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Suggestion to make inventory management better


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-Add an "Open all available boxes" button. I gets like 50 kinds of daily boxes per days. Opening them as soon as possible is tiring, and actually costs the same time to stack them up and open them later. 

Or: at least consolidate daily quest boxes into the same one. We don't need 100 versions of those boxes for 100 dungeons, when they offers exactly the same thing.


-Remove the cast bar when open the boxes. It should not even be there.


-Add an "Item lock" function, which allows you to hide away the items that you don't want to accidentally sell when visit a merchant, or destroyed or salvaged.


-Add an "Sell all" button to the merchant. It won't sell the items that is locked by the above function. This will help faster junk-selling. "Salvage all unlocked salvage-able items" button is nice too.


-Add an option to disable the confirmation window when you sell/salvage/destroy blue items and above. Going through dozens of confirmation windows per day just to sell junks is annoying.

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I was also thinking of how they could make this better.

-Like please stop making new currency, find a use for all the different tokens we already have or get rid of tokens once they have out lived there usefulness.

-Increase mailing slot to 8 instead of 3.

-Make an account bound tab or bank- galaxy fragments, flowers of lament, legendary jewels and elements are still really expensive to mail.

-Please make a separate tab or inventory space for weapon skins, pets, and soul badges.

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-Make an account bound tab or bank- galaxy fragments, flowers of lament, legendary jewels and elements are still really expensive to mail.

That is the biggest idea of all there is no reason for not having an account bank tab i hate having to switch back and forth just to figure out what toon has what the other needs and then to pay to mail it to yourself.

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