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Not turning around during daze?


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Sometimes when I press 2+F to daze, my sin fails to "turn around" and i end up kicking the air behind the enemy's head. This has happened to me several times in TOI / PvP as well, leaving me completely open to a combo because the recovery time for this skill is relatively long. Usually happens when i am inputting keys especially fast (hence, TOI / PvP but also happens rarely in dungeons when I'm trying to cc something). Just wanted to know if other people are experiencing this or if I'm just dumb and doing something wrong :) thanks.

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Yes, it's pretty common, or at least every sin I know experiences it.  It doesn't seem to be affected by ping (i've had it happen and my ping is sub 100, others i know have had it happen at higher pings), can happen even if the target is immobile/cced, and seems pretty inconsistent so it is hard to predict.  It's pretty ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing annoying.  It happens more frequently if you push f immediately after triggering 2 (but not every time).  It's also not the only glitch in our kit.   So yeah, feels good seeing Sin not be listed for bug fixes every patch.

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  • 2 months later...

I believe you can turn off skill animations, it will make it so your screen won't have to turn around or even teleport when you use an abillity, you keep same camera distance from your character no matter what, ever noticed how some pvp vods for assassins shows them not getting the airial animation or the bolt strike animation?


I believe the setting for skill animation is somewhere among the camera settings but don't quote me on that.


I'm not sure if this will help at all, but it might. I also know there's a high ranked assassin called 2F Bugg. so yeah... I think it's here to stay xD

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