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Looking for aggressive fast class


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(yeah yeah an other topic about class, but no really im talking about gameplay IDC about OPness)

Hello! I'm new to the game and i'v been trying KFM these last 2 weeks. I'm not sure i'm feeling it in PvP. I don't know if its because i havea  hard time 2rf in arena or the gameplay itself.

I'm the impatient type. I NEED an agressive class which is fast paced (i think they all are) to suit me.

I was thinking KFM (of course) , SIN , DES and maby BD but im not sure about this one.

What kind of class would fit these qualification ? I like easy to learn hard to master since im impatient. I'll spend alot of time to learn the class once i'm set . Its just that with KFM im losing every single match against ''good'' player (meaning not brain dead). Also, Having a class that improves with time (either skill based but also HM if it dosen't take like 100000hours to get gud like BM)


-is SIN too defensive? (heard its actually quite aggressive once you play it right)

-is DES too repetitive for me? too simple? or is it just thats its easy at first but have a nice learning curve too.

-is KFM good and i should man up and practice more?

-Does BD fits it perfectly and i'll have to play a kid (not that i really care but i like seeing my stuff / looking nice)

-I'm also open to other class but for exemple i don't want stupid braindead summuner i'll get bored. And i don't want 1000000hours HM grind like BM. (just exagerating for exemple)

Thanks alot for all your info / input :D

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-Assassin is very aggressive with stealth, turning leaf, close shave, webs, etc that force people to be on the defensive. It is easy to learn but takes time to master. As far as I know none of its HM skill is a must have, unless you want to play dark build in PVE.


-Destroyer is good because a lot of stun CC, if you can force tab out of others and know how to drag the fight you can be aggressive. Defensive wise Destroyer best defence is being aggressive. Make use of all those CC and grab and keep fighting. Also easy to learn but hard to master.


-KFM is definitely very good, but without HM block you are always on the losing end. If you have the determination to get HM block, definitely go for KFM.


-BD is fun in PVE but in PVP it is all about dragging the fight. May be boring for some people?

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That's the thing! They all seems like good class. At least i can scratch BD.


Sin  look like a solid choice. What about the nerfs?


Does DES feels fast or is it slowish and repetitive? Alot of cc 


and how long or difficult would it be to go HM block on KFM. And are they aggressive enough? Because if i have to wait for opening and block for 10min ill be impatient and go straight... and lose.



Idk if that helps but here some other class iv played in mmo.

BDO ninja, wow warrior, forsaken(rip) Stonemen, gw2 thief/warrior...

it has always been brawler with fast gameplay and agressiveness.

again im impatient and fast on my feet to make decision. I adapt and learn quickly but to be interested i gotta do goodish right at start. If im getting pounded at first i wont have the desire to practice


im lost here because for the past year i used to play healer in everygame now which being impatient and everything is not a problem.

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Hmm... Destroyer can open his CC straight away and start dishing out damage, but if the opponent refuse to tab out you will have to grab him and drag out the fight for your CC cooldown. I guess the grabbing part will be slow for you.


Assassin seems like the solid choice for you. The skill sets are overwhelming aggressive. You will be the one in control of the fight. Its up to your opponent to know how to counter you. But the HM part you may want to double check with others, whether Assassin needs any of those in PvP.


You might also want to consider Blade Master, after the Fire buff it can be faster than assassin. But HM pull is a must have, I think, not so sure. I don't play Blade Master.


Edit: You may want to post in the classes section to ask these questions. Almost nobody looks at the player support section lol.

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That's what i figured lol! Where should i post this? PvP?

also yeah waiting too long for cooldown aint my thing but if i gotta take few step back its ok. Ill try to level both in berween answers and test them out. 

Heard BM was wayyy too HM intensive and i alredy have KFM. 

Ill check if Des Kfm and Sin are THAT HM intensive or not. I want to farm for HM but i cant only wait to get them to be good. I need to be okay-ish up front

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I main a kfm and can tell you right now that you def don't need hm skills to do well as a kfm in pvp. Best hm skill to get for kfm for pvp is hm z but again it's not "needed" it will just make pvping a little easier. Mastering your 2rf, using q,e,ss to proc your agility buffs, knowing when to counter etc is what will make you a god in pvp lol not even kidding. Kfm has a lot of cc skills that you can use to your advantage. The best thing to do is try to make them blow their escapes and then go all out with your stuns and 2rf, be careful though with using daze because if they haven't used their f then they can roll out of the daze but a good kfm will catch their f roll at the right moment and daze or stun lock them again and continue 2rf. Sin and kfm are the most aggressive classes I've ever played btw because you have so many options to deal with an opponent. I recommend looking at youtube videos to learn combos for pvp. Shiro is a good player to look at for kfm pvp and pve tips.

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@BommusDon't recommend you post in PVP section, it is invested by trolls lol.


I think best is post in the classes section. E.g you want ask if Assassin need any HM skill for pvp, post in assassin section. Post in Blade master section to ask if BM still need so many HM skills for new buffed fire build, etc.

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"main kfm"

>"def don't need hm skills"


 Any kfm without hm block will get abused to oblivion. Not having hm Z basically makes some match ups 10 times harder than they should be already.

Good kfm catching people's f roll? You mean good "anything" ,lmao.

Sin controls the pace of the fights so they have the option to play super agro given they don't screw it up. Every classes can play super agro but the ones that can work out by playing stall are summ,FM and Destroyers (ironically) If a kfm plays agro but his opponent knows about it,he'll get destroyed. You have to be flexible with your playstyle as a kfm or you won't get far.


P.S: Shiro's washed up in pvp and i doubt he got updated pvp guides for 1v1 kfm anyway. You better off spar other experienced kfms in-game as much as you can.

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38 minutes ago, Hinu said:

"main kfm"

>"def don't need hm skills"


 Any kfm without hm block will get abused to oblivion. Not having hm Z basically makes some match ups 10 times harder than they should be already.

Good kfm catching people's f roll? You mean good "anything" ,lmao.

Sin controls the pace of the fights so they have the option to play super agro given they don't screw it up. Every classes can play super agro but the ones that can work out by playing stall are summ,FM and Destroyers (ironically) If a kfm plays agro but his opponent knows about it,he'll get destroyed. You have to be flexible with your playstyle as a kfm or you won't get far.


P.S: Shiro's washed up in pvp and i doubt he got updated pvp guides for 1v1 kfm anyway. You better off spar other experienced kfms in-game as much as you can.

Umm because you don't NEED hm skils to do good in pvp lol and unless you actually play a kfm then you would know this. While hm skills do help it isn't a requirement to have them to be good with them. It seems like you're trolling anyway so I won't waste time explaining my points here.

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Well really all classes don't need hongmoon skills to be good, you can have hongmoon skills and still suck. I've been up against many bms with hm pull/z that was terrible. It depends more on who is playing the class. There have been people in the top pvp ranks that were below lvl 40 so that should tell you something. Play any class you want because it really doesn't matter. Every class has the potential to play aggressively if that's what you chose to do. Just practice and spar, learn your class in and out and this will make a huge difference in how many matches you win and lose.

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58 minutes ago, Hinu said:

P.S: Shiro's washed up in pvp and i doubt he got updated pvp guides for 1v1 kfm anyway. You better off spar other experienced kfms in-game as much as you can.

Thats pretty immature to slander another player just because you don't like their play style. I bet they are better than you.

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Also i forgot to mention, but i find stacking buff is not fun. Thats what i mean with offensive aggressive. Not stacking a buff for hours and then attacking


even tho Sin look awsome (visual) im leaning toward DES. Ill have an "easy"" and hard class instead of 2 hard. Kfm more defensive and looking for opportunities while des is looking for Cc to go all in

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Shiro didn't 1v1 seriously since season 4. Hell do you mean?

22 hours ago, Lemy said:

Thats pretty immature to slander another player just because you don't like their play style. I bet they are better than you.

Its pretty dam clear that he stopped focusing pvp a while ago,like it or not,he far from being in top shape.

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2 hours ago, Hinu said:

Shiro didn't 1v1 seriously since season 4. Hell do you mean?

Its pretty dam clear that he stopped focusing pvp a while ago,like it or not,he far from being in top shape.

It doesn't matter if they don't 1v1 that isn't what the OP asked anyway. Their pvp vids for combos are still pretty decent to learn from and that's all that matters. No one asked for your opinion about them of whether or not they're washed up. Answer the OP question and move on simple as that. It seems like they found their class anyway so no reason to continue the discussion.

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Shiro simply is a PvX player, not pure PvP, so the place to see her at rank 1 regularly is 6v6 battlefields, not gear balanced 1v1 and 3v3.


Skill balance is a lot different with gear enabled, so I would not expect her to be top in both modes.

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