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is the skill tree less customizable and diversity ? feels that way.


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the old skill tree was really fun and easy to use, this however seems abit messy , i mean, i dont feel like i have the same control on what i wanna spec into in what situations, am i totally wrong or did they actually made us have less options to choose our build diversity ?

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Before every class can mix up their two elements skills together, like BM can have fire on rmb and light on lmb, but now skills are more separate so maybe that's why you feel like it is less but prob the same or less a little bit (some skills has been removed)


Whatever we got use to always make us feel it is easier to use but after awhile using this new skills tree, I feel it's better, easier to read and less confuse

It's just a little bit annoying that you need to switch element and reassign skills tree when needed before use if you don't buy an extra slot for skills preset.

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I feel like it got more diverse, before there was a certain spec basically everyone would play, now you have a choice between 2 elements to go to and they each can be good at some things but bad in other things. the skill changes were a good thing overall.

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13 hours ago, DannyInfect said:

I feel like it got more diverse, before there was a certain spec basically everyone would play, now you have a choice between 2 elements to go to and they each can be good at some things but bad in other things. the skill changes were a good thing overall.

Every class could always play two classes in the past two just one element was superior and the same holds true today(ie how many wind bd you see?). In the past at least we got to choose and mix now we are designated to one element.

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