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Wind KFM weapon choice?


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Currently I am using a stage 10 Seraph weapon and a holy fire soul badge allowing me to spam cyclone kick.  I fear there will be a dps loss if I upgrade to Raven instead of Riftwalk and I won't be able to spam cyclone kick without the reduced cooldown for roaring tiger.  Is anyone concerned about the dps of Raven vs Riftwalk using a holy fire soul badge?


Second question, is the 10% damage increase for cyclone kick from dawnforge better than 240% wind attack power bonus on raven stage 7?

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So... um... two things...


First off... if you ARE a Wind KFM... I'd seriously recommend changing soul badges to Magnum. Spamming Cyclone Kick seems nice on paper, but you and your party is far better off having your Searing Palm at st 4 as often as possible. It buffs you and your party... and at st 4, you'll almost be spamming CK anyways (more accurately, you'll be doing LM>F>LM>F>LM>F>etc) as being at st 4 will give you more efficient focus recovery... as in, so long as you're doing the previously-mentioned combo, you won't be using focus up.


And... to answer your other questions... raven's buffs are very good on DPS... and it's honestly cheaper now to go Raven than it is to go Dawnforged.

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If you prefer RF over 2RF, using the Aransu Mystic Badge will enable that without requiring shortened Roaring Tiger cooldown.

So aim for a Heart of the Thrall as soon as you can afford one.


Or go with HM LMB and stage 4 searing palm with Magnum, though I personally like burst oriented badges more...

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