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Are BT accessories worth using?


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Couldn't find a proper answer so here goes. I just acquired my first BT acc (Frostfall Ring) and I do not see the point of using it over my True Yeti Ring stage 10.


I would be losing 936 crit, 12 AP and 159 critical damage, sounds like a heavy DPS loss to me. Not to mention it costs an absolute fortune to upgrade (PSTS at stage 3, really?) so all in all it does not seem worth using at all. Sure it grants a whopping +363 Frost damage, but I do not see how it can measure up to my old ring. Am I missing something here? Why do everyone seem hell-bent on using BT accs over True boss?

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Because elemental damage is vastly superior. 

Check the damage on your skills before/after equipping BT ring , or just your elemental damage in your profile/stat-window. If you have 120% elemental damage, your base damage increases by 20%.

The crit rate shouldnt matter much, as you should have enough from other equip and soulshield-infusion and the ring itself gives a flat 10% crit buff. Also, 12 AP is nothing at all.


Here is a simple example with base damage of 5000:

With 260% Crit damage, 100% elemental: (5000*1)*2.6 = 13000 damage

With 250% Crit damage, 115% elemental: (5000*1.15)*2.5 = 14375 damage

With 240% Crit damage, 115% elemental: (5000*1.15)*2.4 = 13800 damage


Elemental damage increases your base damage, so your crits are higher too.

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there are a group of people who still have old school bling like yeti and scorpio and oathbreaker or whatever.  

Don't forget that in the day, those were the OP accessories for us.


much of that stuff blows away pinnacle bling(maybe not necklace cuz no crit, but piercing so IDK,actually) and there is no reason to change it out as a high priority.


Anyone that started after the big change last spring gets stuck with lucent and pinnacle which is all garbage and needs to be upgraded.


IMO, those who have nice old school bling should save that for later in the big gear upgrade picture.

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"save for later" .. what is later? You do realise that BT accs are still BiS until new lv55 raid comes out ..? Which will probably take more than a year to reach us.

And true boss accs dont even compare to BT accs, just like pinnacle doesnt. True Boss is at best a little better than pinnacle, but waaaay worse than BT.

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That whoping 300 elemental damage is the reason, it more then counteracts the loss of critical and AP. I put a shadow earring on my WL and her DPS despite losing 12 AP jumped to well over 30k on the MSP bosses(and she's not even 800 AP). The MSP i did before hand with out the earring i was hitting 15-16K DPS and wasn't even ranking on the DPS meter. Put the earring on and I was out DPSing higher and better geared gunners. (not much higher mind you) 

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