... until they put in the work, and made the gunner class.


What I am suggesting would be SOME work, but not THAT much work. It would be a nice quality of life change because sometimes people are getting screwed out of credit for things due to technicalities. This would let them just run the dungeon again. It really only needs to happen for weeklies because the penalty for a mistake is so high. They are still developing for quality of life improvements: they just fixed the "stuck in combat" bug.

I do understand your concern, and I like the way you're thinking, however we're talking about NCSOFT after all, and a game which is designed with the only purpose to sell Micro-Transactions. That's the big issue at this point.

BnS is far away from something called "quality of life". It's just sad, but there is nothing you can do. They already planned the concept of the game to be run like this and they are not going to change this concept from suggestions of customers. The suggestions they listen to and sometimes apply are options which won't affect the business-model to a negative extent at all. Which is also understandable because that's how they make money with the game at all.

9 hours ago, NorbertTheOpinionated said:

Now I am not saying this to be confrontational at all. I am saying it out of the Socratic method. Logically speaking, if you think B&S a bad MMO, why do you keep playing it? What is more: Why are you reading the forums for a game you think is bad? Wouldn't it be far more rational to spend your time on something you think is good or enjoy? If you live for say, 100 years, and spend 1 year playing B&S, I would HOPE you think it is good because that is 1% of your life span. That is really quite significant to spend on a video game when you think about it.


Please don't misunderstand. I am not suggesting that I want you to quit the game like a lot of fools on video games like to say. The game losing players is bad for it. I never understood why people who like a game defend it by telling other players to "uninstall," when that hurts the game they are trying to defend. Rationally, that makes no sense. Rather I am concerned for you, as I would like to see you happily playing a game you think is good.

About the game being bad however, that's just my personal opinion. For me the game is just bad in general due to a lot of issues it has to deal with.

However I  still play BnS because I've met friends I built lots of things together with. Although I lost lots of motivation playing BnS in general, since I am not even farming anything anymore, I am at least playing with my team for weekly raids as I am the organizer and sometimes run dungeons with them. That's why I keep things up here because it's fun playing with them.

Once my friends decide to stop playing BnS, then I'll also leave the game for good as there would be nothing left keeping me up to continue playing BnS.

And the reason why I am writing in the forums is because I like to share my opinion and listen to opinions of others.


With that I want to explain what I meant when I wrote that the game is dying, as I've wrote this it in a rational way.

A game doesn't have to be shut down, to die. A game "dies" when the community stops playing the game the way it was meant to.

A good example is a decreasing community:

Item prices will automatically rise and it becomes harder for the common player to grind desired items. Why? Because there is not enough players who farm items which they could sell. Demand rises for the remaining players, while offer decreases. Expensive Micro-Transactions makes things even worse. That's just some common sense if you take the time to think about it.


We can pretty much say already that BnS is in a way to lose more than gaining. That's why changing things like the ID-lock is not a good idea at this point, as this would cause even more negative influence from what the game is already suffering.

And generally I wouldn't like weekly raid content without team-based ID locks either, because of the reason I've explained in the beginning of my post.

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Like other said, it is to prevent players getting carried by experienced players. Even the experienced players (who cleared the raid already for the week) don't get the loot, they can technically sell the raid for golds. So, the buyers can get all the loots, but have to pay the price for all or partial of the loots to the sellers.


Imagine that people can still re-do the raid (but with no drops) non-stop, they can earn thousand of golds in a day by doing this.

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