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Are We Ever Gonna Have Trooper Outfit and Alternative Versions?


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I been seriously wanting this outfit! It is super cute and one of the best outfit/headpieces I have ever seen. If it doesn't appear ever again, I will be severely disappointed... because this is a amazing piece of headgear that would go great with many outfits on a lyn. Please can you make it appear in shop in the future? I really really really want this outfit so bad, I couldn't find it during any of the holidays and I really appreciate it. If we will never see it again, I would like to ask if you could make an exception and maybe put it in HM store for free? That way players can finally get the pieces of outfits that have been ignored all these years? I been a very strong supporter of this blade & soul and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys would be kind...

Thank you for your time and understanding.

P.S. I never seen the headpiece for my Strange Allure outfit that I bought, I been waiting and waiting, but it never showed up in the store. What gives? I feel like I have been falsely advertised when the headpiece was advertised to come with it and yet it never did come, only the outfit appeared in the store. Everyone in this game has been paying full price for incomplete outfits and these outfits isn't cheap! Most outfits in this game costs 25 dollars at the most, sometimes 50 dollars if it is part of a pack, and even more if it is a trove event that is akin to e-gambling. I'm a heavy spender in this game, sometimes spending up to 250 dollars per month on this game! In grand total I have probably spent over two thousand plus dollars on this game because I adore this game, yet this adorement is turning into resentment because I am being ripped off by American branch! Release the full version or lose out on my money in future purchases.

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2 hours ago, Alanstar said:

 If we will never see it again, I would like to ask if you could make an exception and maybe put it in HM store for free? That way players can finally get the pieces of outfits that have been ignored all these years? I been a very strong supporter of this blade & soul and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys would be kind...

first, I agree with wanting the adornments for the outfits to be cheaper or at least sold together. Never saw the Strange Allure adornment either. 

Secondly, that'll never happen lol. NCSoft didnt even give decent discounts on Black Friday, just a 10% off 'discount' on a few things that mostly no one needed. Imo, don't expect them to put things like cosmetics for free. All the nice outfits lately are behind an RNG box or something that requires payment. 

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Heya Alanstar!


We're going to look into what's in store with how the Trooper set is going to be used and we'll keep you posted! In the meantime, we're getting the Strange Allure hat added to the game so that we can sell it in the store as a separate piece if you want to complete your set. 


Thanks for bringing this up to us!

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