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Confused About Crafting


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Hello there


I'm returning after absence from the game and I notice the old crafting system has ben totally revamped, and frankly I don't understand how it works anymore.

In the past my 2 favorite professions were always Forgekeepers + Radiant Ring, with Stonecutters and the metal miners (forgot their name) as gatherers. I'd just craft repair tools and gems/keys for sale. It wasn't extra large income like Soul Wardens or Potters, but it was slow and steady, and the materials were easy to get.


Now I see new layout, lack of my favorite craftables, some long waiting times for materials and crazy amounts of pricey stuff to even craft basic stuff.


Can someone please explain to me how the crafting/gathering works now? Which professions give the most profit now?

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Ok, how do I do that then? Let's take Forgekeepers for example. I want to make some repair tools for self use but I don't really understand how it all works anymore. And the materials on some recipes look really expensive.

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All the materials you need will be gathered within the respective professions, so for example, the "Master Field Repair Tool" will cost x1 Normal Metal, x2 Soulstones and x2 Sacred Crystals. 

So, you will find the "Normal Metal" in the profession itself under "Materials".

Certain items are locked behind "guild/profession" levels, which can be earned by making certain items (like Master Field Repair Tool) - although, gathering materials itself doesn't earn you any guild/profession exp.

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It was quite some time ago I've played, but aren't Soulstones and Sacred Crystals kind of hard to get (in larger quantities)? The only way I know how to get Soulstones is from faction quests in Moonwater Plains and the dungeon daily with Infernal Lord, but even then it's like 10 or so a day...

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It depends, but you can still purchase Soulstones for a few silvers depending on your server and Sacred Crystals for a few gold from the market.
As for farming them, there's a few methods aside from the faction dailies, such as Celestial Basin (which you will come across when you reach Gunwon City), in there, you can farm for peaches and purchase Treasure Pouches which gives you a chance of receiving Elysian Crystals, Moonstone Crystals, Sacred Crystals and Soulstone Crystals ("crystals" are the untradable versions).

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That's up to each person, everyone is different and their choices can be different from other players due to several factors, from how quick they'll need the crafted item, to how much money they have (ie. if they only have 10 gold on their character spending 8 gold on crafting could be unwise) and such.


For me personally, I usually go for the 12-24 hour choice. If it's not urgent, I'll normally go for the longest duration as money isn't an issue for me.

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